Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Onion: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

Onion is an aromatic plant, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is one of three major odors, along with celery and carrot, used for vegetable broth. The plant, however, besides being an element of flavor to many of our dishes, has many therapeutic properties and plays a fundamental role in the aesthetic treatments.

How it is made to his seemingly very simple inside this vegetable? The onion is a bulb of garlic belongs to the same family, chives and leeks, namely the lily family. Percent grams of onion, our body takes only 25 k cal. Here is what are the nutritional values ​​for 100 g of raw onion: 92.2 g water, 5.5 g of carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 1 gram of fiber, 5.7 g soluble sugars , 10 mg sodium, 140 mg of potassium, 0.4 mg of iron, 25 mg of calcium, 35 mg of phosphorus and 5 mg of vitamin C.
Onion: the nutritional properties

Onion is a very rich in vitamins vegetable. Specifically it contains vitamins A, B, C, E and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. The head of the classical weeping eyes when you cut the onion is the sulfoxide,  the sulfur oxide. From this comes also the characteristic smell of the onion, generally quite unpleasant and responsible of bad breath. To overcome this problem simply dip the onion in vinegar and water an hour before using, or arrange to have breakfast cooked.

There are, to date, different varieties of onions. They are distinguished according to the exterior color of the peel and based on the period in which they are grown. Let's see the different types in detail:

  •     Yellow bulb onions: this category includes the onion  which owns the pulp white and the outer yellow / golden tunic. It has a very sweet taste and a strong aromatic flavor;
  •     White bulb onions: they are part of this category onions. This variant of the plant is not very aromatic, but very sweet;
  •     Red onion bulb: example of this type is represented by the red onion. This is the species most aromatic and very sweet taste. The red color is present in the outer skin but also in the sheets. This color characteristic is the presence of anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant flavonoids that have immense power, especially if the onions are eaten raw.
  •     Finally, there are the spring onions - summer which are sown during the summer, transplanted around September / October and then collected in spring and autumn - winter onions are planted in winter, are transplanted in the spring and harvested in the fall. 
 The onion health benefits of our body

The onion, as previously mentioned, it has many beneficial properties for our health. Let's see in detail what are:

  • diuretic and purifying function: when the onion is consumed regularly in their diet, it performs the function of improving diuresis and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. As a result, this food, rich in glycolic acid and potassium, helps to eliminate excess fluid in the body, reducing symptoms due to water retention. For these characteristics, the onion proves to be a perfect ally to combat cellulite, adding slimming effects thanks to its draining capacity;
  •     digestive function: the onion helps the digestive mechanisms and stimulates the secretion of bile due to its composition chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid;
  •     expectorant and decongestant function: the onion juice, even more onion eaten in pieces, it helps reduce the symptoms of the bronchi sick like cough and accumulation of mucus. Also very useful for colds and sore throats. The properties of the sulphurous substances present in the interior have a salutary effect even on allergic reactions such as asthma. This is because the substances in the onion inhibit the strong inflammatory reaction that arises in this type of pathologies;
  •     hypotensive action: the onion acts on the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, contributing to the decrease of the same. In this way, the blood becomes more fluid and the blood pressure tends to lower. Consequently decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and thrombosis;
  •     anti-inflammatory action: as previously mentioned, the onion has qualities that make it a natural antibiotic, with a strong anti-inflammatory action. The substance that allows what is inulin. Moreover, it also intervenes on the stimulation of the immune system;
  •     aphrodisiac: since Ovid's time, the onion is fully part of the list of aphrodisiac food par excellence. Although there is no scientific evidence about it, it seems that the extract of onion go to increase the man's reproductive cells;
  •     antibacterial and antiparasitic action: the sulfur substances contained within the plant have proven to be more effective in combating pests, especially those of the gut. 
What are the uses of the onion?

The onion can be eaten either raw or cooked and then in fresh salads or sauteed, but the use of onion is not only what everyone knows, namely culinary. Always the healing and beneficial properties of this plant have also broadened the field of beauty. It is effective in the following cases:

  •     Hair loss: thanks to its content of sulfur, the onion is useful for preventing and combating the early stages of hair loss. Sulfur is a mineral contained in high concentrations in hair and is a major contributor to the growth;
  •     Acne, chilblains and scars: thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, the onion is an excellent antimicrobial and purifying. In fact, it seems to be a useful remedy for pimples and scars very obvious;
  •     dried and treated skin wraps made with onion juice provide the skin with proper hydration and proper healthy glow.

Onion: All contraindications

Despite the onion is a vegetable rich in beneficial properties for health, there are some situations where it is strongly recommended for use.

Among these there are the cases where it is suffering the chronic acidity of the stomach, heartburn or presence of ulcers and gastritis. Onion, in fact, it is not easy to digest, therefore not recommended for use in the evening.

Even in case of colitis or Gastroesophageal reflux  is better not to eat onions not to worsen the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders.


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