Saturday, September 24, 2016

Black tea: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

Black tea is known, the most loved and the most used among infusions always on the market. Specifically, black tea is made from the leaves from the Camellia Sinensis (also known as Thea sinensis). The latter is the same plant of green tea, which differs from that black only for the machining process of its leaves. Those of black tea, in fact, after being collected and sent to the maceration process, are placed to dry. In fact, they are rolled up and then chopped: the latter process causes the release of polyphenols occurs and various enzymes. Subsequently, the mixture passes to the phase of fermentation at very high temperatures for a very short time, and then proceed to final drying.

For centuries men know that black tea has endless properties, both therapy is useful for weight loss. See specifically what they are. First, the black tea can also be taken two or three times a day, it helps to maintain a good health of the organism. Black tea, in some cultures as British ones, often alternating water consumption even during meals. This set of steps causes the tea, once infused, acquired a particularly intense flavor and possesses a high rate of caffeine in its interior.
Te 'black: the health benefits

Regular consumption of black tea is good especially the teeth and bones, its elements also favor an excellent dilation of large blood vessels going to have a positive impact on the health of our heart. Another element contained in black tea is theobromine, it is like a natural heart tonic which also has diuretic properties. Finally, the presence of theophylline in black tea, helps not only to combat diseases such as asthma and bronchitis but, acting as a bronchodilator, also favors the action of the muscles of the lungs and those with diaphragms.

Black tea has many natural healing properties, its tannins and polyphenols are very useful to block sudden attacks of diarrhea. Specifically, polyphenols act as antioxidants, fighting aging and preventing all diseases of the cardiovascular system. The black tea also possesses numerous antioxidant properties, thanks to the presence in its interior of flavonoids which fight the oxidation of bad cholesterol, in turn due to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood arteries. The flavonoids, in addition, also improve the inner part of the cells .

Other properties of black tea are those that favor the density of minerals inside the bones, so its infusion is useful for menopausal women that undergo arthrosis and arthritis.

Recent research also found that the consumption of black tea is also able to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease, fighting colds and by increasing the body's immune defenses.

recent studies also claim that it's not just green tea to have diuretic properties, but also black tea. The latter, in fact, would limit both the increase in weight, that of masses of adipose tissue, favoring the reduction of fat content in the liver. The benefits of black tea also reach the field of cosmetics because it counteracts all the damage created by exposure to ultraviolet rays and prevents the formation of melanoma.
The use of black tea

The black tea, in addition to being used in infusions, possesses many other uses. In Anglo-Saxon cultures, but for some time even in northern Europe, it is used to make sweets such as cakes and frozen desserts, typical for black tea scent that accompanies the meals. Besides that in this way, once drank your black tea, the tea bags not necessarily be thrown away. In fact, they can be stored in the refrigerator for three to four hours and then resting on the eyes to eliminate dark circles, bags under the eyes and prevent the appearance of so-called expression wrinkles.

Even in the case of important sunburn, they are excellent to moisturize and cool the affected part, as well as in case of redness, small cuts due to shaving, which will go to heal much faster.

Finally, a black tea infusion, is also useful as a natural mouthwash by purifying and refreshing. If you wanted to make a perfect tonic for the face, just make a mixture with two tablespoons of black tea and some organic lemon juice: the solution, by nature with antioxidant properties, can be used both morning and evening, patting the face with a cotton ball.

The contraindications to Black Tea

As each substance present in nature, black tea has its contraindications. They, albeit few, should be considered. Given the high levels of caffeine present in black tea, it is strictly advised against its use by those suffering from insomnia or by people suffering from hypertension diseases.

Being black tea, a stimulant, it can be taken before breakfast or in the afternoon, but best not to consume it before going to bed. In addition to the high caffeine content, it must be remembered that black tea significantly slows down the process of absorption of iron by the body. Therefore, individuals who suffer from anemia, those who lead a vegan type diet or vegetarian, should be limited to consume black tea between meals.

The black tea, also, as previously mentioned, improves the contraction of the arteries and their expansion, preventing the formation of clots and the outbreak and various inflammations. This plant, roughly miraculous, also helps fight the vices of smoking and bad eating habits that lead to a state of obesity. Being also a very poor drink in calories, it is ideal for those who want to lose weight. Much appreciated by students, black tea promises to improve their concentration going to constantly stimulate the brain because it contains a protein rate more more than other varieties of tea.


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