Who does not remember the proverbial peanut Pippo? In the comic Mickey Mouse, Goofy ate peanuts to become a super hero and acquire his super powers. Yes, they were just the peanuts. And who can forget the famous Peanuts, whose name means just peanut in English?
Okay, maybe they do not really donate super powers, but one thing is certain, the peanuts are rich in health-giving properties.
How to recognize peanuts
Peanuts are classified as nuts but in fact are part of the legumes and of the Papilionaceae family. Their native land is South America even though they quickly spread to Africa and Europe, in 1800, and in the warmer parts of Asia. The plant is grown in Israel where it is grown a very valuable variety.
It is a fruit, oval, yellow dark covered with a reddish skins. The botanical name of the plant is Arachis hypogaea, is sown in April-May and the peanuts are harvested between September and October.
Curiosity on peanuts
We are consumed roasted, boiled in other countries but for a long time were not eaten, because they were considered food for beasts. By the time it was discovered that he drew and oil were higher in food for mankind. Even long after it was discovered that the injured could work to obtain butter, very popular in America.
Peanuts: calories and nutritional values
The peanut is a very caloric food, 100 grams contain 567 calories, this figure already revealed many secrets of this fruit: peanuts are highly nutritious and can constitute in themselves a meal. But beware: they contain uric acid, so it is not good to exaggerate. They are more nutritious meat as we can see from the nutritional composition:
- protein 25.5%
- fiber 8.5%
- sugar 2.3%
- fat 49%
- minerals (calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese, selenium)
- vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, J, PP)
- amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, aistina, phenylalanine, glycine, isoleucine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, proline, serine, tyrosine, threonine, tryptophan and valine)
- acids (arachidic acid, chlorogenic acid, stearic acid, gentisic acid, lauric acid, oleic acid and linoleic, palmitic and caprylic)
- beta-carotene, quercetin, reverastolo, lecithin, genistein, coenzyme Q10 and rutin.
- It helps the immune system, thanks to the wealth of mineral salts;
- especially in Eastern countries the consumption of peanuts to promote milk production is very much in use;
- It protects the nervous system;
- promote the health of the skin;
- help blood circulation;
- protect the brain from the ravages of aging;
- anti-aging, as we have seen is the brain, the nerves, the skin benefit because they are protected from the action of free radicals;
- stimulate fertility and helps pregnant due to folic acid;
- Allied against headaches, well it seems that the abundance of Q10aiutia coenzyme take away the headache;
- energy, in fact, very recommended for athletes;
- protect against cancer and Alzheimer's;
- ideals against menopause and PMS (premenstrual syndrome) as rich in genistein reduces the bad mood, depression and hot flashes;
- Allied of the lungs, especially in Ayurvedic medicine are believed to be excellent to combat respiratory problems;
- regularizing pressure;
- fight fatigue and chronic fatigue;
- Hypocholesterolemia, in fact, help to keep down the level of cholesterol in the blood;
- prevent gallstones;
- They are allied bowel, as rich in highly digestible fiber.
Peanuts: all uses
From peanuts they are obtained:
Let's move on to the use of peanuts: they are a great snack, butter can be used to make a sandwich, you can caramelize and add to the preparation of desserts.
Recipe for homemade peanut butter
- 500 grams of shelled peanuts
- 1 pinch of salt
- 25 grams of peanut oil
- 5 grams of cane sugar
- a teaspoon of honey
First, the peanuts are to be put into the oven, at 170 degrees for 15 minutes. After this time the peanuts should be put to cool. Finally compartment whisk together peanut oil and honey until you get a cream. Add the salt and whisk you some more ', take care that the cream should not overheat. At this point the peanut butter is preserved in the refrigerator.
Remember that peanuts can be grown in pots, they need sun and good soil rich in nutrients. In the cold months, it should be placed sheltered from the wind and frost. The roasted peanuts are not suitable for sowing, are fine those purchased with the shell but do not remove the skins reddish otherwise it will not sprout.
Peanuts: contraindications and side effects
It's called Arachibutyrophobia and the fear that the peanut butter will stick to the palate, it is considered a real phobia. Definitely these people will not be recommended remedies and uses of the peanut butter and peanuts in general.
But who does not suffer from this phobia and yet has never interested in peanuts, nor butter should pay attention to the following.
CAUTION: peanuts are a known source of allergy and can trigger strong peaks of histamine, therefore we recommend taking if you are sensitive and you should inquire about the children. Consumption of peanuts in case of allergy can cause asthma attacks, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes and anaphylactic shock.
Peanuts are also very caloric, so who takes the line you go plan.
What do you think of the properties of peanuts?
Have you ever thought about starting a small growing or making peanut butter at home?