Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Vitamin D: properties, health benefits, deficiency symptoms, needs and the richest foods

We all know the benefits of vitamin D, or that is good for bones and we all know that the sun plays a certain role. But beyond this? What else do we know about vitamin D? What is it and where is it?

Did you know for example that is also good for the heart and brain? You know exactly what foods is it? And how long you need to stay in the sun because it absorbs the right amount?

We try to answer all these questions, but first a curiosity: there are 5 different forms of vitamin D, vitamin D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5. Two are most important: one is that D2 is synthesized by plants and one is that the D3 is synthesized by humans when they are exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D: what is it and the benefits to health

Therefore, we see concretely what is vitamin D and what are the beneficial properties to health:

  •     It maintains constant levels of calcium and phosphorus;
  •     It promotes calcium absorption in the intestine;
  •     It protects the skeleton from osteoporosis;
  •     fights hypertension;
  •     It prevents cancer and some autoimmune diseases;
  •     It prevents rickets and skeletal malformations;
  •     It helps fight psoriasis;
  •     It helps soothe aching muscles;
  •     fights hyperparathyroidism;
  •     fights osteodystrophy;
  •     counteracts diabetes type 1 and 2;
  •     reduces the incidence of multiple sclerosis;
  •     It reduces seasonal affective disorder;
  •     It protects the teeth.

The question of rickets is very important, because it is a form of familial hypophosphatemia, condition for which you have low levels of phosphate in the blood and a reduced metabolism of vitamin D in the kidney. In adults it is defined as rickets and osteomalacia is due to a severe shortage of vitamin D, for these patients, usually elderly, exposure to the sun is recommended and a proper diet.

Another disorder that is treated with vitamin D is hyperparathyroidism, it is treated with doses of vitamin D or with direct surgery

It 'been shown that exposure to sunlight combined to twice daily dosing of vitamin D, help to contain the psoriasis plaques.

An adequate intake of vitamin D would also help to combat weakness and muscle pain.

Another very important aspect is osteoporosis, without the proper intake of calcium and vitamin D, the bones become weak and the structure can be damaged, especially with the onset of old age.

Do not underestimate diseases such as osteodystrophy caused by chronic renal insufficiency, which may for example result in hypocalcemia.

E 'was shown that vitamin D supplements, help to counteract diabetes type 1 and 2.

As for the prevention of cancer, studies are still going on about the relationship that would vitamin D articulation of cancer development. For now it is supposed to have a good influence on colon cancer and what breast.

Also according to some studies low levels of vitamin D in the blood cause hypertension. So they suggest diet rich in vitamin D and sun exposure.

According to scientists who are taking more vitamin D have a higher incidence of developing multiple sclerosis.

With decreasing sunlight, for the arrival of winter can manifest the SAD or the Seasonal affective disorder that can fight with light therapy and vitamin D.

Obviously we can not mention his teeth, a lower vitamin D intake can cause disturbances in the jaw and thus the teeth.
Vitamin D: where it is, the richest and advice foods

much of the sun we talk linked to vitamin D, why? Why vitamin D3, which is the one that synthesizes our body is inactive and this activation that occurs in the liver, in the skin and in the kidneys is by solar radiation. Exposure to the sun takes at least twenty or fifteen minutes a day, if only the face and arms.

As for the power, here are the more foods rich in vitamin D:

  •      trout
  •      sole
  •      mackerel
  •      salmon
  •      swordfish
  •      sturgeon
  •      tuna and sardines
  •      eggs (yolk)
  •      milk
  •      butter
  •      liver
  •      chicken, duck, turkey
  •      cereals
  •      green vegetables
  •      Cod liver oil
  •      eel
  •      sturgeon
  •      fish eggs
  •      herring
  •      mushrooms
  •      soy
  •      seafood
  •      ricotta cheese  
The daily requirement of vitamin D

To have a proper intake and thus meet the requirements, the person has to follow a proper diet and sun exposure.

Adults: The recommended dose is 5 micro grams per day for all individuals under 50 years. 50 to 70 10 and 15 micro grams per day from 70 micro grams up.

Children under 18 years: for infants between 6 and 11 months of the filler in the form of supplements should not be less than 10 mg per day. equally adolescence intake It must have not less than 10 mg.
Vitamin D: side effects and symptoms of deficiency

In people who take too much vitamin D was found daytime sleepiness. Excessive intake may also comprise:

  •     hypercalcemia (which in turn produces nausea, vomiting and anorexia, sleepiness, thirst, dizziness. etc.);
  •     kidney disease;
  •     sarcoidosis;
  •     tuberculosis;
  •     histoplasmosis.

Warning: Patients who are being treated for chronic kidney disease should avoid associating magnesium and vitamin D. Vitamin D can also interfere with anti-convulsant drugs, hypocholesterolemic, corticosteroids, some laxatives and diuretics.

As for the shortage, through the analysis of the sanue it can be found the values, but still is manifested by:

  •     reduction of serum calcium and phosphorus;
  •     rickets (softening in the occipital region, temporal and parietal; delay in the closure of the anterior fontanelle, valo knees, bowing of the legs; hypertrophy of the cartilage);
  •     osteomalacia (muscle weakness, back pain, bone fragility, low bone density, frequent risk of fractures);
  •     muscle weakness;
  •     abdominal pain.


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