Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mint: property, benefits and contraindications

Mint is an aromatic plant, whose properties have been known since the days of the Egyptians and the ancient Romans who were using mainly in the kitchen. According to legend this plant with its leaves, collecting water, served to quench the thirst of Jesus during the flight into Egypt, and for this he was blessed. According to the ancient Greeks on the other hand it would be the nymph Mentha, transformed into a plant by Persephone, jealous of her.

Over time they have accumulated different beliefs about the mind and has been used for various purposes including: ward off snakes and annoying insects to spread a pleasant smell in the rooms.

Mint Description

It is an aromatic herbaceous plant of the Labiatae family (laminaceae). It remains collection by way of bush and can even reach 50 cm. The branches are tight and the opposite, lance-shaped, large, a nice bright green, covered with a light down and intense aroma and balsamic. The flowers tend to pink and violet, they are collected in spikes and bloom between summer and autumn.

There are various kinds of mint, the best known are: the spicata mint, peppermint and pennyroyal.

To reap the benefits, it may be used fresh or can be collected in bunches and leave to dry out and then obtain infusions. The more experienced can try their hand in the distillation to derive the essential oils.
What's in mint

The mint in addition to containing the menthol also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, water, fiber, protein, copper, manganese, sodium, vitamins (group A, B, C and D), polyphenols and amino acids .

Properties and benefits of mint

Mint, as well as in the kitchen, for its beneficial properties may also be employed as a natural remedy, it seems that the tea with mint is an excellent digestive and helpful against gastritis and painful spasms.

It would also be useful for people suffering from car sickness, so you should keep on hand the tea.

The mint tea is also an ally of those who have to stay on a diet is indeed diuretic.

The cold infusion can however also be used as a mouthwash for bad breath.

The essential oil of mint can be used for energizing massages, to refresh the skin, to cure foot odor and of revitalizing baths. Apparently it also is an excellent germicide, you can dilute a few drops in hot water and use it to clean the surfaces of the house. In particular it would be antispasmodic, therefore useful for gut pain spasms in what would hinder the infiltration of the calcium in the smooth muscle.

Not have evidence the mild anesthetic properties.

Mint can be also used as a mild analgesic against the headaches, just to massage a few drops of essential oil on the neck and temples.

It is also believed that the mint may have antiseptic action, or might help the dissolution of gallstones.

You know for sure that his balsamic is very useful for colds is in fact decongestant and fluidifying. Very useful in case of persistent cough. The essential oil is especially useful because they can pour a few drops on a handkerchief and then breathe in the aroma. These properties Mint and benefits are known since the dawn of Chinese medicine.

In a few also they know that among the properties and benefits of the mint there is also an action carminative, or decreases the volume of gas in the colon.

As for the external use, the mint leaves can be applied on bites and mosquito bites to relieve swelling and itching. The infusion can be used, for its purifying action, from which the hair has fats and suffers from dandruff, the hair rinse with this herbal tea is very suitable.

The washes with mint tea are also very recommended to reduce the problem of acne and oily skin, and finally for intimate washes.

Use mint mode

To prepare an herbal tea simply boil a handful of fresh leaves or a teaspoon of minced dried leaves in plenty of water. Once it has reached the boil, let stand a few minutes covered, filtered and drink. You can pour in a candle diffuser essence so that releases all its flavor.

The fresh leaves can be applied, after washing, dry skin at the bite or insect sting, then lock it with a bandage and change it when it starts to dry out and lose flavor.

The essential mint oil is always used diluted both on the surfaces and on the body. If they dilute a few drops in a base oil, such as olive oil, and is used for massage or if it can pour the drops in a diffuser for the environment.

It would be preferable not to take it in the evening because it may disturb the rest and not hire you if you are carrying homeopathic cures. You must also avoid the consumption if you suffer from acid reflux, ulcers and also should be avoided if you suffer from favism and diseases liver and kidney. Excessive use may result in adverse effects on the nervous system.

We must pay particular attention to what kind of mint is harvested, because the pennyroyal  also contains toxic substances. To be able to use in pregnancy is essential to consult the doctor.

Please note that this article has been prepared for information purposes only, therefore it is not a prescription. Those suffering from chronic diseases and disorders must necessarily seek the advice of the medical officer. Natural remedies do not replace any drug therapy.


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