Monday, September 5, 2016

Horseradish: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

How many of us use the horseradish in the kitchen? I personally prefer the ginger, I am not to be confused, because the radish has an acrid, pungent taste, slightly spicy and above strongly aromatic and balsamic, comparable to that of mustard.

Horseradish is also known by the name of Horseradish (although its scientific name is "Armoracia rusticana") and is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Asia, its root is known for its medicinal properties for centuries.

Part of the cruciferous family, horseradish can reach one meter in height, has wavy and serrated leaves and flowers have a color ranging from white to purplish yellowish. The root (which actually would be the stem) looks fleshy, from yellowish or white flesh with the rough and dark skin (the Japanese variety is green) and is what you use to get the wasabi. It is harvested in the autumn but the plant must have already completed two years.

As I said the taste is spicy so not all bear (if you have never tasted wasabi you'll get the idea, I unfortunately do).

Horseradish comes from the east but soon became popular in Europe, especially in Germany, and then spread further, we say that especially initially was not considered a food but a real natural remedy.
Horseradish: properties and health benefits

Above I spoke precisely of the fact that for a long time actually horseradish was not seen as a food, but as a natural remedy for various ailments.
Let's see what's in the horseradish root:

  •     minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron and phosphorus;
  •     vitamins: vitamin A, C, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B1;
  •     glucosinolates:     
  •     Oil mustard glycols;
  •     beta-carotene;
  •     lutein;
  •     zeaxanthin;
  •     Volatile oils: allyl thiocyanate, diallyl sulfide;
  •     fatty acids: omega 3 and omega 6;
  •     coumarins, phenols and resins.

Among the healing and therapeutic properties of horseradish we are:

  •     antibiotic properties, is useful against influenza;
  •     purifying, as it stimulates urine output, therefore counteracts water retention and cleanses the body of toxins;
  •     anti-inflammatory, it protects the airways and the urinary tract also preventing the formation of stones;
  •     antioxidant properties, helps to counteract the effects of aging;
  •     cardiovascular properties, improves circulation, blood flow so it's a good pressure regulator and improves iron absorption by the body;
  •     antibacterial properties, are perhaps the best-known horseradish fact prevents the proliferation of viruses and bacteria;
  •     properties thinners, few know that also has the ability to thin the phlegm;
  •     analgesic and fortifying the immune system.

In ancient times, horseradish was used to treat scurvy because of its high content of vitamin C.

Horseradish is also useful against: rheumatic pains, cold sores, bruises, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, fatigue, stress, the rise in blood sugar and bone decalcification.

It 'true that the horseradish helps you lose weight? Apparently yes, like all spicy foods also aid horseradish speed up your metabolism and disposal of own fat too, although unfortunately it is in many diets. It would not be a bad thing to talk to the dietician.

Horseradish: all uses

So, we know that the radish is a great natural remedy the problem is that since the degree of spiciness is not well tolerated by all; then I would say proceed with caution, because it could face allergic reactions.

The most common remedy is to consume the fresh juice of the root. Equally it is mainly used the grate the fresh root on foods.

One of the most common methods for horseradish conservation is to put it in vinegar.

With horseradish are made especially sauces, such as "Horseradish Sauce".

Here is the recipe of "horseradish sauce": a root is grated horseradish that is combined with 100 grams of bread crumbs, then combine two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, half a glass of white wine and salt to taste (even sugar wanting to dampen a bit 'spicy). It keeps in the refrigerator.

In addition to this sauce with horseradish can be prepared and season other dishes: the omelette for example, but you can also add the fish and the boiled. It can also consume the young and tender leaves in a salad or in a soup. Prepare the wasabi sauce is definitely more difficult but now you will find anywhere on the market.

horseradish and ginger herbal tea: you can boil two horseradish and two slices of ginger and you can drink the tea for colds, but I must warn you that it is extremely spicy.

In cosmetics it can be used against skin blemishes, dermatitis and herpes but always with caution in order to avoid allergic reactions. Care must be taken in case of poultices and applying fresh horseradish slices on the skin, especially in case of dermatitis is best to ask the dermatologist before, rather than risk a burn, rash or burning crazy.
Contraindications horseradish

The recruitment of horseradish is not recommended for those suffering from intestinal irritation, kidney dysfunction, liver disease, allergies, gastric reflux and ulcers.

Do not give to children.

Do not eat horseradish pregnant or nursing.

In case of excessive use can cause the following side effects:

  •     watery eyes;
  •     irritation of the conjunctiva;
  •     fatigue;
  •     headache;
  •     cough.

CAUTION: I remind the reader that this article wants to be informational only, therefore does not contain medical prescriptions. Before taking any natural remedy made from horseradish, seek the advice of the family doctor.


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