Friday, September 2, 2016

Grapefruit: property, benefits, nutritional values and contraindications

The grapefruit is a fruit with many qualities, not everyone appreciated and in which many ignore the excellent properties and health benefits. We go to the bottom on the subject, starting from:
How much do you know about grapefruit?

  •     There are several qualities: the pink one, the hybrid with an orange, and the yellow less bitter
  •     The grapefruit is a berry, but is classified as citrus fruits;
  •     Grapefruit did not exist in nature, in fact, he invented the man;
  •     Its botanical name is Citrus havens;
  •     It 'a great antidepressant.

This curious little quiz introduction has already given us some interesting basics of this "fruit" which is actually a berry.

Grapefruit is the result of crossbreeding between the Moro orange and pomelo, the Chinese were probably the first to experience this hybrid (although according to other views the result would have been discovered in the '700 in Barbados), typical of the winter period but which is well adapted to temperate climates in fact, its cultivation has spread in countries with this weather. In Italy it arrived around the 60s while in Europe seems to have spread at the beginning of the nineteenth century, but as an ornamental plant.

Of the Rutaceae family, the plant Grapefruit looks like an evergreen tree that can reach 15 meters. It has dark green leaves very long and thin. The flowers are white and the fruit has a yellow-orange peel and cloves pink or colorless.

Some appreciate it for flavor, others aware of the qualities and consume him for that.

Are you aware of the beneficial properties of grapefruit?
The grapefruit properties

Grapefruit, especially the pink one, is a veritable treasure chest of wonders. And 'ally of the immune system, mood and the whole organism. As we shall see later, however, also we have drawbacks.

What is in the grapefruit:

  •     vitamins C, B, K, J and A
  •     carbohydrates
  •     protein
  •     sugars
  •     mineral salts, especially potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper and sulfur
  •     fibers
  •     flavonoids
  •     naringenin
  •     limonene
  •     bromelain
  •     beta-cryptoxanthin
  •     lutein
  •     lycopene
  •     betacarotene
  •     alpha-carotene
  •     citral
  •     pinene
  •     zeaxanthin
  •     amino acids (aspartic acid and glutamic acid, arginine, cystine, glycine, phenylalanine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, proline, methionine, serine, tyrosine, tryptophan, valine and threonine).

Among the many properties of grapefruit we are:

  •     Stimulates the immune response, it not surprisingly is highly recommended in case of influence because it is rich in vitamin C;
  •     Antianaemic yes just because it is rich in vitamin C and helps absorb iron introduced with food;
  •     Antidepressant, this citrus fruit is a great ally against anxiety and mood swings, but especially against the sadness;
  •     Antioxidant, obviously with this great wealth of nutrients but mainly due to flavonoids could not but be a real elixir of youth;
  •     Purifying and detoxifying, being rich in water this citrus fruit helps diuresis but also the purification of the liver;
    CAUTION: grapefruit helps lower cholesterol, but there is a special feature to be reckoned with which I'll discuss in the contraindications;
  •     Burns fat: grapefruit is the best friend of those who are dieting, it helps a lot to burn fat;
  •     Antitumor, thanks to the rich presence of naringenin;
  •     It stimulates the digestive system, because the citric acid;
  •     antiseptic properties;
  •     It helps regulate blood sugar;
  •     antispasmodic and anti-diarrheal properties;
  •     Invigorating, especially for the heart and circulatory system;
  •     Fights cellulite;
  •     It 'a natural remedy against constipation thanks to the fibers of which is rich;
  •     It increases the absorption of coenzyme Q10;
  •     And 'highly energetic and strengthening of the muscles;
  •     analgesic properties, the use of grapefruit explain a natural remedy for headache;
  •     Insomnia, yes grapefruit helps to combat it;
  •     It helps treat stomach ulcers;
  •     It protects the colon but also the view.

Another exception are the grapefruit seed extract, you work and you treat so as to obtain extracts for medicinal use against infectious diseases, for example, then one gets the essential oil that has, also, many valuable properties .

Grapefruit: all uses

In addition to being consumed fresh, this citrus fruit can be used for the preparation of natural remedies against various disturbances.

Among the little-known natural remedies is to add a teaspoon of grapefruit juice to the unsweetened coffee, it seems to help eliminate headaches.

To benefit from the digestive properties of grapefruit, you should drink a glass of juice after meals. Conversely, before meals it helps increase the feeling of satiety, which is why this fruit is often included in diets for weight loss.

If drunk before going to bed, the juice of this fruit helps promote good sleep.

The remedies containing grapefruit extracts are very useful for cystitis, but also to combat influenza, water retention and skin blemishes (although in this case more suggest the essential oil).

Speaking of Grapefruit essential oil comes to mind that, in aromatherapy, it is used to fight sadness and depression by spreading the aroma into the environment. To try.
Grapefruit: contraindications and side effects

As regards the contraindications, to which the main Care should be taken is that of the interaction with drugs.

Maybe you happened to read in the leaflets of some medicines that should not be taken in conjunction with the grapefruit juice. Above I drew your attention to the cholesterol, because yes grapefruit juice reduces it but it should not be at the same time to take drugs against cholesterol, since it inhibits the effect. Ditto for birth control pills, antibiotics, sedatives, calcium channel blockers and some drugs used in chemotherapy and in the treatment of hypertension.

Do not take in case of intolerance or allergies.

If you are following a particular drug treatment consult your doctor before taking this citrus fruit.


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