You can eat raw fish? This type of food on the tables usually is much appreciated, but the question is not so simple, because the experts for some time now discuss with the specific risks to which they could face by eating uncooked fish. On the one hand there are many benefits that this food can bring to our body, the other one must be careful to possible health risks. Respond directly to the question is difficult because the specific cases are so many. We can, however, outline a basic framework of the main hazards and health benefits.
It's possible to eat?
According to what experts say, it is crucial that, to consume raw fish safely, it is first come down: the product must be frozen for at least 96 hours at -18 ° C in a domestic refrigerator, although in restaurants there are special machines that are used for this operation, which act more quickly. Although we are told that the fish was freshly caught, we should always make sure it has reached a low temperature, which allows the consumer without risk to health. The consumer must always know whether the fish has been subjected to this type of treatment. The killing has the advantage of preventing the proliferation of bacteria and parasites, and must also take account of the relationship between size of the product, temperature to reach and duration of the operation. The latter is easier to be implemented with professional blast. At home, with common freezers, the trick is to extend the stop of the fish in the freezer because the cold can safely reach all parts of the food. It 'important to divide the fish into smaller portions and freeze them separately, to make the process faster.
The fresh supermarket fish
When we buy fresh fish at the supermarket or fish market, we can not be confident to consume it raw. The fresh fish is not a health guarantee. We must always ensure whether the product has been shot down. When we buy the fish, whether it comes from fishing to farming, we must ensure that they have certification that indicates the treatment of "pre-cleaning", which then was subjected to a reduction in temperature. It 'important to give priority to seasonal products and those from neighboring seas, because they are based on shorter and therefore more easily controlled supply chains. In general, the gutted fish is safer than the one sold with the guts, if you want to consume raw.
The benefits
Eating raw fish, if shot down, also of the benefits, which mainly concern the contributions of key nutrients for our body. For example, the raw fish possesses high biological value protein, which correspond to a percentage ranging from 16% to 20%. Furthermore, the raw fish can count on a great intake of trace elements, among which should be mentioned especially the iron, phosphorus and iodine. As for the fat content, the fish can be divided into three groups, considering the presence of omega 3 fatty acids: lean fish with less than 5% fat content (cod, sole, turbot, pike, trout, sea bream) , semi-fat fish with a fat content ranging from 5% to 10% (Sardinian and mullet), fatty fish with a fat content higher than 10%, such as eel and salmon. In addition, the raw fish allows a great amount of vitamins of group B.
The risks
It 'important to note that the consumption of raw fish can also lead to health risks. You may run into phenomena such as parasitic infections, especially when we consume food contaminated by pathogenic organisms. The same can be said for infections, when raw fish is contaminated with bacteria and viruses. Another problem can be represented by poisoning due to contaminated food toxins. The risks are many, especially in the consumption of shellfish, which feed by filtering the water, may retain some pathogenic microorganisms. The latter, if they are not neutralized through cooking, they can lead to various diseases: poisoning determined Escherichia coli, viral hepatitis and food infection with salmonella. Among the most common diseases related to the consumption of raw fish, there are intestinal parasites due to Anisakis, species of pests that normally inhabit the digestive tract of fish and shellfish. These microorganisms can also be the cause of allergies, when the body of some people produces immunoglobulin type E
Monday, August 1, 2016
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