Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Propolis: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

Propolis is an antibacterial of natural origin, not very well known in traditional medicine. It is produced by bees, and is constituted as a substance very similar to the resin which is collected by these insects. Specifically, the bees collect propolis from the buds and bark of certain trees such as poplar, fir, elm and birch. Collecting substance is then mixed with saliva, pollen and wax.

 The word "propolis" comes from greek and consists of "pro" and "polis" meaning respectively front and town. The sense of the word is retrievable in the fact that bees use propolis to defend their hive (their "cities") from predators or diseases that can put the same in serious danger. One of the Latin authors who speaks it is Pliny the Elder. Propolis, in fact, was discovered about six thousand years ago, it is described since the Egyptian rites. The priests of this culture, in fact, used the propolis to mummify the bodies of their pharaohs, doctors, however, used it to treat epidermis and bronchial-respiratory tract infections or wounds for faster healing and disinfecting .
Propolis: on what is the natural antibacterial compound par excellence

Propolis is composed for the most part from resins, balsams and waxes. However, these three elements vary between the different collection provenances. At three main components, you are always added aromatic acids, essential oils, mineral substances, vegetable substances and pollen, all present in a percentage of at least 15%. For every one hundred grams of propolis, the human body assumes only fifteen k cal.
Propolis: the health benefits

Propolis is a therefore contains a very high number of antibacterial natural minerals rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, substance such as iron, manganese, copper, calcium and vitamins belonging to the group B. In particular, the flavonoids contained in it are galanin and pinocembrin. Thanks to this composition, propolis brings numerous benefits to the human body.

First propolis plays a powerful anti-inflammatory action: thanks to the composition in caffeic acid and flavonoids, propolis ensures effects against mild inflammation and not, accompanied by additional effectiveness in people who suffer from asthma and bronchial problems. This miraculous substance, has been scientifically proven, which has also healing effects, antifungal, antiviral and protective vessel. Indeed, it is used in cases of burns or irritated skin, in rare cases it applied on very large pimples.

In addition, the intake of propolis in an exceptional way strengthens the entire immune system. Propolis can be defined, no half measures, a real natural broad spectrum antibiotic because boasts the action of different types of pathogens.

Finally, it seems that the propolis also possesses properties useful for the improvement of the secretion of gastric juices, promoting a diuresis and the absorption of vitamin C.
What are the uses of propolis?

The propolis is present on the market, generally, in propylene glycol solution or alcohol. In some cases, it is also sold in effervescent tablets, soluble sachets .The latter is the most used if the recipients are children of tender age. It is applied on sores, small blisters inside the mouth or abscesses. Especially on the teeth particularly sore, it has decongestant action, therefore it is very useful also for the treatment of serious gingivitis. In the latter case it is preferred the application of the brine solution.

As for the treatment of states affected characterized by inflammation in the throat or the tonsils, propolis is a real cure. If brushed on the affected part, propolis in propylene glycol solution immediately relieve the pain and inflammation. Even if you are not in a state influenza, take the propolis is good because it is a preventive natural substance against the onset of colds and seasonal influences.

Finally, we note that propolis is an excellent natural medicine for our small animal friends. It has always been used to treat laryngitis of dogs and cats that occur most often in the winter cold periods.
Where to buy propolis?

It where he wanted to be used in pure form, is sold only by beekeepers. In herbal stores or pharmacies, you can find the propolis in different sizes with many different formulations: from dyeing to oils, from tablets to ointments. However, in these cases, the percentage of propolis is not always the same. Therefore, we recommend the purchase of formulations which have a percentage of the substance is at least 50%, perhaps with a small percentage of alcohol and without any dye.

Propolis: contraindications and side effects

Despite almost all possess contraindications, it can be said that propolis itself has no significant side effects. As it provided by the Ministry of Health, all packs that contain bioflavonoids within them, as well as propolis, should only report the warning that the product should not be taken by women who are pregnant.

Propolis, finally, it is also not recommended during breastfeeding, immediately following the completion of the pregnancy. In very rare cases, they have been reported side effects in the measurement of specific reactions to the level of the skin or in terms of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract level.

Very few cases of subjects reported discomfort within the oral cavity. All side effects that disappear immediately after the suspension of propolis treatment.

Overall, we can say that in some types of subjects, more prone to allergic states, propolis can trigger reactions of this type. In any case, however, there are several toxicological tests that can demonstrate how the propolis is not at all a toxic product type, although it is assumed in very high doses and for a rather long period. The use of propolis, also following a drug therapy, have no contraindication.

However, there are in the literature, as previously said, episodes of clear tolerability. In all other cases, propolis not only strengthens the immune system and provide the body with a better response to the ills of the season and at very low temperatures.


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