Monday, September 5, 2016

Pumpkin: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

Pumpkin is part of the Cucurbitaceae family: this extraordinary vegetable begins to spread in Europe after the discovery of America and the Spanish settlers imported it from the sixteenth century on wards.
Pumpkin: the properties and benefits to health

Pumpkin is particularly suitable for low-calorie diets and for diabetics, having a very low carbohydrate content is that lipid: think that 100 grams of pumpkin, contain only about 18 k cal. In addition, the pumpkin has about 95% water, therefore, it can also be usefully included in the daily diet of those who must pay particular attention to the balance.

It 'also good to point out, that consume a cup of cooked pumpkin tantamount to employ well over 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A, 20% of the daily value of vitamin C, 10% or more of vitamin E, riboflavin , potassium, copper and manganese, 5% of thiamine, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

It is not over here because this extraordinary vegetable is very rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium and magnesium.

Thanks to the beneficial properties for our health, the mineral salts and vitamin C in it, this ortaggio can be a real blessing for our welfare. Clinical studies have shown that consuming vegetables with constancy like pumpkin, helps to decrease the risk of obesity and general mortality, diabetes and heart disease. Pumpkin is also excellent to counteract the onset of cardiovascular diseases: due to potassium contained in it, in fact, this vegetable not only can help reduce the risk of stroke, but can help maintain muscle mass, bone mineral density, reduce and prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Pumpkin is also important for eye health: antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene content in this fantastic vegetable promote eye health and prevent from any degenerative damage. Still, the beta-carotene content in pumpkin helps to fight free radicals.

But there's more: the pumpkin has a wealth of "good" fats such as Omega-3, which reduces cholesterol and blood triglycerides, which helps to lower blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks and strokes) , to "fight" the atherosclerotic plaques and the obstruction of the arteries.

According to some studies, the pumpkin is important for fertility in women: it is recommended consumption childbearing age but also during pregnancy and lactation for the synthesis of hormones.

Pumpkin is also a natural remedy for constipation due to its high water content and fiber but it is also recommended to those suffering from colitis and hemorrhoids. Still, the pumpkin is recognized the ability to counteract insomnia and anxiety, due to its high content of magnesium, a natural muscle relaxant.

This extraordinary vegetable also contains tryptophan, an amino acid useful for the production of serotonin, which regulates mood and helps to prevent depression.

As we have stated before, the pumpkin has a very high water content: well, that's why it helps to reduce water retention, promoting a diuresis and helping our body to free itself from retained fluids (and the related toxins) and "deflate" course.

The pumpkin flesh and juice can in fact also be used as diuretics: about it, experts recommend drinking a glass of pumpkin juice in the morning, on an empty stomach. In addition, the extract of the juice of this vegetable, mixed with milk, is very useful to fight gastric problems and prostate disease.

Finally, the pumpkin contains cucurbitina, an important amino acid that carries out a vermifuge and antiparasitic.
The uses of the pumpkin

Pumpkin is a versatile vegetable that is well suited to the preparation of many recipes, from appetizers to dessert first. Excellent soups and stews made with pumpkin that, however, is also a perfect side dish: pumpkin can indeed be combined with onions or potatoes and sauté (Read also: Recipes with pumpkin).

Also, being characterized by a very sweet taste, the pulp of this vegetable (boiled or cooked in a pan) can be an excellent base for cakes and sweets as original, for example, the typical American pudding or pumpkin pie.

Also good as a starter, the pumpkin can be used to prepare a tasty and delicious salted pumpkin pie or a first course by gourmets as the pumpkin ravioli.

But the "classic" mode and to enjoy traditional pumpkin and its sweet taste is to cut it into slices and bake in the oven condendola with a little 'oil, pepper and salt.

As well as in the kitchen, the pumpkin is often used as a natural beauty remedy. Rich in antioxidants are essential to counter the effects of free radicals, this excellent vegetable may be used to naturally fight skin aging: its pulp is in fact used as the main ingredient in face masks able to smooth, uniform and moisturize the 'epidermis.

The pumpkin is also used as a basic ingredient in numerous best masks to soothe skin burns. Moreover, preparing a beauty mask made from pumpkin is really very easy: it is sufficient to leave the pulp (previously minced) for 15 minutes on the face and rinse with plenty of water. The skin will be bright, well hydrated and clean.

Not only for the skin but also to strengthen the hair and brittle nails: pumpkin moisturizes and strengthens the weakened hair and brittle nails with a tendency to break. A hair mask made from pumpkin pulp and honey strengthens the hair leaving it clean, hydrated and reinforced: it takes 20 minutes by posing with the "magic compound" and you're done.
Pumpkin: contraindications

Excluding particular and specific proven allergies, pumpkin consumption has no contraindication. Nutritionists advise not only abuse the seeds from calorie and fat content.


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