Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Artichokes: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

The artichoke  is a typical vegetable of the peninsula that bears numerous benefits to its users. Currently there are different types of artichokes, various distinct varieties between them according to the presence or absence of plugs, according to the color (purple or green) or according to the phenological cycle. They have more or less different beneficial properties, however, are united by active ingredients that elect one of the artichoke vegetables panacea for the health of our dear body.

Artichokes: nutritional values ​​and calories

Almost all the active ingredients are contained in the leaves of the artichoke. The main element of which is composed of this vegetable is water. It is followed by carbohydrates, specifically by inulin and fiber. The artichoke is also rich of elementary type minerals including potassium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium. As well as minerals, the vegetables in question is also an inexhaustible mine of vitamin A, B1, B3 and a small amount of vitamin C and PP.

For every 100 grams of raw artichokes, our body assumes 22 calories and 84 grams of water. Its pharmacological properties are derived from acids content in its leaves: caffeic acid, neoclorogenico acid, criptoclorogenico and cynarin acid. Furthermore, the vegetable also contains flavonoids, including rutin and sesquiterpene lactones.
Artichokes: properties and health benefits

The artichoke is a vegetable very useful to those who must follow a diet low in fat but rich in fiber, so ideal for those who want to lose weight. One hundred grams of artichoke contain only 0.2 g fat, 2.7 g of protein and 1.1 g of fibers. The main benefits resulting from the assumption of artichokes are related to the liver, cholesterol and diabetes. We see these three cases in detail:

Liver: for diseases or minor ailments connected to the liver, the active ingredient in cynarin  improves a lot and produces benefits to all those who suffer from symptoms related to dyspepsia type hypolipidaemic. Other properties of the artichoke are those cholagogic and choleretic, namely those that act going to improve the production and secretion of bile, generating beneficial effects on the entire digestive system, but particularly on the liver. Following the constant consumption of artichoke, bile flow is to increase up to 95% compared with the previous values. Finally, the artichoke has antitoxic properties, it eliminates the alcohol (of which the liver is responsible for disposal) due to its immediate stimulus to the diuresis and procured increased metabolism associated with ethanol.

Diabetes: the insulin present in the artichoke is able to decrease the values ​​of sugar in the blood, so if associated to medical care, promotes the stabilization of patients with diabetes.

Cholesterol: the aforementioned insulin, has good answers also on eliminating the bad cholesterol because it provides to increase the presence of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus which are real balance's organisms entire body system.

Other beneficial effects of the artichokes are connected to its antioxidant properties and protection from the evil of free radicals. Thanks to the presence of chlorogenic acid (derived from hydrocarbons), such action is assured. It, in fact, delays the cellular aging process as well as the degeneration, causing countless advantages both to the organs to the skin. The latter, in fact, tends to remain young longer.

The artichoke, moreover, possesses cleansing properties thanks to the high presence of water in its interior. The fibers contained the vegetable also stimulate defecation and help to reduce the accumulation of fat in the intestine. Their action can be defined as a laxative.
The multiple uses of the artichoke

In addition to culinary preparations (see also: Recipes with artichokes) where we usually take the artichokes, they also obtained an excellent mother tincture. The latter, in fact, is a preparation obtained by maceration of the leaves. This process has the purpose of extracting from the plant all the principles and its beneficial properties. In the case of artichokes, you use the fresh leaves. They, macerated in water and alcohol, are widely used in herbal medicine.

The main benefits of the artichoke mother tincture are observed in case of problems related to poor digestion, and in the case of diabetes and presence of excess bad cholesterol. The dose administered to an adult in good health is about thirty drops diluted in half a glass of still water. This remedy should be taken at least for thirty days, three times a day after main meals. Given the large presence of alcohol, this remedy is not recommended for children under six years. In this age group you can be reserved ten to fifteen drops of water. Where to find the artichoke tincture? Just go to any herbalist.

The artichoke, moreover, is also used in the form of herbal tea. It is extremely useful for the elimination of toxins, is obtained by the drying of some parts of the artichoke plant. The latter, once dried completely, it is further comminute and, in addition to honey, prepares them with a herbal tea. The latter will be a little bit bitter, typical of the artichoke flavor, but just add a teaspoon of honey in more and that's it.

Here are the ingredients for a perfect infusion of artichoke: 25 grams of artichoke leaves (dried) and 120 milliliters of water. After bringing the water to the boil, pour it on the dry leaves and leave to infuse for at least fifteen minutes. After this short period of time, strain the mixture through a sieve and add honey or agave juice to your liking.

Artichokes: contraindications

The artichoke, despite possessing many beneficial properties, it is not useful just to all. There are cases, in which, taking this vegetable may do more harm than benefit. For this reason it is good to be very careful to consume large amounts of artichokes when you are suffering from certain diseases or when you are in specific physical conditions. Well, the massive intake of artichoke is not recommended for those individuals who suffer from gallstones or woman who is breast-feeding to the post pregnancy breasts.


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