Monday, September 26, 2016

The meat is bad for health? It is carcinogenic?

Hands up who has not heard these days the alarming cries of the mass media, about the fact that meat is bad for health and excessive consumption can cause cancer?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we discovered the hot water. It could have been worse? There 's been worse, after we discover why. In this mishmash of reassurance, media terrorism, alarming messages, carcinogenic nightmares we should keep in mind some fundamental point:

  •     The media are also driven to create alarm and media terrorism today is the serial killer, tomorrow is the ISIS, the next day is an old disease 40 years ago that nobody knew more the existence and another day is the shift some food that inevitably will be our Executioner.
  •     Chicken, beef, sheep, pigs ... who does not remember a scaremongering of some animal? Now it's up to the meat in general.
  •     Eating too much meat is bad for your health, you do not need the media alarmism, you already knew!
  •     Keep an eye on the news: in a few days we'll talk about natural disasters, ISIS, vaccines or tuberculosis. And the issue "meat is bad for health?" Or "meat causes cancer?" Will fall into decay.
  •     The fish is polluted, even fruits and vegetables are not far behind (because we no longer speak of the fires of the earth?), Even confectionery and soft drinks in the long run are carcinogenic. The problem is not the meat itself, is just another reverse gusset evolution of our food chain. 
The reverse evolution of our food chain

The meat is bad for health? I would say yes, at least too much doubt. It is more or less evil than sixty years ago? From here the topic reverse evolution.

More than sixty years ago, meat was a food to be eaten on Sundays only mainly because expensive, but if we follow the trend of eating habits of our society we see that the meat from the Sunday passed virtually almost every day of the week: at the expense of the Mediterranean diet. And with all due respect to legumes, vegetables, rice, pasta and bread and we do a nice steak and go. Accomplices fast food and various fast burger, which sell meat stuffed buns approved by slurp in a second.

The West, but especially our country has evolved its own style food for the worse, worsening state of its polluting healthy food, altering the properties and flavor, and putting on the market the famous junk food that we like so much and hurts us three times as much meat.

The meat was hurting too sixty years ago? We face another issue: the meat we consume today is much more padded of medicines and hormones than once and sausages contain phosphates, nitrates, various preservatives and additives in greater quantities than the time to which we refer. We could never compare one product ham from a pig bred in the house that we buy at the supermarket. That's why the meat is bad for health.

WHO warning: cold cuts and meats are carcinogenic
The consumption of meats, sausages and all kinds of meat is carcinogenic and probably this also that of red meat: the alarm comes on WHO cancer research agency, the World Health Organization. The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) - who has prepared a report on the basis of more than 800 studies on the link between a diet that includes animal protein and cancer - points out that the data confirms the current recommendations "to limit the consumption of meat. " The agency includes the pork in red meat, along with that of beef, veal, lamb, sheep, horses and goats. (Source: The Time)
But because the meat is bad for health?

Animal proteins that are modified by the meat processing undergo alterations, harmful for our body. In addition, the meat contains saturated fat and heme iron. Put simply excessive consumption of meat, especially the processed meat and the red entails:

  •      hypercholesterolemia;
  •      obesity;
  •      increase in colorectal cancer;
  •      high insulin levels in the blood;
  •      inflammation of the intestines;
  •      Alzheimer's disease;
  •      cardiovascular diseases;
  •      hypertension;
  •      damage to the excretory organs;
  •      Parkinson's disease.

Many of these diseases are caused by the heme iron, or iron content of animal meat. This type of iron, in contrast to the plant, is not disposed by the body, for so if there is an accumulation this can be harmful causing the above diseases, in particular cancers (colorectal, endometrial, gastric cancer, cancer of the ' esophageal squamous cell cancer of the esophagus and stomach, lung and breast cancers). Recent addition, studies have found that the heme iron causes bowel irritation, inflammation and the consequent production of cancer cells.

Red meat is bad for health? We draw conclusions.

After the bomb exploded, the media assure us that the alarmism is preventative, ie, only the excessive consumption of red meat and meat products (sausages, sausages and canned meat) may cause cancer and it is just a warning if thus far you were fans of sliced and charred steaks now you know are bad for your health and it is advisable to decrease the frequency with which you eat them.

How much red meat you can eat a week? Although excessive consumption of red meat is bad for your health, eliminate it altogether it from is not recommended because red meat is an excellent source of protein, essential amino acids, minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium and B vitamins So , red meat should be taken in moderation, the advice is not to consume doses greater than 500 grams per week.

The white meat is bad? As for the white meat (poultry and rabbits), experts say only that there are no sufficiently reliable studies and therefore can not comment on or in one way or another, even if the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that make the red meat potentially carcinogenic (the presence of iron EME) allows us to say that the white meat (that do not contain this compound) are probably more secure.

What is right to do? Back in the old days, the good old Mediterranean diet varies where you consume a different food every day and never more than twice a week. Maybe introduce various foods, even oriental such as sushi, seaweed and soy.

He immediately spoke of insects and the ability to find them, not so soon, the counters of the supermarkets. Unfortunately I find it a nonsense, I'm not a food that is part of our cultural tradition, most of us do not find him attractive and sooner or later you would end up discovering that they are fed with growth hormones, so it is not a wise idea .

We have our food identity, we just have to rediscover it, watching with a benevolent eye on the food cultures of other countries (more towards the east and west). Do not you agree?

Probably if Mediterranean diet, if we started to be interested to powers of those long-lived populations that practically do not know the Western diseases, we can eliminate many of our, or at least reduce them, no longer create alarm by newsboys.

However in the near future we can expect that on the packaging of meat scribe: damages your health and consume with caution. Waiting for the next alarmism about insects.

In the meantime, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, remove the peel the fruit, do not eat snacks or junk food, limit the consumption of coffee and make movement during the day, preferably outdoors.


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