Monday, August 29, 2016

Chicory: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications


Chicory is one of those plants that yes, they are rich in beneficial properties for health, but that is not welcomed by all because of its bitter taste.

Cichorium intybus is the botanical name of the chicory, but it's hard to go back to its etymology:Intybus instead it comes from Latin and is one of the greek translation éntybon that stood for the escarole, very similar to chicory. It was the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus published Species Plantarum in 1753, to join the two terms, then translated as "chicory."

Yet this difficulty it sounds strange, because chicory has always been known, since prehistoric times, and it Abundant evidence in all ages are found.
Chicory: how to recognize and general characteristics

Chicory is a spontaneous and perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It reaches a maximum height of 1 m: the first year shows the basal rosette, the second year will lengthen the stem; the taproot is tapered, conical, dark in color; the branches are apart and covered with fine hairs; the basal leaves form the rosette, then we have the cauline leaves which extend progressively upwards alternately on the stem.

The leaves grow in autumn and grow in winter, dry up immediately after flowering. The flowers are light blue, gathered in heads and situated armpit of the leaves, they open in the morning and close in the afternoon. It blooms between July and October.

Chicory in history

The Egyptians believed that chicory was a sacred plant, as well as a panacea for all ills. If he finds mention in the Ebers Papyrus (about 1550 BC) and in the writings of Pliny, as well as doctors in the greek physician Galen treated.

In medieval times it was used instead as anaphrodisiac remedy (to quell the boiling spirits).

During the Napoleonic period, in France, chicory root was used as a coffee substitute, a custom that will remain until the Second World War. The remaining parts were intended for food or medicinal preparations.

Chicory: properties and health benefits

So this plant has always been known, not only at restaurants but also in medicine. Because? Because it is rich in beneficial properties.
Here are the properties of chicory:

  •     purifies the blood;
  •     It helps cleanse the body;
  •     is an ally of the liver, helps him, purifies and protects it;
  •     acts as a calming;
  •     It stimulates and protects the brain functions;
  •     It promotes intestinal motility;
  •     It is a natural remedy for hypotension;
  •     It helps regulate and reduce cholesterol;
  •     laxative properties;
  •     aids digestion;
  •     is an ally of the pancreas;
  •     Bitter-tonic properties;
  •     diuretic and detoxifying, for this is a valuable ally for the kidneys;
  •     antibiotic properties;
  •     It stimulates the appetite;
  •     relieves lung afflictions.

And 'also useful against: the biliary insufficiency, anemia, liver congestion, gastric atony, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, rheumatism, Arthritis, hepatitis, depression, migraine, fever and skin diseases.
Chicory: nutritional values ​​and calories

What contains chicory?

Quantity per 100 grams:
  •    Water 93 g
  •     Fat 0.3 g
  •     Saturated fat 0.1 g
  •     Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g
  •     Monounsaturated 0 g fat
  •     Cholesterol 0 mg
  •     Sodium 45 mg
  •     Potassium 420 mg
  •     Magnesium 30 mg
  •     Carbohydrates 4.7 g (4 g Dietary Fiber, Sugar 0.7 g)
  •     Protein 1.7 g
  •     Vitamin A 5 mg
  •     Vitamin C 24 mg
  •     Calcium 100 mg
  •     Iron 0.9 mg

100 g of chicory contain about 23 calories.
Chicory: all uses

Chicory can be eaten raw, cooked, or if they can get infusions. If you make a constant use of fresh leaves you can also get the health benefits described above.

The chicory tea is an excellent natural remedy:

  •     bad cholesterol
  •     high blood sugar
  •     water retention
  •     dyspepsia
  •     cough
  •     anxiety
  •     asthenia
  •     Kidney Stones

The infusion recipe chicory

Take a small bunch fresh chicory, chop and pour two tablespoons in boiling water, cover and let stand ten minutes. Strain and drink.
The decoction of chicory recipe

Shredding a dried root that must boil in a liter of water, then strain and drink.

Boiled leaves can be used as a compress against:

  •     wounds
  •     bruises
  •     acne
  •     dermatitis

Recipe whipping chicory in a pan:

  •     boiled chicory
  •     extra virgin olive oil to taste
  •     Salt to taste
  •     one or two anchovies in oil
  •     a clove of garlic, peeled

I love this recipe, usually at home boil large amounts of chicory which then freeze in small portions. Once it is thawed it should be well drained, in a pan begins to brown, in plenty of extra virgin olive oil, garlic and anchovies, lower the heat and pour the chicory. It goes in the pan so that it takes on flavor, adding a little salt and if it dries too another little oil.

You can add to macco beans, Sicilian recipe and of course we can make married soups as recipes of Campania.
There is another natural remedy made from this plant, or Chicory, one of Bach Flowers. It is recommended for those who must always have control of the situation, who is obsessive and possessive, which must always criticize and demand.

There is also the mother tincture chicory, ask herbalist information.
Chicory: contraindications and side effects

Avoid taking in case of known hypersensitivity to one or more components.

Chicory is recommended for those suffering from gastritis and ulcers.

Warning: If taken simultaneously to the drugs, can reduce the effect. It contains a minimum of arsenic dose is therefore not advisable to eat it often and for a long time.

People allergic to Composite should avoid taking it.

A inulin excess may cause: allergic reactions, flatulence, bloating, cramps, diarrhea.

Contact your doctor for advice and clarification on.


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