Thursday, August 11, 2016

Health Benefits of Vanilla

Known since ancient times by the American people for its aphrodisiac properties, vanilla is a sweet and aromatic spice used to flavor especially the desserts, ice cream and liqueurs. Given its important beneficial properties, the vanilla is also used in the cosmetic industry for the production of perfumes and products for the person. Let's find out the vanilla properties and which brings benefits to our health.

Vanilla: general characteristics

Vanilla, Vanilla Planifolia scientific name, is a plant native to Mexico and belongs to the family Orchidaceae. The vanilla name or vagnilia comes from the Latin vagina because of the shape of the seeds contained in the shell, exactly the pods. This plant grows in the tropics and at a height not exceeding 700 meters in regions with an average temperature of between 20 ° and 31 ° Celsius. Vanilla grows mainly in Madagascar and Indonesia, and other tropical regions where it developed the trade of this plant are Tahiti, the Comoro Islands, Mauritius, the Seychelles Islands.

Among the plants that belong to the Orchidaceae vanilla family is the only one that can produce edible fruits. The plant has many varieties, very different, but the most valuable is vanilla Bourbon from Madagascar, although the Tahitian vanilla, characterized by very dark and fleshy pods and fruity aroma is also very much appreciated.

Processing to produce vanilla beans requires great effort, naturally should be performed only by competent persons. In fact, both the fertilization of plants that the preparation of spice derived from it should be done in an entirely manual and requires a certain experience to perform these delicate stages. After sowing takes at least three years to see the first flowering of the plant, which will carry out for at least ten years producing 80/100 pods per year.

Care must be taken when buying vanillin: in fact, one commonly sold in supermarkets is often synthetic and not derived from the plant and then, although it has aromatic properties very similar to natural vanillin does not have the same beneficial properties. To understand whether the vanilla we buy is natural we should check if the packaging is labeled "natural flavoring", while if there is only written "aroma" is synthetic vanillin.
Vanilla: properties and benefits

Vanilla is a spice known for its aphrodisiac properties. In fact, doctors advised already at the beginning of the twentieth century to solve the problems related to the sexual sphere. At that time it was also made a study of vanilla workers who revealed the existence of an occupational disease called vanillismo: among the symptoms of this disease there was a strong sexual arousal.

Vanilla also has antidepressant properties: some recent studies have revealed that in the spice are substances that are beneficial to the central nervous system depression and defeat.

Very appreciated is also the antitumor properties of vanilla, due to its main aromatic molecule, vanillin, which is also the origin of its characteristic fragrance. In fact, vanilla is a polyphenol with extraordinary properties and with potent antitumor properties antioxidants. The antioxidant properties acting on the action of free radicals and prevent premature aging of cells. In addition, vanillin slows down the formation of a substance called peroxynitrite that causes damage to the brain cells. They are still ongoing in-depth studies to assess the effects of vanillin on patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In recent years the spice has been employed by the pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of drugs able to counteract the hypertension, heart problems and Parkinson's disease.

Among the benefits from important vanilla consumption is its action against free radicals: used also in the form of vanilla essential oil slows down the oxidation of cells and brings significant benefits to the body, counteracting the harmful effects of free radicals, and keeping the skin toned.

The vanilla essential oil is also helpful in relieving menstrual pain and you can apply by practicing massage on the lower abdomen. Note is also the action of vanilla against stress, noise typical of our times: the aroma of vanilla seems to be able to play soothing and relaxing activity on the nervous system, relieving tension and soothing anxiety states. For relaxation after a stressful day and recover energy it is enough to add a few drops of vanilla oil in the bath and fatigue disappears. Or, for a quick anti-stress action, you can prepare a mixture with 40 drops of vanilla essential oil diluted in 50 ml of sweet almond oil, and with this massage the temples to get immediate relief.

Vanilla has a beneficial effect on depression, always by virtue of its calming properties. Even those who suffer from insomnia can benefit from vanilla: in fact, just drink a glass of warm milk flavored with this spice to fall asleep more easily, precisely due to its relaxing properties. This spice also relaxes and promotes sleep in small children: to ensure a calming effect to infants, just put four drops placed in the diffuser in the room where the little rests.
Vanilla: nutritional values ​​and calories

Each 100 grams of vanilla has a caloric intake equal to 288 calories.

100 grams of product contain:

    Water 52 g
    Protein 0.06 g
    Carbohydrates 12.65 g
    Sugars 12.65 g
    0.06 g fat
    9 mg sodium
    Calcium 11 mg
    6 mg phosphorus
    Iron 0.12 mg
    Potassium 148 mg
    Magnesium 12 mg
    Manganese 0.23 mg

Vanilla: all uses

Vanilla has a sweet and aromatic flavor, and looks more intense in the variety Bourbon and very delicate in that Tahitian. And 'possible to find the spice in its original form, or in pods that can be introduced into foods, or powder in sachets.

Its use in the kitchen dates back to the Aztecs, when the days mixed it with cocoa for a sweet drink, what we now know as chocolate flavored with vanilla. Vanilla is widely used in confectionery products and serves to flavor sugar, chocolate, milk and liquor, while the vanilla cream is one of the main ingredients in the creation of many cakes, pastries and cookies, and smells them, making them even more delicious.

Used in Asian cuisine for preparing savory dishes, vanilla is also delicious with tea or coffee is no exception added to liqueurs, such as Lvov. In France and in Anglo-Saxon countries, Coca-Cola has marketed even a vanilla flavored drink: Coca-Cola Vanilla.

Even in the vanilla perfume is widely used, and its delicate fragrance is often added to orange or myrrh for the preparation of soaps, creams and other beauty products. The addition of vanilla helps combat the daily stress making the skin smooth, soft and velvety. In addition, the essential oil of vanilla, obtained through the extraction method of the pods in alcohol, is used to calm infants putting a few drops in the diffuser, as anti-stress. Also useful for massage, essential oil of vanilla is extremely relaxing and also helps to stimulate the blood circulation of the muscles in the lower abdomen.
Vanilla: contraindications and side effects

The use of vanilla usually has no particular contraindications or side effects. To date, the only known downside is the possibility of developing hypersensitivity to vanillin. In practice, it may happen that the aromatic molecule of vanilla, if it comes in contact with the skin, may develop in some cases allergic skin reactions that give rise to reddish spots of minor or major. They are quite rare food allergies to vanillin and occur for the most part behind use of synthetic vanillin.


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