Monday, August 15, 2016

broccoli nutrition

Rich in minerals (calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus), vitamins (A and C) and dietary fiber, broccoli is an important food for strengthening the immune defenses and very effective in case of extreme fatigue and vitamin deficiencies. Moreover, they are also recommended in cases of chronic constipation due to the wealth of plant fibers, to combat water retention and thanks to the low caloric intake and its high satiating power, broccoli is also suitable for those who follow a weight loss diet. Let's find out the properties of broccoli and the benefits they bring to health, beginning with general characteristics.
Broccoli: general characteristics

The broccoli originate from Asia Minor, they belong to the cruciferous family and have a vegetable grown mostly in Europe. Food is much loved for its pleasant taste is for the few calories, broccoli has different varieties but the best known are two: broccoli, from the short stem and inflorescences and green lights, and the broccoli-like cauliflower but blue green color. Broccoli is a typical winter food, and then you are on the market from late September until March, when they are out of season and their flavor is never like when they are fresh.

Broccoli is not difficult to grow, but it is crucial to pay attention to soil fertilization. Their seeds are sown in the last days of April and then in May or June, the plants are placed in flower beds. Broccoli is a vegetable that makes in production: in fact, even after the severing of the flower, the plant continues to produce for the whole season hot or cold, depending on the variety planted. The flowers of broccoli should be cut with about 8-10cm shank before it flowers, otherwise inedible. The broccoli can be frozen freshly picked, preferably blanched quickly.

Broccoli is a food that dates back to ancient times: in particular, both in the Greek era in the Roman broccoli were used to treat various diseases and was also consume raw use before the banquet to allow the body to better absorb the alcohol . Over time the broccoli have spread and increased significantly their presence on the table, thanks to nutritional properties and countless variations of recipes that can be made. Broccoli has been in the past a useful food for people facing difficult times. The only detail that perhaps bothers of this vegetable is persistent and unpleasant odor emanating during cooking: this particular odor is due to the sulfur that also contain if in small quantities. To dim the smell there are two home remedies: one is put in the cooking water a teaspoon of white vinegar, the other is squeezing a lemon.
Broccoli: properties and benefits

Broccoli is rich in minerals and contain iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Moreover, they are also a source of many vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2, dietary fiber and sulforaphane. Thanks to this substance as broccoli have anti-cancer properties, as its sulforaphane prevents the growth of cancer cells and also blocks the process of cell division, leading to cell death. In addition, this substance exerts a protective effect against intestinal tumors, lung and breast. Broccoli also have detoxifying properties: in fact, fight water retention and help the body to cleanse and eliminate waste. This vegetable has extraordinary healing properties, including that of greatly decrease the risk of cataracts and also protect from stroke.

Among the properties recognized at Broccoli is also taking anti-inflammatory: Following a study performed by the University of California, was in fact found that broccoli contains active ingredients that can weaken the inflammation that can affect the pharynx, larynx, trachea and part high bronchus.

The benefits of broccoli are mainly due to sulforaphane substance contained in them, that exerts anti-aging and antioxidant action on the cells. The presence of vitamin C and β-carotene, and the high content of phenolic substances, in addition to considerable amounts of magnesium, phosphorus and iron, mean that this vegetable is very useful to make improvements to the whole organism. Also important is the presence of fiber, very useful both to give that sense of fullness in the presence of low-calorie diets, is to prevent and reduce the symptoms of constipation. In addition, the fiber of broccoli also carries benefits for absorption modulation glycidic and for reducing cholesterol.

Broccoli also bring benefits to the mind: the presence of vitamin K can increase the concentration. Why broccoli bring benefits in Alzheimer's prevention and care for nerve damage. Finally, they are also excellent pressure controllers, as they contain potassium, thanks to which the blood flow is facilitated by the opening of the blood vessels, also bringing benefits to the blood pressure.
Broccoli: nutritional values ​​and calories

100 g of broccoli contains 34 calories.

For every 100 g of this product, we have:

  •     Water 80 g
  •     7 g carbohydrates
  •     Sugars 4.5 g
  •     Protein 4.30 g
  •     Fat 0.5 g
  •     Cholesterol 0 g
  •     Dietary fiber 3 g
  •     Vitamin A 623 IU
  •     Vitamin C 89 mg
  •     Iron 0.7 mg
  •     Magnesium 21 mg
  •     Calcium 47 mg
  •     Potassium 316 mg
  •     Sodium 33 mg

Broccoli: all uses

Broccoli is widely used in cooking but in order to maintain intact all the nutritional properties, it is good to cook it as little as possible, so as not to miss any of the proteins and minerals it is rich. The advice is to cook the broccoli and steam, so that gives off the characteristic odor sometimes annoying, just add water a teaspoon of white vinegar. For a better use, buy fresh broccoli, free of stains and compact inflorescences. To keep the broccoli in perfect condition it may want to clean it immediately after purchase, dry it and store it in the refrigerator in a closed plastic bag for food. Broccoli is also useful for preparing the centrifuges and consume them for immediate relief for colds.

From broccoli seeds it checks out a little known oil but is taking bends and is increasingly used as an ingredient in natural cosmetics. This broccoli seed oil is ideal for hair, to make them shiny and smooth, not ruin them and eliminates frizz. The broccoli seed oil is also used as an ingredient in skin care, especially for the mature, and has a regenerative effect on the cells.
Broccoli: contraindications and side effects

The broccoli have very few contraindications, however it is good to know them to know what to do if they occur. One of the most widespread contraindications is the sense of swelling that causes the high consumption of this food. The side effect of swelling are the intestinal gas formation, due to the high presence of insoluble fibers that contain broccoli. Precisely for this reason the broccoli may trigger indigestion problems, especially in people who suffer from conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or gastritis. And 'in fact it recommended for those who have these disorders, limit consumption of broccoli. Another aspect that could cause this food is the onset of hypothyroidism: this can happen if you often eat raw broccoli, as they increase the iodine requirement would result in a deficiency of the mineral.


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