Monday, September 26, 2016

REISHI MUSHROOM: Property, benefits and contraindications

The Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi is a species of commensal fungus that grows wild on the oaks and the chestnut trees. Why so much it attracts attention? It is now many years that the fungus Ganoderma lucidum has been studied because of its beneficial properties for our health, not surprisingly it is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy, from the time of the Ming Dynasty. According to a doctor who lived in the era, the fungus guaranteed a long and healthy life, a real elixir.

There are two varieties:

  •     Red Reishi, which is characterized by the color that is shiny when the fungus is young and rather more opaque when the fungus is mature. Also it stands out for the shiny stem, knotty. The elastic pulp from woody flavor. The hair can reach 15 cm in diameter.
  •     Reishi black, it is a very common variety in China, is smaller than the red, is dark in color and the hair is not round but irregular.

There are other species, but these two are the most common.
Ganoderma lucidum: composition

We deepen the chemical characteristics of the fungus Ganoderma lucidum:

  •     Polysaccharides, peptidoglycan and heteropolysaccharides;
  •     Triterpenes (acids Ganoderic classified of A to Z);
  •     Minerals (iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, germanium, calcium);
  •     vitamins B, C, D;
  •     Pantothenic acid;
  •     amino acids;
  •     Sterols and substances cortisone type;
  •     Adenosine and guanosine;
  •     LZ-8 protein.

Ganoderma lucidum: healing properties and health benefits
This fungus, some studies have real medicinal properties:

  •     antihistamine;
  •     hypoglycemic;
  •     analgesic;
  •     hepatoprotective;
  •     anti-hypertensive;
  •     cholesterol lowering;
  •     antiplatelet agent;
  •     muscle relaxant;
  •     sedative CNS;
  •     inflammatory;
  •     cancer;
  •     Non-allergy;
  •     antibacterial;
  •     antivirals;
  •     antidepressant;
  •     antioxidant;
  •     It stimulates the immune system.

The triterpenes are in large part responsible for half of the properties of reishi mushroom, for example, reduce allergies, improve liver function, also have hypotensive properties. The polysaccharides instead have anti-tumor properties and immunostimulants, while adenosine and guasin have antiplatelet and muscle relaxant effects, and antithrombotic action.

It is also supposed that this kind of mushroom has preventive health properties in respect of diseases of the bronchi, which will improve the cortico-adrenal function and which also is able to hinder the HIV virus.

As shown reishi mushroom is a friend of the heart, because it lowers cholesterol, improves circulation and is hypotensive.

Among the many properties include the ability to protect and facilitate the hepatic functionality, it is especially recommended for diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Often it is taken as a remedy for inflammation of the bones, especially the cervical muscle spasms.

Among the benefits that also exist there is the importance of take under control the blood glucose.

It 'important to note that between the healing properties of reishi there is to slow down and reduce the production of histamine, thus it has a benefit on the front of allergic diseases.

Less known are the purifying properties, in fact, this fungus helps to clean the blood and remove toxins in the body.

It must be remembered that the Ganoderma lucidum is not a drug, but may be taken as a supplement to assist medicinal therapies, behind medical consultation.

Its use is particularly recommended in the event of great physical and mental efforts, in case of fatigue, anxiety, insomnia and stress or ease in contracting evils of the season.

Ganoderma lucidum: contraindications

The intake of Reishi mushroom is not recommended for immunosuppressed patients who have undergone organ transplants or in those who take anticoagulant drugs.

It is also not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

It is also not recommended to take in that is intolerant to a more chemical components, to those who suffer from food intolerances and allergies in general. Also recommended to the hypotensive and hypoglycemic.

Possible side effects:

  •      dizziness;
  •      bone pain;
  •      indigestion;
  •      skin rashes and dermatitis;
  •      dry mucous membranes;
  •      epistaxis;
  •      abdominal pain;
  •      dysentery.

If you are making use of the integrator or you consume the mushrooms and you experience unpleasant symptoms is good to immediately stop taking it and consult a physician. It is advisable to take it in moderation, not long periods.

Ganoderma lucidum: use

The reishi supplement is taken on an empty stomach in the morning with supplements of vitamin C and plenty of water. The improvements, if it leads a normal lifestyle, are evident after ten days.

The integrator quality depends fundamentally on how it was grown the fungus and the extraction of the active ingredients, in this sense, the Japanese industry is much more specialized. It is advisable to look for when buying certified, labeled products and to reject those of dubious origin (it is better to opt in health food stores and on the Internet for certified organic). If you want to buy, look at the many offerings on the Amazon site: Ganoderma lucidum on offer.

The fungus can be eaten fresh or dried, always cooked. The peculiarity of the black reishi lies in its being bitter and woody, for this reason is not used to consume it directly, but it is used for teas and herbal teas, considered miraculous in Chinese medicine.

Tips to consume Reishi mushroom:

  •      soup;
  •      herbal tea or infusion;
  •      macerated;
  •      dyeing;
  •      you;
  •      capsules.

Curiosity: there is also coffee with Ganoderma Lucidum.


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