Tuesday, August 23, 2016

TURMERIC : Health benefits and side effects-Healthiest Foods on the World

It 'easy to distinguish turmeric, due to its intense color and its distinctive aroma. Used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is a spice rich in beneficial properties for health. About some of the properties of turmeric and which brings benefits to our health.
Turmeric: description and general characteristics

Turmeric longa, of the Zingiberaceae family (the same family of ginger and cardamom), also called Kurkum "saffron pigs" or "saffron of the poor" is a perennial wild plant that can reach one meter in height. It stands out because of the large leaves, the big yellow flowers and of course the cylindrical root, branched and orange.

The root is precisely the part that contains the beneficial properties and is harvested in autumn. It can be purchased fresh or dried and ground.

But what is the origin of turmeric? It is assumed that this spice comes from China since Marco Polo mentions it in his writings (XIII century), it still knows that arises both in Asia and in India and Malaysia. However, it is assumed that the first to discover it had been the Greeks who rely on it in a medical book, Paracelsus also counseled to combat liver problems.

What you may not know: turmeric is considered a lucky charm and Indian brides will wear a small piece on the wedding day to the neck. This spice is also the main ingredient of curry (masala), a typical blend of Indian spices, but is then seen as a colorant.

There are several species of turmeric, at least eighty, but the most known and used is the Curcuma longa or domestic.

Turmeric: calories and nutritional values

Quantity per 100 grams:

  •      354 calories
  •      Fat 10 g
  •      Saturated fat 3.1 g
  •      Polyunsaturated fatty acids 2.2 g
  •      1.7 g monounsaturated fat
  •      Cholesterol 0 mg
  •      Sodium 38 mg
  •      Potassium 2,525 mg
  •      65 g carbohydrates
  •      dietary fiber 21 g
  •      Sugar 3.2 g
  •      Protein 8 g
  •      Vitamin C 25.9 mg
  •      Calcium 183 mg
  •      Iron 41.4 mg
  •      Vitamin B6 1.8 mg
  •      Magnesium 193 mg 
The properties and benefits of turmeric

We see first of what are the active ingredients of turmeric:

  •      camphor;
  •      cinerolone;
  •      turmerone;
  •      flavonoids;
  •      curcumin;
  •      starch;
  •      fibers;
  •      C vitamin;
  •      polyphenols.

With regard to the beneficial properties of turmeric, they were first discovered by Ayurvedic medicine.

Among its beneficial properties include:

  •     Anti-inflammatory: namely, this spice is able to reduce the inflammatory mechanisms in the body especially those involving the joints;
  •     purifying action: one of its benefits lies precisely in helping the body to expel toxins;
  •     Choleretic: increases the production of bile and at the same time in favor the passage to the duodenum;
  •     Antioxidant: it helps fight cellular oxidation and the development of free radicals;
  •     Antitumor: thanks to curcumin that blocks the progression of cancer cells, in particular prevents the colon, mouth, lungs, liver, skin, kidney, breast and leukemia;
  •     Healing: fresh rhizome can be applied to wounds, rashes and insect bites;
  •     glycemic stabilizer: This spice is recommended in cases of diabetes, because it is a hypoglycemic food;
  •     Digestive: promotes the proper functioning of the stomach and, therefore, is also digestive;
  •     Neuroprotective: turmeric is capable of hindering neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, for example;
  •     Immunostimulant: curcumin would be able to fight Crohn's disease and autoimmune diseases, as well as to stimulate the immune response;
  •     Sebum-regulating and soothing: it is ideal to treat various dermatological conditions, from acne, psoriasis to fungal infection;
  •     antibacterial;
  •     Antihistamine;
  •     cardiovascular protector: promotes smooth flow of blood, improves circulation, helps regulate cholesterol and protects against heart attacks;
  •     carminative and antispasmodic properties: is very useful in case of flatulence and to regularize the intestinal functions.

We summarize the benefits you derive from the consumption of turmeric:

  •     anti-inflammatory
  •     neuroprotective
  •     antioxidant
  •     immunostimulatory
  •     digestive
  •     antibacterial
  •     antihistamine
  •     antitumor
  •     purifying
  •     choleretic
  •     cholagogic
  •     cardioprotective
  •     Carminative and antispasmodic

Natural remedies with turmeric

In herbal medicine are different preparations of turmeric to use according to the problem found, according to the dosage suggested by the physician. Alternatively you can prepare the natural home remedies, provided you carefully read the contraindications described below.

Very often the choice falls on pills and supplements in various forms, but there are also herbal teas and essential oil. The infusion can be obtained either with the fresh rhizome that with the powder; it would be good to drink a cup before meals.

The ideal is to use turmeric as a spice, so make it a gastronomic purposes or perhaps to prepare Indian-inspired drinks like for example lassi. You can use it of course to prepare the masala, curry and other spicy dishes for cooking meat or vegetables, one example is the lentil soup with spices called "Dahl". This spice can also be used in the preparation of rice and omelettes.
How to prepare the oil with turmeric

Mix 5 teaspoons turmeric powder per 100 cc of olive oil, let it stand for 7 days in a dark glass jar, finally filtered. Use as a seasoning or rubbing and massage for cellulite, joint pain, muscle pain and dermatitis.
How to Prepare an ayurvedic drink

This drink, also called golden milk, is prepared by mixing with turmeric, water, milk, vegetable also wanting, and honey. It is a great invigorating drink, digestive and anti-inflammatory.

How to prepare the tea with turmeric

Pour 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder in a pot of boiling water, add a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice with a pinch of black pepper. Because black pepper? It improves the absorption of the beneficial properties of turmeric. Excellent remedy for colds.

With the fresh root: boil 5 grams of fresh root along with water for 3-4 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand for 10 minutes without removing the lid. After this time, strain the infusion, sweeten with a hint of honey and drink.

Centrifuged to base of turmeric

  •     Centrifuged energy and rich in vitamins: get yourself 1 apple, 1 orange, 2 carrots, 5 grams to 15 grams of fresh ginger and fresh turmeric. Place in the juicer carrots, apple, ginger and turmeric and extract the juice. Squeeze the orange and strain the juice. Combine everything, add the tip of a teaspoon pepper, turn and serve.
  •     Centrifuged detox: get hold of a small pineapple, 15-20 grams of fresh root of turmeric, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil, the tip of a teaspoon pepper. Peel the pineapple and turmeric root and extract the juice. Add the other ingredients, mix well and serve.

Smoothies made with turmeric

  •     energizing smoothie: get yourself 250 ml of coconut milk, 100 grams of pineapple, 1 banana, 10 grams of coconut (1 tablespoon), 2 grams of turmeric powder, 2 grams of cinnamon, ginger 2 grams, 5 grams of oil chia seeds. Whisk together until the mixture is smooth. Serve the smoothie without filtering, fasting and before meals.
  •     Smoothie detox: get yourself 5 grams of turmeric powder, 1 bunch romaine lettuce, 2 or 3 carrots, 1 lemon zest, 100 ml of water. Whisk all the blender until you have a smooth smoothie. Drink it just did fasted three times a week.
Turmeric: useful tips

  •      Buying Tips: if you buy fresh root is good to buy it in small quantities because it dries quickly losing its beneficial properties.
  •      Recommended storage: fresh rhizome should refrigerate while the powder keeps well in a glass jar in a dark place away from sunlight and moisture. 
Turmeric: contraindications and side effects

In general, turmeric presents no particular contraindications. If taken in excessive doses may cause some side effects, such as nausea or heartburn.

  •      You should not use turmeric if you are also allergic to only one of the active ingredients.
  •      If taken to excess can cause: ulcers, diarrhea, nausea, bloating and calculations.
     Not recommended for use in people with Haemophilia disorders, calculations and pregnant women.

What do you think of the properties of turmeric? They're using this spice? If so, let us know that you use it and your recipes


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