Sunday, September 4, 2016

Peppers: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

The peppers are a real blessing for our health and our well-being. This valuable vegetable is part of the Solanaceae family, is native to the Americas but today is grown throughout the world.

Nature gives us different kinds of peppers: spicy, sweet and ornaments, each with its own characteristics and beneficial properties for our health.

Many are the curiosity on the etymology of the name: "capsicum" derives from the Latin "Capsicum" which, in turn, derives from "capsa", with the meaning of the box: in fact, the pepper has just the shape of a box that guards in its interior, the seeds of the fruit. According to some, however, the name "pepper" derives from the greek "kapto" which means to bite, with clear reference to spicy that "bites" our language when we eat it. The fruit was called pepper because of the similarity in taste (though not in appearance), with pepper, "Piper" in Latin.

Three are the most used and popular types of pepper: we know the yellow ones (crisper), red (sweeter) and green (less mature) as well as many varieties of chili.

The pepper is an ancient vegetable: some archaeological finds are evidence of the fact that the pepper was already used in 5500 BC .: in this historical epoch was particularly widespread in Mexico and, it seems, was the only spice used by Indians Peru and Mexico. Europeans have had to wait a few more century to be able to taste the pepper: this vegetable came, in fact, in Europe after the discovery of America. First it was exported and not the chili peppers: only after years of biological experiments and their crosses you got what we know as pepper.

The properties of peppers

Despite the peppers are characterized by a particular taste and basically spicy, it turns out to be one of the most popular spices and popular due to its medicinal properties and healing for our health. The peppers are characterized by the presence of an alkaloid - capsaicin-which is the active ingredient responsible for the spicy taste and pure assumption, it can be very toxic and can even lead to death. Capsaicin is mainly concentrated in the seeds and the white part of the pepper.

This amazing vegetable also contains an impressive number of chemical compounds of plant origin, which play an active role in disease prevention and health protection. Recent studies have pointed out that capsaicin has anti-bacterial and anti-cancer, analgesic and anti-diabetic. In addition, this substance is very effective in reducing LDL cholesterol levels in obese subjects.

The fresh peppers, red and green, is a great source of vitamin C. The properties of vitamin C, the rest, are known: it is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant, is required for the synthesis of collagen inside the human body , also, it is one of the main structural proteins necessary to maintain the integrity of the blood vessels, skin, organs and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps protect against scurvy, develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and to counteract free radicals. The peppers - thanks to the prodigious vitamin C contained in them - thus help our immune system to better defend our body and keep our skin younger.

The peppers are composed also by lutein, a substance known to protect the eyes from macular degeneration that is cataract. This extraordinary vegetable also contains sulfur, mineral that plays a protective action against certain types of cancers.

Thanks to its high content of antioxidants, vitamin A, and flavonoids (such as beta-carotene, lutein ...), the pepper protects the body from the damaging effects of free radicals generated during stress and specific conditions (such as, for example, illnesses).

The consumption of peppers makes a good amount of minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron and magnesium. In particular, the potassium is an important component of the cellular fluids of the body, suitable to facilitate the control of heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used instead by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. These extraordinary vegetables also contain vitamin B, niacin, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), riboflavin and thiamine (vitamin B-1), all essential vitamins that our body uses to "replenish".

Finally, the pepper consists of surprisingly high levels of vitamins and minerals, a real blessing for our well-being and our health.
Peppers: the uses of this extraordinary vegetable

The pepper is the "king" of the Italian culinary tradition: especially used in pasta dishes and as a side dish, the pepper is the main ingredient of peppers.

Sure, it's a vegetable that not everyone can digest perfectly but following some simple guidelines you can enjoy them even you without problems. First, the peppers must be fresh, bright colors (green, yellow, orange, red depending on the variety), with healthy and compact stem. Boater always top quality vegetables, maybe replenishing from your greengrocers confidence.

And to better digest the peppers? Well, for this purpose we recommend the private cook of their skin in this way will lose their indigestible substances and will be easily absorbed and digested by your stomach.

There are many uses of the pepper: this extraordinary vegetable can be eaten fresh, dried, smoked, cooked or raw. In addition to its ability to tease the palate as the main ingredient in recipes of traditional Italian cuisine, the pepper is also very used to flavor food, and in the spicy version, to give a taste and flavor "decided" to dishes.

Being composed of 90% water, the pepper is particularly suitable in diets for weight loss in this case is consumed, usually cooked on the grill or baked, without added seasonings.

Those, however, do not have to pay special attention to the line and fitness, well they can taste a wide variety of recipes: sweet peppers stuffed with meat to those roasted until the pasta sauces and as a condiment for pizza, sandwiches, and in a variety of dishes based on fish, meat and chicken 


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