Wednesday, August 3, 2016

10 foods do not put in the refrigerator


Let's see what are the 10 foods do not put in the fridge. It may happen that we make mistakes and we are convinced that they must keep in the refrigerator a few foods, which, however, would be better to keep away from the cold. The appeal to the refrigerator not always does well to foods that we consume: we think we preserve them better, but in fact we make them less suitable to our power. We pay attention, we become aware of what are the best practices for the conservation of the most common foods. It is said that the refrigerator will always be the right solution.

1. Onion 

The onion should not be put in the refrigerator, because the cold can make the springs and can make it grow mold. Best to put it in a dry place and protected from light. The only exception can be done to the one cut in half, which can be positioned in the vegetable drawer. Wrap it in plastic wrap and do not run too long.

2. Saffron

Also for saffron ideally a dry place. Store it in the refrigerator means not keep the scent. It would be better to put it in the pantry in a hermetic package.

3. bread

The bread should never be put in the fridge, because the cold favors the drying. It can freeze in the freezer, but should be wrapped well, so that it maintains its consistency.

4. banana

It 'best to keep bananas in the fruit basket, out of the refrigerator. The cold does not blacken and allows these fruits to ripen properly.

5. Honey

The honey, by the numerous therapeutic properties, may be subject to alterations in time. Let him in the pantry, so that moisture can adversely, causing them to lose all his benefits.

6. olive oil

The olive oil should not be put in the refrigerator, although it is recommended to keep it in a cool, dark place.

7. Tomato

The cold of the refrigerator prevents the tomato, which has so many useful properties in food, to ripen. We should keep it in a bowl away from the cold, because otherwise would risk losing all its characteristic flavor.

8. Potatoes

The potatoes should be left in a dry, cool place. They do not have to stand the heat, because otherwise germinate, and even in the refrigerator, because they take on a greenish color.

9. coffee

The coffee you should not put in the fridge, because otherwise it would end up absorbing all the smells of the foods we are with it. It would lose all its typical aroma.

10. Basil

Even the basil in the refrigerator tends to absorb all the smells of other foods. Also with the cold it tends to dry more quickly. You should keep in the kitchen, inside a cup of fresh water.



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