Monday, August 1, 2016

weight loss breakfast foods

What you need to eat breakfast to lose weight? Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle are critical to maintaining a healthy weight and an enviable line: the diet should not, in fact, be something to do for a limited period of time, but a way of life to be pursued over time , taking care of themselves. For this reason, it is important to know what and how much to eat during the day, in order to stay in shape or lose weight fast, if you are overweight. We see, then, are some tips to start your day.

1. Fruit 

For a breakfast of champions, you must have the correct calorie intake to cope with energy in the morning and have even less hungry in the later hours of the day. Fresh fruit - like grapefruit or banana - and the dry foods are important: in fact, rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and protein - as well as essential fatty acids - and provide enough energy, if combined with a slice of toasted bread.

2. Milk and Yogurt

Breakfast is the most important meal, and, among the foods that can be consumed without taking too many calories, there are also milk and yogurt, provided they are thin or vegan: Indeed, there are alternatives such as soy, rice, almond or oat, among the many and all low in fat. You can mix in the fresh fruit for great taste.

3. Whole grains

A hearty breakfast to wake your metabolism can also be made by consuming whole grains, which make you feel full and will give you the right energy: the important thing is, though, whether it's whole grains and do not contain added sugar, preservatives, fat hydrogenated vegetable, tropical oils and food additives, often referred to by acronyms such as "aND" and the like. Pay therefore attention to the cereals purchased by carefully reading the label.

4. Chocolate, tea and coffee

Several studies have demonstrated the importance of breakfast: who jumps can accuse lack of concentration and relevant insulin swings. Even the dark chocolate appears to help you lose weight and can be consumed because of the numerous benefits it brings - 50 grams and only if you do regular exercise, though - as it provides iron, potassium, phosphorus, antioxidants and methylxanthines. Are also fine tea and coffee, but remember not to overdo the sweets that go, however, taken in the morning.

5. Whole wheat bread and jam

Finally, it's good of whole wheat bread with a little 'jam: the first high-fiber and starch and the second of simple sugars, allowing a steady release of energy throughout the morning. Obviously, we must not exaggerate in the amounts: nutritionists recommend, in fact, for breakfast a contribution of about 20% of daily calories.


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