Cauliflower: general characteristics
Cauliflower is the edible flower of a herbaceous plant belonging to the cruciferous family and called Brassica oleracea L., varieties botrytis.
Cauliflower is a vegetable that needs some care in the cultivation: first of all needs a rich soil and separation spaces between plants to allow the development of leaf mass. Moreover, it needs a constant irrigation and possibly of a organic type fertilizer even manure. The difference between the early and late varieties is that first have to be sown in the greenhouse in March, while the latter in flower beds in the period between April and May; transplantation takes place at a distance of one month or 45 days. As soon as the cauliflower is ripe it is ready for harvest, which occurs, for the early varieties in late July and early August, for the late varieties in late October.
The cauliflowers are a typical winter vegetable and should consume at least a couple of times a week to take advantage of its particular nutritional characteristics. Also included in a weight loss diet due to their low calorie and high satiating power, the cauliflowers are a very tasty food to prepare in different ways. When cooking, to neutralize the lingering smell, you can put on the lid a piece of stale bread soaked in vinegar. To keep a long raw cauliflower just put them in the refrigerator, where they can also stay up to ten days, but once cooked they can hold a maximum of two days. The advice is to consume them fresh, especially to benefit one hundred percent of their properties (see also: recipes with cauliflower).
Cauliflower: the beneficial properties
Cauliflower is a valuable food with many useful properties for the body. Among the many properties of the cabbage remember that anti-inflammatory: the cabbage is a natural anti-inflammatory and is useful to combat arthritis and heart disease. Cauliflower contains nutrients such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid, vitamin C and so on. and active anticancer, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiscorbutic . Its cleansing properties and mineralizing promotes tissue regeneration.
Indicated in cases of diabetes because of its particular properties, it helps to control the levels of blood sugar. Moreover, according to some American studies cauliflower it has anti-cancer properties and helps prevent colon cancer and ulcers, as well as is effective to treat anemia. According to recent studies, the cauliflower would also be effective in the prevention of prostate cancer. This was revealed by a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which found that that those who follow a diet rich in cabbage, but also you brussel sprouts, broccoli and cabbage It has about 49% less chance of getting sick, thanks mainly to the presence of antioxidants.
Cauliflower: the health benefits
The benefits from the consumption of cauliflower are numerous. Cabbage is rich in minerals including iron, magnesium, sulfur, but is also rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), so that in the past were given to migrants to prevent scurvy infections. The super nourishing action of this food makes it one of the favorite products vegans, who take cabbage instead of meat because it has a lot of iron, even present in rates of over beef.
The cauliflower consumption also acts beneficially on the immune system and fights diseases and attacks of germs and bacteria. The amount of dietary fiber also makes it friend intestine, precisely because it acts on its correct operation. In addition, the strong presence of flavonoids in cauliflower helps to prevent premature aging and its action detoxifying regulates the removal of toxins while helping the liver to detox. Furthermore, it is proved that the cauliflower is beneficial in respect of certain types of cancer, in particular breast, colon and bladder.
It 'a great help against hypertension: its regular intake helps to lower the pressure due to the presence of amino acids. Fights infections: thanks to the sulfur contained in cauliflower, a very useful for our body substance, effectively fights infections and accelerates wound healing. Also useful for health due to the presence of beta-carotene, a substance known for its antioxidant activities, cauliflower plays a preventive action against macular degeneration that often occurs in old age.
The cauliflower also brings significant benefits to the health of bones: in general all vegetables belonging to the Cruciferae family are a source of minerals, and therefore also the cauliflower, thanks to the presence of calcium, magnesium and potassium, effectively protects the bones. Cauliflower also stimulates the thyroid functioning and its regular intake feeding is useful for people suffering from ulcerative colitis. Finally, the cauliflower is beneficial for the mind thanks to vitamin K, which has the property to increase the concentration and all mental functions, bringing benefits in Alzheimer's prevention, and nerve damage.
Cauliflower: nutritional values and calories
100g of boiled cauliflower contains 40 k cal / 167 kj.
In 100 g of product we are:
- 84,20g water
- available carbohydrates 4,40g
- 3,90g sugar
- 5,30g proteins
- 0,30g fat
- cholesterol 0g
- Total fiber 2,40g
- Vitamin A 60μg
- Vitamin C 28mg
Cauliflower: all uses
Cauliflower, like all vegetables, it should be cooked as little as possible so as not to lose the proteins and minerals that is rich. To avoid to release the smell, you can add to a teaspoon of white vinegar. In addition, it is advisable to buy fresh cauliflower and free of stains for use in the kitchen and take advantage of its beneficial properties. Used to dress pasta, for the preparation of seconds and contours, the cauliflower lends itself to many variants of seasoning and is also enjoyed as milkshakes to consume in the case of cooling to get immediate relief.
As well as in the kitchen, the cauliflower is widely used in the production of creams and rejuvenating face masks with oily and acne skin. For example, the cauliflower leaves, adequately pounded in a mortar and placed on a gauze, must be applied on the face for about 30 minutes. A solution obtained by cauliflower buds can also be applied to the skin like a sunscreen and helps the body protect itself from the dangers of ultraviolet rays. It also reduces the formation of free radicals blocking the anti-aging action thanks to an important compound called sulforaphane. The leaves of cauliflower can also be used at home to get a great reviver of carpet colors: just some elapse on the part to be treated and the result is immediate!
Cauliflower: contraindications and side effects
To avoid the onset of food intolerance during adulthood would be appropriate to encourage the consumption of cauliflower from childhood. In any case, even if no particular contraindications, all vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family interfere absorption of iodine, and therefore it is not recommended an exaggerated consumption, especially for those suffering from problems related to the thyroid, because it can cause swelling and diarrhea. In addition, cauliflower contain aromatic substances that advise against breastfeeding consumption as dulling the milk too intense flavor.