Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sage: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

I must say that I had not really considered the Sage property before making an interesting discovery, which I'll discuss later. For now let's talk about 'the Sage general.

It is an aromatic plant belonging to the family of Lamiaceae, the best known species (which we grow or buy) is the Salvia officinalis.

At the sight sage looks like an evergreen bush, with opposite leaves petiolate, gray-green color; the flowers are hermaphrodite light purple and bloom from May to July.

It 'a typical Mediterranean plant, which grows wild but it can also be cultivated in the hills or in the plains.

The sage history is closely linked to the magic rites and to the popular medical beliefs: some people believed it could ward off negative influences and the evil eye, while others who could raise the dead, for others still help to have premonitory dreams. Even seize it was considered a sacred rite.

Is there any truth in the use of Sage? Probably not magic rituals but the fact that for centuries been employed as a natural medicine against fever, cough, wounds, insomnia, depression, and menstrual disorders.
Sage: properties and health benefits

It ''s time to unravel the mystery: why I changed my mind on the sage as natural medicine? Unfortunately, I always had a serious problem of cough and I've tried all the syrups on the market without any results. One day, really desperate I am prepared an infusion of sage and I drank, the mucus has dissolved into thin air. From the day I banned the syrup and use the tea in need.

Here is the first property of the sage:

  •     expectorant

I also discovered that the sage is great to freshen the breath and in fact the cold herbal tea is a good mouthwash, then:

  •     freshens breath

Using sage for oral hygiene, specifically rubbing the leaves on your teeth, you will find that they have a particular effect:

  •     whitening teeth

Sage is also anti-inflammatory, good for rheumatic pains and against the headaches, so it:

  •     anti-inflammatory

In terms of cosmetics I had some nice results with sage: it is very good as a tonic for the skin, and increasingly also the cold infusion can be used in the hair rinse, then find out why.

Did you know that the sage is an ally of women? Yes, to fight the cycle disorders (pain, amenorrhea, unsteady flow, menopause) sage is ideal:

  • estrogenic properties

stomach problems? Cramps and burning? Once again we resort to the sage because it is:

  •      antispasmodic

Therefore aids digestion and regulates metabolism, helps the relaxation of smooth muscles and is useful in the case of irritable bowel absorbing gases:

  •      carminative

One thing I have very recently discovered is that sage helps fight water retention:

  •      diuretic

also it seems to have a good interaction with diabetes and helps to reduce blood sugar in the blood:

  • hypoglycemic

Fights respiratory problems such as coughs, colds, asthma and irritation of the throat:

  •      antiseptic

Finally, the sage is an elixir of youth, so it is also:

  •      antioxidant

What does the sage: bitter principles, vitamins A, C, E, K, J, B1, B2, B3, B6, phenolic acids, carnosic acid, flavonoids, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper , manganese and selenio.tujone, cineol, borneol, inalolo, beta-terpineol, luteolin, salvigenina, genkwanina, cirsimaritina, ispidulina, amirina, betulina, crategolico acid, 3-hydroxy-ursolic acid, beta-caryophyllene, bornyl acetate, camphor , cineol, borneol, salviolo, salvane, caryophyllene, terpinolene, limonene, camphene and octenolo oxide.

In summary, the sage is:

  •     anti-inflammatory
  •     estrogenic
  •     antispasmodic
  •     antiseptic
  •     expectorant
  •     balmy
  •     hypoglycemic
  •     bracing
  •     antiperspirant
  •     antioxidant
  •     carminative

Sage: all uses

I, as I said above, use very much the tea (a need, however, do not assume if you have no problems) either hot or cold.

I prepare the tea by boiling a handful of leaves in boiling water for about ten minutes, then filter and drink (not hot of course). I think the fresh sage is better than dry, but in any case it's good one.
The herbal tea to warm sage is great for:

  •     sore throat
  •     catarrh
  •     cough
  •     menstrual problems
  •     inflammations
  •     for a foot bath or a bath-fatigue (in this case we will also add two tablespoons of salt or bicarbonate)
  •     to make hair strong and give dark reflections

The cold herbal tea is good for:

  •     halitosis
  •     affections of the oral cavity
  •     healing
  •     to refresh your scalp and strengthen it.

The leaves of fresh sage I rub on the teeth to make them whiter and it works.

Cook with Sage is OK but has a strong flavor that not all tolerate willingly.

We deepen cosmetics section talking about the infusions for the skin and hair colors.

Have you ever thought of Makeup remover with warm herbal tea sage? I do it, it has an effect: tonic, purifying and anti-aging.

You have dark hair? Try to mix the tea cold sage with henna indigo, chocolate or any other work towards mixture to dye your hair. After treatment you will notice them darker, shiny and strong.
Contraindications Sage

CAUTION: I remind the reader that this article wants to be informational only, therefore does not contain medical prescriptions. Before taking the sage as a natural remedy, seek the advice of the family doctor.

Sage is not recommended for those:

  •     suffering from nerve diseases
  •     you have epilepsy
  •     have kidney disease
  •     It is on hold, or are breast-feeding

Warning essential oil: Do not ingest is toxic! It should be used sparingly, no more than three drops and never pure but always diluted in another base oil, such as almond oil. If you experience skin irritation stop and seek medical attention.

Never give remedies with sage to children.

Excessive use of natural remedies with sage can cause Neurotoxicity manifestations. In case of side effects because of frequent and excessive use seek medical attention immediately. 


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