Wednesday, August 24, 2016

CARDAMOM: property, benefits, uses and contraindications

Who understands the properties and benefits of cardamom? It is an unjustly little-known spice. Maybe you happened to see some jar, in the supermarket shelves, but not to have strong feelings about.

What is this cardamom? Because it is good for health? What is so special? You're about to find out.

Cardamom: general characteristics

First and foremost let's talk 'in general of this spice.

Cardamom belonging to the family Zingiberaceae (the same as for instance ginger), comes from India and adjacent areas. There are several varieties:

  •     the Elettaria cardamomum (or green cardamom)  India and Malaysia, the taste is strong and is the most prized variety;
  •     the Elettaria repens (or cardamom Ceylon) from Sri Lanka;
  •     the Amomum subulatum (or Siam black cardamom), comes from China but has spread to Vietnam and Thailand, its flavor is more bitter and it is the cheapest variety.

It looks like a plant that can reach 20 meters in height, the leaves are purple and the fruit is a capsule-green or dark brown, which contains the seeds; They are taken by opening the capsule and can be used whole or ground. It 'better to buy the capsules whole rather than the seeds fumes because the essence quickly evaporates.

Here are some trivia about Cardamom:

  •     It is one of the ingredients of the curry;
  •     the Romans used it in the production of essences;
  •     in the East folk tradition it an aphrodisiac;
  •     It would be quoted in "The Thousand and One Nights";
  •     in India only women can pick it up;
  •     Kashmir brides bring cardamom seeds embedded in jewelry;
  •     you can use it to flavor, in addition to the dishes, even the , coffee and chocolate.

Cardamom: properties and health benefits

These small aromatic seeds have many unexpected quality and can be used to prepare natural remedies at home against various ailments.

Before listing the beneficial properties of cardamom, we discover what it contains:

  •     essential oils (cineole, borneol, terpinolene, geraniol, myrcene, sabinene, nerol, pinene, linalool, limonene, alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol, camphene);
  •     mineral salts (magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron);
  •     vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and C);
  •     starch.
  •     phytosterols.

Cardamom properties:

  •     antiseptic properties, due to cineole that cardamom is an excellent remedy against respiratory diseases;
  •     carminative properties , helps to digest but also absorb intestinal gas and that are formed in the stomach, so useful against the swollen belly, is also useful as a remedy for indigestion;
  •     stimulating and refreshing, it is compared to caffeine although it is much less strong;
  •     antispasmodic properties;
  •     anti-inflammatory, in particular it is used against diseases of the oral cavity and cystitis;
  •     aromatic properties as it is a good remedy for halitosis;
  •    slimming properties, cardamom facilitates the proper functioning of the metabolism, and helps you lose weight;
  •     antioxidant properties as it helps to counter the free radical damage;
  •     hypotensive, it helps to counteract high blood pressure;
  •     diuretic, very useful against water retention.
In summary, this spice is useful against:

     sore throat;
     inflammation of the eyelids;
     inflamed gums;
     water retention.

Cardamom: all uses

Cardamom can be used to flavor various dishes and flavor of the drinks, but you can also prepare teas and healing infusions.

If you suffer from flatulence and bloating it can be added to the foods that create discomfort, or drink the tea after a meal.

Chewing the seeds is an excellent remedy for nausea, bad breath and toothache.

The infusion is particularly recommended against stomach disorders, seasonal and respiratory system.

the anti-inflammatory herbal tea recipe

  •     half teaspoon of cardamom seeds;
  •     half a cinnamon stick.

Boil for 10 minutes and let sit for another 5 covered, strain and drink. This infusion is also useful against dysentery.
Against depression it is useful to drink a brew made with:

  •     3 teaspoons of dried leaves of lemon balm;
  •     1 teaspoon cardamom seeds.

Boil for five minutes, let stand covered for 5, filter and drink, preferably during the day. Avoid the evening.

The ground seeds can be added to the Lassi, a typical Indian drink made of yogurt, water and spices. It is a good remedy against the inflammation of the stomach and the intestine, bone and urinary tract. Drink between meals.

If you have an annoying and persistent hiccups, put them to boil the pods and then you drink the warm boiling water.

For external use it is indicated the essential oil of cardamom which helps prevent wrinkles, cure acne and some dermatitis. Before using consult your doctor, do not use pure but diluted in a natural mild oil (such as almonds).

CAUTION: I remind the reader that these are not medical prescriptions, natural remedies should be used with caution and only after doctor's approval. In case of side effects stop taking and consult your primary care physician.
Cardamom: contraindications and side effects

The cardamom consumption is not recommended in case of pregnancy and lactation, it is also contraindicated in case of ulcers, colitis, reflux, diverticula, stones, colitis and gastritis. Can result in interactions with antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, it is therefore not recommended intake of remedies made from this spice in contemporary drug therapies.

Excessive use of cardamom may result in some side effects: allergic reactions, abdominal pain, chest pain, difficulty breathing, hives, and gallbladder problems.


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