Many of the people who smoke began for a trivial reason, that perhaps not even remember, but most will remember that she thought she put an end to this habit at any time. Most are unable to quit smoking, because cigarette involves a physical and psychological dependence. Not an easy task, therefore, but an awareness of what you smoke, the damage and the benefits that you would in stopping can help.
How to Quit Smoking: because it is better to stop?
Here's what a cigarette contains:
- Nicotine alkaloid addictive, adrenaline and dopamine release in the brain giving a feeling of euphoria;
- Carbon monoxide makes it hard tissue oxygenation and the result is hair falling out; yellowed skin, less muscle strength, premature aging, decreased fertility and impotence;
- Formaldehyde and oxide of nitrogen: cause an increase of secretions that accumulates in the bronchi with the consequence of greater risk of infection such as asthma, emphysema, bronchopneumonia and various cancers.
- Tar: one of many carcinogenic substances which are deposited in the respiratory tract. The teeth become yellow, you feel a bitter taste in the mouth and respiratory tract irritation.
This is just a small example of substances that are inhaled and the consequences that procure. It 'clear that these substances are dangerous for those who smoke and those who breathe, then here is that there is a double loss.
How many people die from smoking-related causes each year in Italy? About 90,000 deaths, specifically: 51,000 people die from cancer, 25,000 from pulmonary complications, 14,000 cardiac and cerebral vascular disease.
According to WHO, tobacco smoke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and the leading cause of preventable death.
How to Quit Smoking: know the benefits
We established a small part of what happens when you smoke, but one manages to quit smoking, what happens? Is there any advantage of it?
- It saves: it is no getting around it, smoking costs;
- There is healthy gains: the skin regains brightness, improves endurance, stops cough, even improve the senses;
- No more smell of cigarettes everywhere;
- They do not endanger the family;
- More self-confidence;
Here is specifically what happens when you quit smoking:
- After 20 minutes increases the heart rate, there is a little 'cough because the bronchi are freed of toxins, it began to fall the level of nicotine (this is one of the difficult parts) must be resisted.
- You begin to expel toxins and to breathe better after 24 hours is much improved oxygenation to the tissues, (you should drink lots of water and take vitamin C).
- After 48 hours he regains full use of the senses, there is no nicotine but there is still a cough which is the mechanism by which the lungs are released.
- After one week you feel a bit 'constipated better still drink plenty of water and take fiber, it has a mild headache must relax as much as possible.
- After two weeks the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal go away even though you may experience irritability and poor concentration, you must do strenuous exercise for not taking a few pounds due to the regularization of the metabolism
- After 12 weeks the appearance is improved, the skin is more beautiful, the circulation is improved and the bronchi are clean, the lungs will gradually heal.
- From 3 to 9 months, the risk of major diseases has now fallen a great deal, lung capacity is increased and you feel better and more forces.
- From 5 to 10 years the risk of heart attack and various tumors has halved compared to smokers.
This should be a good reason to quit smoking, but it is true that very often the various deterrents linked to the possible serious illnesses do not adhere. Everyone has to find the right motivation within themselves and everyone will draw many personal benefits from having stopped smoking.
The advice: The most critical period is that of the withdrawal symptoms that must above all resist, relax, get distracted. Physical activity help a lot. You should also explain what you are trying to the people you have around to not give rise to misunderstandings caused by nervous and irritability. Find someone to talk to in difficult times is a valuable aid
The three good reasons to quit smoking:
- Stop smoking prolongs life, you do not run the same risk of being attached to an oxygen tank, to experience chemotherapy and the consequences of cancer, not forcing their family to the agony of seeing a loved one who destroys day day;
- home smoking endangers all family members, but often it can not do without, stop means do not put at risk the health of otherwise;
- They buy dignity and self-confidence, if you first is kept away from friends and family about the smell and the vice, stopping you notice more praise and less criticism.
How to Quit Smoking
Here is how:
good and strong motivation
a method
If you really want to quit smoking must be convinced, have a reason to hold on but mostly because they need a method to quit smoking is not easy. Here's a mini-guide on what to do in practice to stop.
- Become aware of the damage of smoking and benefits of quitting
- Contact an anti-smoking center where you can find support, you can meet people who are there trying and people who have made
- Consult a therapist, especially if you are unable to start or if you have a lot of difficulty in quitting
- Finding a remedy for abstinence from sports, to tires, to acupuncture, yoga.
- Read a manual on how to stop smoking and read up on methods, on the pros and naturally learn some tricks and practical advice.
Stop smoking: tips
Okay, willpower is not always the easy way out because it involves a remarkable and cancer deterrent is not always as scary stress (any smoker will respond "Of something everyone has to die sometime"). As it really puts in place the mechanism?
First you need to enjoy it: Quitting smoking does not mean stay with the constant thought that life will turn into a nightmare for the desire to start again, instead you have to enjoy the benefits, feel free, do not have the feeling of having deprived of something but rather to have more possibilities than before. Basically be positive and consider only the best aspects.
Begin considering the cigarettes for what they are: a source of problems. We not begin to smoke to calm the nerves but because it is believed that cigarettes make it bigger, stronger, more fascinating but actually drive people away, involving diseases and addictive.
Having the right attitude: starting with the idea of failure is the wrong attitude. Also how can you fail if you do not try? And then the "possibility of failure" is the negation of self-esteem. It should not necessarily fail.