There are some mistakes to avoid at the table and are frequently committed even unknowingly. May relate to the way in which we eat, such as, for example, the do it too quickly, or the combinations of certain types of foods. Often it is necessary to proceed with great caution, if you want to follow the principles of good nutrition. Let us see what we are left to make mistakes.
1. Wash the salad in advance
To optimize the time, it can happen to wash and cut the salad the night before and put it in the fridge, for find himself ready the next day. This behavior is wrong, because we risk losing many minerals and vitamins.
2. The abundant juices
A juice should never be cooked in plenty, to preserve it and drink it slowly. The freshly squeezed orange juice, for example, very good to get your fill of vitamin C and protect the body from seasonal illnesses, should be consumed immediately. We risk letting the wither vitamins quickly.
3. Cook the peppers
Vitamin C is used to ensure several benefits and is found in many foods, including also the peppers and broccoli. We can benefit from these foods, provided, however, that we consume them raw. If we cook them, vitamin C loses his concentration.
4. Parmesan and rocket
The cheese should never be combined with the fibers. We often think that eating the cheese paired with rocket, we can bring to our body the right amount of calcium. In all this, however, let us remember that the fibers prevents the absorption of calcium.
5. The vegetables after the pasta
Often the order is what matters: do not eat before the pasta and then the vegetables. These should be the best way to start a meal. The rule is especially true for those suffering from glucose: eating vegetables first, through the fiber slows the absorption of sugars and then you can keep your blood sugar under better control in the blood.
6. The potatoes and irritable bowel syndrome
Sometimes it is believed that eating boiled potatoes can be a benefit against intestinal disorders. It is absolutely not the case, because the flour swell the belly and stimulate the intestine to release the stool.
7. Soda after the fried
A carbonated beverage after the fries, as we usually do to fast food, is not at all helpful. The fried, eaten in moderation absolutely, do nothing but increase the levels of inflammation in our body. You could remedy with a orange juice. It acts as a kind of "filter" for fried less harmful.
8. Cook the meat too
The grilled meat should be cooked properly, so that it becomes not a carcinogen. You do not need to cook at high temperatures, even to the plate, because otherwise there is the risk of producing toxic substances.
9. Boil the vegetables
To boil the vegetables you should be using the pressure cooker, because only in this way can reduce the cooking time and avoids leaking all the vitamins and minerals. Boil the vegetables in water is a mistake.
10. excess salt
Do not overdo the salt, because this ingredient, which we all use to flavor the dishes, can cause many problems, especially for people who suffer from hypertension. The right to behave is to be moderate and not eat too salty.
Monday, August 8, 2016
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