Friday, August 19, 2016

NUTMEG : Health Benefits and side effects - The Best One

Nutmeg usually we use it to flavor mashed, in reality it is also useful for many other non-culinary uses. Let's find out the properties of nutmeg, and which brings benefits to our health.

Spatula and delights in the kitchen should always have a cupboard stocked with spices, to be used in food as well as natural remedies. OK, this is not playing at the small chemist, it is about knowing the virtues of spices and plants and put it to good use. After all, popular wisdom has always used these systems for treatment, the difference is that today no longer considered witchcraft and there are around a lot more drugs.

Here you are not denigrating drug therapies, mind you, but in some small disturbances could be used to nature instead of bags and pills, while the seriously serious problems natural remedies can be an adjuvant. It 'clear that if you go to the doctor for an occasional sore annoying head will not tell you to smell the vinegar or will recommend a ginger tea, so there are herbalists and articles like this that collect ancient knowledge.

Returning to nutmeg ... what do you know?

Nutmeg: general characteristics, history and trivia

Myristica fragrans, here is the botanical name of the plant (of the Myristicaceae) family, whose fruit is extracted from the seed known as "nutmeg" while the fruit is a spice less known by name Mace.

Of Indonesian origin, this plant adapts well to the tropical climate: it is an evergreen tree that can reach 20 meters in height, the bark is dark gray, dark green leaves are oval while the flowers are yellow.

The mace, the result of very similar to an apricot tree, is an oval almond and fleshy inside of which the contents are very aromatic seeds. It produces its first results after 15 years, bears fruit two to three times a year, producing about 2,000 nuts. The nutmeg flavor is bitter, pungent and a bit 'spicy.

In Europe nutmeg landed at the beginning of the sixteenth century, thanks to the Dutch who had the monopoly on its trade, mainly for culinary use in aristocratic homes. Between the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. This spice had its heyday, commercial was almost an affair of state so as to cause disagreements among traders.

At the beginning of '700 were discovered the beneficial properties of nutmeg and in the following century, belief that this spice also had aphrodisiac properties but instead because of its contraindications was amazing call of the poor.
nutmeg varieties:

  •     Macassar walnut and walnut Papua (Myristica argentea) originally from New Guinea;
  •     Bombay nutmeg (myristic Malabar) native of southern India.

Tips: It is always best to buy the whole nutmeg keeps best fragrance and avoids running into products failures or cut as happens with ground walnut.

Curiosity: in the eighteenth century it was fashionable to wear around the neck a little silver grater or bone inside with a nutmeg, for grating when needed.

It can be grown, but at a temperature that exceeds the 10-12 ° C, it should be watered regularly, and He must be grown in a humid place.

Nutmeg: properties and health benefits
The aromatic nutmeg is full of surprises, from its content:

mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, sodium, iron and selenium);
  •     vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, J;
  •     beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin;
  •     pinene, sabinene, limonene and terpenes;
  •     Phenylpropanoid;
  •     miristicene;
  •     eugenol, geraniol, camphor.

And here is what are the properties of nutmeg:

  •     It helps the digestive process;
  •     antiemetic, reduces nausea;
  •     attenuates intestinal disorders, especially diarrhea;
  •     It stimulates the appetite;
  •     It is a good tonic against fatigue, anxiety and stress;
  •     It helps the heart and circulatory system;
  •     relieves neuralgic pains and rheumatic (essential oil, CAUTION external use);
  •     carminative;
  •     antiseptic;
  •     aphrodisiac;
  •     antioxidant, like much of the spice nutmeg also proves to be an elixir of youth;
  •     He fights muscle pain;
  •     It reduces insomnia;
  •     analgesic;
  •     purifying, in particular, performs a protective function against the liver;
  •     He fights halitosis
  •     It stimulates the brain processes and protects against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's;
  •     vasodilator is then helps relieve hypertension hassles.
Nutmeg: all uses

Nutmeg can be used to prepare sauces, for garam masala and the moussaka, to prepare the sauce or the puree for soups, vegetable-based dishes, cheese, potatoes and meat.

It is also often used to flavor drinks such as punch and egg nog made with liqueur, eggs and milk. Speaking of milk, an excellent natural remedy for insomnia is to put a little 'of this spice in a glass of warm milk and drink it a few hours before bedtime.

The nutmeg essential oil is useful for massages to relieve stress, tension and muscle pain or neuralgic nature. Not used pure but diluted in another vegetable oil and it is for external use only, ask herbalist specifications.

A pinch in tea improves digestion, relieves nausea and helps relaxation. A perfect herbal tea against:

  •     muscle aches
  •     inflammations
  •     evils of the season
  •     headache
  •     nausea
  •     dyspepsia

You are obtained by mixing:

  •     peppermint
  •     ginger
  •     nutmeg

It offers everything boil, filtered and drink. For doses and doses consult the herbalist.

Nutmeg: contraindications and side effects

ATTENTION Please read the following and do not take remedies made from nutmeg without medical consultation.


It can cause fever, nausea, vomiting, mental disorders, hallucinations, rapid heartbeat, convulsions and POISONING.

Do not administer to children, pregnant women or nursing.

Carefully follow the directions and do not exceed the recommended consumption. In case of side effects due to excessive intake go immediately to the emergency room.

Do not take nutmeg if you are suffering from serious illnesses, if you use drugs or alcohol abuse, always ask your doctor's advice before taking any natural remedy.


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