Saturday, August 6, 2016

Eating for Sports

Food and sport: what to eat? 'Important, when you are physically active, be aware of how to feed themselves. We derive from food all the important substances for our body. Since the exercise also involves the efforts extended, it is necessary to have all the appropriate energies to feel at the top. There are very specific rules to follow in the relationship between diet and sports. Let's see what they are, so do not risk making mistakes and maintain the right physical shape.

1. Carbohydrates 

Exercisers can eat carbs without fear of gaining weight. chosen should be those with a low glycemic index, which we find especially in bread and whole wheat pasta. It 'good to know when you hire them. For example, those who practice physical activities during the lunch break should not miss the breakfast, by including a slice of pie or biscuits covered with jam, to get you into sugar.

2. Proteins

Proteins are not the main food of the diet of an athlete, but they are the complement of a diet much more varied. Better, then,rational in small doses, throughout the day. At breakfast you can eat milk and yogurt for a snack a few slices of dried beef and white meat or fish lunch.

3. Vitamins

To a sporty are sufficient quantities of vitamins that are derived from a healthy and varied diet. Vitamin needs in this way can remain adequate. There is no need to make use of many vitamin supplements, it is appropriate, however, to rely on foods: green vegetables and citrus fruits for vitamin C, legumes for the B1, shellfish, eggs and fish for the B12.

4. Mineral salts

People often think that using high doses of mineral supplements, you can improve athletic performance. It is not so. The reference point must always be a balanced diet. For the calcium milk, yogurt and cheese, fish and sausage for phosphorus, iron for meat and eggs, for magnesium legumes and shellfish.

5. fats

As regards the fat, it is important to avoid excesses and preserve the proper relationship between those animals and plant. If you overdo it with those of animal origin, it may incur in increasing cholesterol. Oil, nuts and cheeses are always consumed within limits.

6. Water

Liquids also for those who do sports are critical, especially balance its abundant loss that has through sweat. The benefits of water are many: should be eaten before or after exercise. It 'important to choose the one rich in minerals, such as potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium.


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