Monday, September 5, 2016

Zucchini: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

The zucchini is a vegetable belonging to the family Curcubitaceae coming from Central America. The zucchini is an annual plant, with flexible creeping or climbing herbaceous stem that produces a fruit "immature": many, in fact, do not know that the courgettes are harvested unripe, when they are about 20 centimeters long, thus preventing them to grow and mature up to become a pumpkin.

The flowers of the plant are yellow zucchini, almost tending to orange and are formed from a single petal. The male flowers protrude from the stem through a thin stem, while the female ones grow at the end of the fruit.

It 'good to point out that the presence of a light down on the surface of courgette is a clear index of freshness of the product and should not be misinterpreted.

Courgettes are spread throughout the world and are available in different types and varieties: we have, for example, the long zucchini (they are the most widespread in European markets), the round courgettes (zucchini classic spherical) shape from the zucchini lobata and stronger taste, and the eccentric zucchini that have a form not attributable to other types. Finally, there is the variety Crookneck, from the fruit goose neck and yellow skin. The benefits of this vegetable are many: the zucchini are in fact very versatile and well suited to a diverse number of consumption and use in the kitchen, both in the health sector and in personal beauty.

The healing properties of zucchini

The courgettes are particularly suitable for those who are on a diet to lose weight and get fit. These vegetables are, in fact, very low calorie: we are talking of only 17 calories per 100 grams of product. Courgettes are also particularly rich in water and carbohydrate while proteins and lipids (unsaturated type) are present in smaller percentages.
This wonderful vegetable contains no saturated fat and cholesterol and is indicated in the treatment of constipation as well as in the prevention of colon cancer: its skin, in fact, is very rich in dietary fiber, as is known, are excellent to combat constipation.

Courgettes have also antioxidant properties and are recommended for a correct and balanced diet thanks to their content of flavonoids, such as carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. From the point of view vitamin zucchini contain vitamin C, retinol equivalents (Vit. A), and folic acid. Finally, they are very rich in minerals such as manganese and potassium, two  many useful for our well being and our health. In particular, the potassium helps to reduce blood pressure and heart rate countering the effects of sodium while the manganese rule some biological mechanisms such as, for example, the thyroid activity, blood sugar and cholesterol.

Zucchini: the health benefits

Courgettes are very versatile vegetable that, as before stated, are well suited to those who are following a healthy and balanced diet for weight loss. Being low in calories and very light, then, they can also be included in the diet of those suffering from diabetes and related conditions.

The courgettes, also, are particularly recommended in case of dysentery since they help to reintegrare water and mineral salts. Rich in antioxidants are ideal to counter the free radicals and, at the same time, are also very useful to counteract the accumulation of liquid in certain areas of the body. Zucchini, in fact, promote diuresis and purification of our body and help us to filter and remove toxins, thus reducing problems such as high blood pressure, water retention, cellulite and kidney stones. Thanks to the high content of vitamin A - which promotes fat oxidation - the zucchini help our metabolism giving him "a shock" and helping to burn fat in our body.

Given their texture and their composition, the zucchini are very digestible and therefore can be safely included in the diet of older people, those who suffer from digestive disorders, and children: the zucchini, in fact, are one of the first foods given during weaning.
Zucchini: contraindications

As for the drawbacks: the zucchini generally (except in rare cases of allergic reaction) they are not harmful to human health. We can simply monitor the quality of the vegetable that you are going to buy, but this, of course, is a useful tip for any food.
Uses of zucchini in the kitchen and cosmetics

Zucchini, as pointed out before, they are a very versatile vegetable that is well suited for many uses in the kitchen and in cosmetics.

We begin by using in the kitchen: a diverse range of recipes with zucchini (both first and second courses) includes the zucchini in its main ingredients. By zucchini in oil to those sweet and sour, through flans and pasta topped with the cream of zucchini: cooked or raw, fried or light this vegetable never disappoints.

Courgettes are also very well used in cosmetics: are really many "beauty recipes" using this extraordinary vegetable leveraging its multiple properties.
Zucchini, for example, are a great ally to counter and combat puffiness and dark circles: both blemishes can easily be attenuated by applying the zucchini slices on the affected part. The same system can be used to cleanse the skin of the face: the beauty specialists believe, in fact, that the zucchini help to make the skin hydrated and glowing. The face masks made from zucchini are very useful to moisturize and nourish dry and stressed skin. Also excellent cosmetic properties to the hair: thanks to the high content of vitamin C and A, zucchini help maintain the balance of the pH of the scalp and strengthen the hair brittle. In addition, due to the high water level contained in them, the zucchini reduce the dryness of skin and hair and stem the problems related to hair loss.
Zucchini: useful tips

When cooking a zucchini must remember that most of the substances beneficial to our health are contained in the skin: always remember this when you are about to prepare a recipe using zucchini. We suggest, moreover, to choose the reduced size specimens (not longer than 22-25 centimeters) because, generally have a better taste and are free of seeds.

The zucchini can be eaten raw: its skin is tender and contains many vitamins and minerals useful to our health. Our recommendation is to always choose the high quality zucchini, possibly biological and untreated.

Remember, finally, that when the zucchini are no longer fresh have a brownish color and its taste is bitter.


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