Let's start with a little 'of general notions.
Parsley: general characteristics
The curly parsley (the etymology is from the Greek petra meaning "stone" and esèlinon or "celery"), or parsley, belonging to the Apiaceae family is a biennial herbaceous plant that grows spontaneously in temperate climates, in fact, it does not grow well under cold temperatures. Its habitat is the Mediterranean, you can find them both in the woods meadows.
The stem of the plant starts from a very robust white taproot and stem branches off the triangular and jagged leaves. The flowers, gathered in an umbrella in groups of fifty, have five petals, white or purple-blue. Parsley is sown between March / April, grows rapidly until the second year, then blooms and dies.
parsley varieties:
- the curly parsley in curly leaf;
- The Italian Parsley flat and smooth leaf that would have a more intense flavor;
It 'always known in the kitchen as a spice, but also because of its contraindications, while the properties remain always in shadow. Yet it was not always so: in ancient times this plant was used not only against halitosis as well as a diuretic and as a remedy for toothache.
"You're like parsley" is a saying that comes from the fact that the parsley in ancient times appeared in so many dishes and grew spontaneously in the rocks, so it was everywhere.
This plant can be kept in the refrigerator with the stems immersed in water or you can chop and freeze.
Before moving on to the properties, here's some trivia:
- it is said that the parsley is an aphrodisiac;
- an ancient superstition if you want to love not cut parsley to avoid destroying your love;
- also it believed that with the help of this plant could avoid unwanted pregnancies;
According to an ancient greek physician, raw parsley should be present at every meal, why?
Here's what contains this plant:
- Essential oils (apiol, apioside and Myristicin);
- mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, selenium, potassium, manganese, sulfur, copper);
- vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, C, E, K and J);
- amino acids;
- flavonoids;
- furanocoumarins.
And here is what are the properties of parsley:
- It stimulates the appetite;
- antianemic is as rich in vitamin C and iron;
- It helps to increase the immune system;
- aids digestion;
- It improves the functions of the thyroid gland;
- It improves the health of teeth and bones;
- hypotensive, as it regulates blood pressure and improves circulation;
- diuretic, in fact, helps against water retention and cellulite;
- laxative properties;
- It prevents tumors;
- It prevents degenerative diseases of the nervous system and brain;
- good ally against renal colic;
- relieves toothache, pain, bruising and itching from insect bites;
- It promotes the menstrual cycle and relieves pain;
- anti-inflammatory, it helps to relieve joint pain and inflammation of the respiratory system;
- It helps to reduce the loss of hair;
- It lightens the skin by eliminating the stains;
- antioxidant properties;
- It helps in case of mastitis;
- tonic;
- It helps combat diabetes;
- carminative properties as it helps to expel gas from the stomach and intestines, so it is very useful against a swollen belly.
Parsley: all uses
In addition to being used in cooking to add flavor to our dishes or for the preparation of many sauces, parsley can be used as a natural remedy for various ailments.
Natural remedies with raw parsley
- Rubbed on the mosquito bites relieves itching;
- Applied on neuralgia, bruises, bruises and sores it relieves pain;
- Consuming it in salad helps fight anemia, strengthens bones and teeth, cleans and helps the intestine;
- Chewing a few leaves is a good remedy for halitosis;
- Apply fresh pounded and pounded on her breasts relieves mastitis.
natural remedies with the cooked parsley
The decoction of this plant can be used to:
- lighten your face, and as a tonic;
- strengthen hair, and as a compress for hair;
- stimulate the cycle and alleviate pain;
- digestive;
- purification;
- stimulate urination and appetite;
- relieves inflammation.
pesto recipe with parsley
To fully appreciate the quality of raw parsley here is a quick pesto that goes well with the whole wheat pasta.
- a small bunch of parsley washed;
- two tablespoons of green olives;
- a small clove of garlic;
- a tablespoon of pine nuts;
- anchovy;
- extra virgin olive oil to taste;
- Salt and Pepper To Taste;
- two tablespoons of hot water.
Blend all the ingredients, if is too thick add another bucket of hot water. The oil is added after the puree, mix and pasta.
Recipe infusion of parsley
Take a tablespoon of chopped parsley and put it to boil for five minutes. If heat is used to filter and drink, it should be used for cold compresses or as a tonic for the face, wait for complete cooling, strain and use.
Parsley: contraindications and side effects
The food consumption of fresh parsley is considered safe, however we do not recommend excessive consumption in order to avoid unpleasant side effects.
CAUTION: parsley is highly discouraged in pregnancy (abortion because if excessively consumed) and in subjects suffering from kidney diseases.
Beware of parsley extracts, may cause dermatitis and allergic reactions.
Do not administer to children natural remedies made from parsley.
Parsley is poisonous to cats, birds and small animals in general, which in fact usually avoid eating them.
This article has no medical value but informative, before taking natural remedies with parsley seek advice from your family doctor.