Recommended foods
Proper nutrition is, as always, an important factor to getting a good health and, even in the case of cystitis, the food we eat can help us or not to heal more easily, relieving symptoms and decreasing the discomfort of this disorder. There are some effective natural remedies that will allow us to be a bit 'better, during this difficult period. Which? First of all, it is good to drink a lot and regularly to eliminate - through urine and in the shortest possible time - the toxins present in the bladder, thus avoiding that the latter inflame. In our diet, ahead even of the vegetables and fresh fruit consumption: excellent raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, beets, carrots, lettuce and potatoes. Specifically, the black currant has the ability to prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder and to protect it, therefore, by inflammation.
They are also good cereals, bread, pasta, rice and tea - for example, to mauve, known remedy against cystitis - and herbal infusions.
Foods to avoid
Are there any foods to be avoided during the period when you are suffering from cystitis and those too acidic such as meat, eggs, fish, dairy products, citrus fruits - sour and dried fruit in general - vinegar, tea, coffee, chocolate, onions, tomatoes, apples, apricots, peaches, pineapples, bananas, plums, strawberries, beans, avocado, beans, alcohol, carbonated beverages, spices, spicy and fried foods and sauces such as mayonnaise and ketchup: these foods, in fact, being acidifying, make urine even more acidic, increasing abdominal pain or burning sensation. Finally, remember that cystitis can occur in a mild, but also have different stages of severity - such as hemorrhagic cystitis from different causes, as chronic, acute or recurrent - and, therefore, should not be underestimated: so, please contact a doctor who will indicate the right treatment and proper diet to follow to avoid worsening inflammation.