Garlic: the different varieties that are found in nature
There are, today, different varieties of this bulb, each of them with different beneficial properties for the health. There is, for example, the white garlic ; red garlic, generally produced in Nubia or in Sulmona and pink garlic of Naples. The difference between these different types is in the way of cultivation: red garlic has a shorter cycle, producing more bulbs size but have a shelf life significantly lower than white garlic. There is, then, the wild garlic (also known as wild garlic) in every aspect of our Peninsula, except in Sardinia. The bulbs produced from garlic Ramson are more elongated and have a taste similar to that of the leek.
Garlic: all the beneficial properties
The beneficial properties of garlic can be traced back to its unique composition. The substance that prevails in it is the allicin that, arising from the sulfur, is responsible for the strong smell that is felt at the opening of a clove. Garlic has only 41 k cal per 100 grams and has an infinite number of vitamins and mineral salts. Among the most important are vitamins A, C, E and the vitamins belonging to Group B, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium iron. Given its nutritional values, garlic is also recommended for those who are following a diet to lose weight. It seems, in fact, that the intake of garlic best lipolysis, namely the dissolution and the consequent elimination of fats.
The healing properties of garlic are numerous, we see in order of importance:
- Natural Antibiotic: Garlic is one of the strongest and most powerful natural antibiotic. What does it mean? Means that performs an antibacterial and natural anti-infectious, like a medicine. Garlic goes to strengthen the immune system and enhances the action of natural killer cells and phagocytes. Its action is also very strong on microorganisms at the base of colds and influences thanks to the vitamin C contained in it;
- Antioxidant: garlic has an important antioxidant power, thanks to the content of selenium, vitamins B and C and sulfides. This bulb acts against free radicals and is also a valuable ally in the prevention of cancer;
- Anti-parasitic: anti-parasitic Garlic functions are known since ancient times. Specifically, the bulb is very useful to fight the worms that infest the intestines of children due to the presence within it of allicin and ajoene.
Garlic is used mainly in the kitchen, either raw or cooked, either in dried form. However, to keep its nutritional qualities it is recommended to take it in raw form. We should take garlic for up to 4 grams a day, both in dried / raw form both in cooked form.
Given its infinite properties, garlic is also used in many preparations, both aesthetically and herbal, and in herbal medicine. Garlic contains sulfur and derivatives, which allows him to be one of the main natural elements used in cosmetic. The compounds have the power to fortify hair and nails, reducing the fall of the first. Garlic also fights the impurities present on the skin and dandruff on the scalp. Taken together with a teaspoon of honey in the diet, it helps to prevent wrinkles by lowering the concentration of sugars in the blood and counteracting the aging of cells due to its antioxidant power.
The garlic benefits for our health
The benefits of garlic, for our health, they are really a lot. Garlic provides aid in numerous apparatuses of our body including:
- Respiratory system: the extract of garlic oil has expectorant properties useful in fighting asthma and bronchitis, colds and simple;
- Liver: the garlic purifying action helps the liver to break free from harmful substances and therefore is ideal for the treatment of liver diseases nature and prevents the same;
- Cholesterol: the intake of garlic, according to recent clinical studies, reduces blood cholesterol in the body as it goes to inhibit the action of enzymes capable of producing cholesterol;
- Blood Pressure: Garlic is constituted as a powerful natural anti-hypertensive since it reduces blood pressure and performs an action of vasodilator;
- Heart: consumption of garlic reduces the risk of thrombosis and prevents the formation of platelet aggregates dangerous. It is extremely effective against all cardiac pathologies affecting;
- Diabetes: allicin contained in garlic reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood and can be used during treatments to treat and control diabetes;
- Toothache: The antibacterial properties of garlic bear immediate relief from toothache. To get the benefit, it must be chewed in the aching tooth area, or reduced to a pulp and put in contact between the tooth and the gum so that it can slowly release all the beneficial substances contained in it;
- Nose and throat: the garlic is also good for sore throat, just suck a clove soon as you feel the first mild symptoms. It is also useful against headaches and migraines.
Although garlic is present as a food from the numerous and remarkable healing properties, it has some drawbacks. Its intake is not recommended in individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis and peptic ulcers. Furthermore, the bulb has negative effects even to those who have thyroid problems as it has an action that inhibits the absorption of iodine. For those who are pregnant, consumption of garlic is not recommended because it makes particularly unpleasant milk for the baby. The most known side effects, resulting ingestion of garlic, remain bad breath and the smell of sweat.