Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Almonds: property, benefits, nutritional value, calories and contraindications

Make famous Sicily: almonds course.

Have you ever noticed that almonds are all diets? They are recommended as snacks, snacks anti-hunger, etc., etc.?

Because they are rich in minerals, especially magnesium, it can not consume a large amount because they are caloric and contain a high percentage of lipids, but they are excellent to counteract anemia, bad moods and many other problems as we shall see.
almond types

Almonds can be:

  •     desserts, the most cultivated;
  •     love, contain amygdalin which can cause cyanide poisoning (are darker in color and more rounded shape);
  •     apricot kernels, or seeds contained in the kernels of apricots and peaches.

The sweet and bitter some (cooked lose much of the risk of being toxic) are used for the preparation of the macaroons, but also of the liquors.

The kernels are processed industrially to remove the bitterness.

With almonds can be prepared:

  •     sweet (macaroons, nougats, candies, cakes, puddings, gingerbread, marzipan)
  •     almond milk
  •     alcohol
  •     almond oil

Milk in particular is very rich in nutrients, you are achieved by blending the almonds, putting them in water, and then tap off the liquid squeezing the pulp. It should be kept in the refrigerator because it sours quickly.

The almond oil is especially used in cosmetics as an emollient and soothing.
How to recognize the almonds

The almond (Prunus Dulci), of the Rosaceae family, is a tree that can exceed ten meters high. The fruit is the almond, an oval drupe from woody shell in which you'll find one or two seeds, sweet or bitter. The flowers are white, intense aroma. Fresh almonds are harvested in the spring.

One of the curiosities of this fruit is the fact that the ancient Romans considered it an auspicious symbol for newlyweds while in the Middle Ages the almonds were used to prepare aphrodisiac filters.

The plant is native to Asia, he reached the Mediterranean and found fertile culture in Sicily.
Almonds calories and nutritional values

Like all oil seeds, almonds have a high calorie, equal to about 500 calories per 100 grams, they must be consumed in moderation if you fear being overweight and related diseases.

Because almonds are so important? For their high content of important nutrients, which are:

  •     vitamins (riboflavin, vitamin E, J, A, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6);
  •     mineral salts (manganese, magnesium, calcium, chlorine, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper and phosphorus);
  •     triglycerides (fat);
  •     polyphenols;
  •     fibers;
  •     amino acids (aspartic and glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, cystine, glycine, phenylalanine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, proline, methionine, serine, tyrosine, tryptophan, valine and threonine);
  •     laetrile.

Almonds: properties and benefits

Let's see why almonds are much recommended:

  •    Hypocholesterolemia, helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood;
  •     protect the cardiovascular system, preserve the circulation and heart damage from age and fats, avoiding the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels;
  •     protect against stroke and heart attack;
  •     maintain balanced blood pressure;
  •     anti-aging, almonds are considered excellent antioxidant because counteract the action of free radicals;
  •     almonds help boost the immune system;
  •     energizing, almonds are recommended at certain times when the body is in particular need of energy: pregnancy, convalescence, sport, physical and intellectual overwork. This property is due in particular to the high percentage of manganese, copper and riboflavin.
  •     slightly laxative, excellent against constipation;
  •     help in case of stress, anemia, menopause and premenstrual syndrome;
  •     osteoporosis, almonds strengthen and increase bone mineral density; why they are useful to women in menopause, which are subject to osteoporosis, but also for the elderly in general, whose bones tend to become brittle over time.
  •     anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, because relieves intestinal inflammation, kidney, lung and genitourinary;
  •     anti-anemic, thanks to the rich iron content;
  •     protects against the risk of developing type 2 diabetes;
  •     anticancer thanks to laetrile.

Almond oil has beneficial properties to make soft, nourished and supple skin and is especially recommended in case of stretch marks.
Almonds: all uses

Is used in cosmetics is almond milk, which is a great cleanser, both the oil and can be used to prevent the signs of aging on the skin, make-up off, lessen stretch marks and restore softness and elasticity to the skin. They are also allied hair as they help to nourish them and make them hydrated and bright, just add a few drops to the usual form of hair. Almond oil is also great to give back elasticity and beauty to the nails, even here just make small packs.

The milk is employed both in the cosmetic field that nutrition, although for the most part is widespread among those who are intolerant of cow's milk. It seems to be an excellent calming cough and helps to relax and recover the good mood.

An unconventional snack? Two slices of wholemeal bread with organic honey, chopped almonds and slices of banana. I certainly have, and it's great to get your fill of nutrients that are important to our physical and mental well being.

A tip: both the oil and the milk should be stored in the refrigerator because they go bad very quickly.
Almonds: contraindications and side effects

CAUTION: bitter almonds should not be eaten raw, because ARE POISONOUS. They contain amygdalin and involve similar to cyanide poisoning. Initially manifested by cramps, nausea and headaches and symptoms are getting worse by the amount that it has assumed. Seek immediate emergency care, especially if they have been ingested by children or pregnant women.

Bitter almonds when cooked lose their toxicity and in some manufactures the toxin is removed before use.

CAUTION: almonds can lead to intolerance and allergic reactions.

Almonds pregnant are recommended, but not the love of course.

Who should pay attention to the line, because they are very caloric consumption few and like all oil seeds are very fat. It only takes a handful every now and then, or three per day based on the diet that was recommended.

Peanuts: property, benefits, nutritional value, calories and contraindications

The peanut, also called "peanuts", are legumes used for food consumption, which have numerous beneficial properties for the organism. Greatly appreciated all over the world, peanuts are an important source of monounsaturated fats (good fats, very helpful for heart health), protein and dietary fiber. Also, do not contain cholesterol, they are rich in antioxidants and are very good for your skin and hair.

Who does not remember the proverbial peanut Pippo? In the comic Mickey Mouse, Goofy ate peanuts to become a super hero and acquire his super powers. Yes, they were just the peanuts. And who can forget the famous Peanuts, whose name means just peanut in English?

Okay, maybe they do not really donate super powers, but one thing is certain, the peanuts are rich in health-giving properties.
How to recognize peanuts

Peanuts are classified as nuts but in fact are part of the legumes and of the Papilionaceae family. Their native land is South America even though they quickly spread to Africa and Europe, in 1800, and in the warmer parts of Asia. The plant is grown in Israel where it is grown a very valuable variety.

It is a fruit, oval, yellow dark covered with a reddish skins. The botanical name of the plant is Arachis hypogaea, is sown in April-May and the peanuts are harvested between September and October.
Curiosity on peanuts

We are consumed roasted, boiled in other countries but for a long time were not eaten, because they were considered food for beasts. By the time it was discovered that he drew and oil were higher in food for mankind. Even long after it was discovered that the injured could work to obtain butter, very popular in America.
Peanuts: calories and nutritional values

The peanut is a very caloric food, 100 grams contain 567 calories, this figure already revealed many secrets of this fruit: peanuts are highly nutritious and can constitute in themselves a meal. But beware: they contain uric acid, so it is not good to exaggerate. They are more nutritious meat as we can see from the nutritional composition:

  •     protein 25.5%
  •     fiber 8.5%
  •     sugar 2.3%
  •     fat 49%
  •     minerals (calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese, selenium)
  •     vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, J, PP)
  •     amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, aistina, phenylalanine, glycine, isoleucine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, proline, serine, tyrosine, threonine, tryptophan and valine)
  •     acids (arachidic acid, chlorogenic acid, stearic acid, gentisic acid, lauric acid, oleic acid and linoleic, palmitic and caprylic)
  •     beta-carotene, quercetin, reverastolo, lecithin, genistein, coenzyme Q10 and rutin. 
The properties of peanut

  •     It helps the immune system, thanks to the wealth of mineral salts;
  •     especially in Eastern countries the consumption of peanuts to promote milk production is very much in use;
  •     It protects the nervous system;
  •     promote the health of the skin;
  •     help blood circulation;
  •     protect the brain from the ravages of aging;
  •     anti-aging, as we have seen is the brain, the nerves, the skin benefit because they are protected from the action of free radicals;
  •     stimulate fertility and helps pregnant due to folic acid;
  •     Allied against headaches, well it seems that the abundance of Q10aiutia coenzyme take away the headache;
  •     energy, in fact, very recommended for athletes;
  •     protect against cancer and Alzheimer's;
  •     ideals against menopause and PMS (premenstrual syndrome) as rich in genistein reduces the bad mood, depression and hot flashes;
  •     Allied of the lungs, especially in Ayurvedic medicine are believed to be excellent to combat respiratory problems;
  •     regularizing pressure;
  •     fight fatigue and chronic fatigue;
  •     Hypocholesterolemia, in fact, help to keep down the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  •     prevent gallstones;
  •     They are allied bowel, as rich in highly digestible fiber.

Peanuts: all uses

From peanuts they are obtained:


Let's move on to the use of peanuts: they are a great snack, butter can be used to make a sandwich, you can caramelize and add to the preparation of desserts.

Recipe for homemade peanut butter


  •     500 grams of shelled peanuts
  •     1 pinch of salt
  •     25 grams of peanut oil
  •     5 grams of cane sugar
  •     a teaspoon of honey


First, the peanuts are to be put into the oven, at 170 degrees for 15 minutes. After this time the peanuts should be put to cool. Finally compartment whisk together peanut oil and honey until you get a cream. Add the salt and whisk you some more ', take care that the cream should not overheat. At this point the peanut butter is preserved in the refrigerator.

Remember that peanuts can be grown in pots, they need sun and good soil rich in nutrients. In the cold months, it should be placed sheltered from the wind and frost. The roasted peanuts are not suitable for sowing, are fine those purchased with the shell but do not remove the skins reddish otherwise it will not sprout.
Peanuts: contraindications and side effects

It's called Arachibutyrophobia and the fear that the peanut butter will stick to the palate, it is considered a real phobia. Definitely these people will not be recommended remedies and uses of the peanut butter and peanuts in general.

But who does not suffer from this phobia and yet has never interested in peanuts, nor butter should pay attention to the following.

CAUTION: peanuts are a known source of allergy and can trigger strong peaks of histamine, therefore we recommend taking if you are sensitive and you should inquire about the children. Consumption of peanuts in case of allergy can cause asthma attacks, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes and anaphylactic shock.

Peanuts are also very caloric, so who takes the line you go plan.

What do you think of the properties of peanuts?

Have you ever thought about starting a small growing or making peanut butter at home?

Coconut oil: properties, benefits, nutritional values, uses and contraindications

Coconut oil, this unknown. Does not he hear much talk and even less said about its benefits, from time to time cases are mentioned uses. Stop. Too little.

How about a full immersion in the topic of coconut oil: properties, health benefits, what it is, has contraindications?

In tropical areas, of course, it is a star but to us it is not so much in view, therefore, we must do him justice.

Cocos nucifera of Arecaceae family is originating in Indonesia, Europeans discovered it in 1525. The palm tree is long-lived and very large (done by calculating if you want to have one in the garden). It has large leaves that branch off from the top of the rough trunk, which tend to fall after the first two years of life. The flowers are yellow and the fruits appear after 15 days after bloom and grow in the space of six months.
Coconut oil: everything you need to know

It is a vegetable oil that is extracted from coconuts. The seed we know  is a brown globe, when ripe, fibrous in which there is the white pulp.

From coconut are obtained:

  •     pulp
  •     milk
  •     oil
  •     butter

Why oil? Once the pulp was dried by you you can easily extract the fat fraction which is rich (before drying contains about 35% fat after drying between 63 and 70%).

In the solid state the oil has the consistency of butter, then around 15-20 ° C while about 24 ° C returns to the liquid state.

The board: the summer is fine to keep the oil in the bottle in the fridge, but in winter is placed in a larger container because once solidified does not come out of the bottle!

The coconut butter on the market is also solid past the 30 ° C because it is so as not to melt the hydrogenated precisely, its properties are equal to the oil (being the same product in different form).

In commerce there are two types of coconut oil:

  •      pure coconut oil (or Virgin): unrefined, pasteurized, hydrogenated, who then maintained unchanged its properties. Ideal for: cosmetic, massage and medicinal uses.
  •      refined coconut oil: is obtained by drying the pulp through mechanical and chemical processes, it loses color, odor and keeps intact some properties. It retains more but has less beneficial properties.

Oil refining is a very important point: more is refined and loses his good qualities.

Ideal for frying, in the kitchen and for cosmetics, as we will see the coconut oil is very versatile. Let's talk about the benefits and features.

Coconut oil: calories and nutritional values

Why coconut oil is so good for your body and health of the whole body? Here's what it contains:

  •     Lauric acid 44-51%
  •     Myristic acid, 13-18%
  •     Palmitic acid 8 - 10%
  •     Caproic acid 6 - 10%
  •     Caprylic acid 6-9%
  •     Oleic acid 5.5 - 7.5%
  •     Stearic acid 1-3%
  •     linoleic acid <2.5%
  •     Vitamin E, K and J

It has very high calorie a contribution
, provides about 862 calories per 100 grams and is mainly composed of saturated fat (92%), power source, but do not go to affect cholesterol because they are medium chain (those are harmful acids long-chain saturated fats).
Coconut oil: properties and benefits

So we introduced the subject fatty acids, coconut oil is rich and are good for health.

Are you curious about the properties?

  •     antiviral properties, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal and antiprotozoal, this is due to the action of lauric acid     
  • slimming properties, due to ketones which would be the medium chain triglycerides processed by the liver;
  •     It protects the brain from diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's syndrome, ALS and multiple sclerosis;
  •     energy properties;
  •     It protects from the onset of diabetes 1 and 2;
  •     Hypocholesterolemia properties;
  •     immunostimulant properties;
  •     antioxidant properties;
  •     It protects the intestines and promotes regularity;
  •     It strengthens and protects the body;
  •     protects herpes, flu and even HIV (WARNING: does not mean you can do unprotected sex but only that your immune system are more reinforced to such viruses, use a condom always and in any case!);
  •     It stimulates the metabolism;
  •     emollient and soothing;
  •     antibiotic properties;
  •     nourishing and moisturizing properties;
  •     It helps the heart and thyroid problems and prevents the cardiovascular system;
  •     detoxifying properties.

Coconut oil: what is it? What are its uses?

In short, we found that does so much good to us, but how we use it.

I can think of in the first place in the kitchen, such as butter or oil, to make curry for example, but also all the dishes of traditional Indonesian, Polynesian etc etc ... Then you buy a book of tropical recipes. The best way to cook with coconut oil is to replace butter, much better tolerate high temperatures, so it can be used for making cakes such as cupcakes, cookies and muffins.

As for external use, it is used for its cosmetic properties, very useful against dry skin. dry skin, irritated and slightly toned? It 's time to begin to use the oil and coconut butter for:

  •     moisturizer
  •     feed her
  •     elasticizer

Coconut oil, for those who do not particularly oily skin is also a good makeup remover, removes every trace of make-up. Also it fights the signs of aging on the skin, so it is very useful to soften facial wrinkles.

Also you can use it as a base for scrubs and as a natural deodorant.

Also it applies to the hair: they are brittle, dull and dry? Then it takes a mask with coconut oil, works wonders. Seeing is believing. The coconut butter? Try using it as a balm for hair detangling and polishing.

There seems little?
Other uses of coconut oil:

  •     lubricate guitar strings, hinges and locks;
  •     remove the paint from all surfaces (provided they are oil-based);
  •     remove the gum from hair, from carpets, the carpet;
  •     clean the interior of the machine;
  •     polish the wood;
  •     use it for shaving;
  •     to relieve hemorrhoids;
  •     against ear inflammation (2 no more drops);
  •     lice;
  •     to stop the nosebleeds (spread it inside the nostrils);
  •     as a mouthwash to sanitize your mouth;
  •     as an insect repellent and to alleviate the discomfort of bites;
  •     moisturize and soften the leather;
  •     clean and disinfect the dentures.

Coconut oil: contraindications

Among the contraindications of coconut oil, you have to consider some allergies and intolerances, especially in susceptible individuals. Although able to make to our many health benefits, coconut oil is still a very caloric food, so you should always consume moderate amounts, taking care to put it inside of a balanced and varied diet.

Figs: property, benefits, nutritional value, calories and contraindications

To those who like the figs? They are absolutely delicious and are rich in nutritional properties. Do not believe us?

Buddhists consider them a symbol of knowledge and the trees were sacred were indeed grown in religious areas and was severely punished if caught stealing, it is said that Hercules always great to keep its strength is only harbored of figs, legend has it that the basket of Romulus and Remus ran aground in a bend of the river under a fig tree where the wolf fed them, in Greece it is said that the Titan Sykèus to escape Zeus hid from his mother Gea who gave birth to him a tree that took the his name, fig precisely, it is said that Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves after discovering of being naked, finally legend has it that the fig milk was used as rennet to make cheese. These are just some of the curiosities.
Figs: what do you know?

  •     The botanical name of the common fig is Ficus carica because originating in Caria (Asia Minor) from where it spread to Palestine and Egypt;
  •     It spreads to the rest of the world with the discovery of America, arriving finally in Australia;
  •     It is part of the Moraceae family;
  •     It can reach to the 10 m high;
  •     It protrudes from the trunk a milk-like sap that can be stinging but that seems cure warts;
  •     The fig is actually an inflorescence, the real fruits are the small seeds inside;
  •     The fig is also said syconium, from which sycophant that over time has taken on the meaning of "disloyal";
  •     They will keep in the refrigerator in a closed container so that they do not absorb odors;
  •     Dried figs are preserved in a dry place protected from insects.

Figs: properties and health benefits

The figs have long been considered a miraculous food since high energy but also from a medicinal point of view. Given their form, in popular culture they were recommended against stomach problems and the woman's fertility.

There is actually a really down, we see the figs properties:

  •     laxative promotes gut peristalsis, fighting constipation and swollen belly;
  •     anti-anemic properties;
  •     anti-inflammatory it helps against urinary and pulmonary inflammation, fever and gastritis;
  •     protective properties of the skin;
  •     energy properties;
  •     tonics properties;
  •     properties to balance the digestive juices;
  •     anticancer properties, especially in preventing breast cancer and colon cancer;
  •     reinforce the view;
  •     prevent ulcers;
  •     mineralizing properties, strengthens teeth and bones;
  •     regularize blood pressure, preventing high blood pressure;
  •     protect the heart;
  •     antioxidant properties, slow down the free radical damage;
  •     help to strengthen the immune system;
  •     are allies of pregnancy as energetic and full of benefits;
  •     They are also excellent remedies against: asthma, earache, fever and abscesses.

Figs: calories and nutritional values

The fresh figs provide about 47 calories per 100 grams of pulp instead dried figs, sugar-rich, they come to also provide 250 calories per 100 grams.
What figs contain:

  •     potassium;
  •     iron;
  •     vitamins B6, A, B1, B2, PP, C, J and K;
  •     fibers;
  •     sugars;
  •     phosphorus;
  •     sodium;
  •     magnesium;
  •     copper;
  •     zinc;
  •     manganese;
  •     selenium;
  •     beta-carotene;
  •     lutein;
  •     zeaxanthin;
  •     fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6;
  •     polyphenols;
  •     amino acids:

Figs: all uses

The figs, besides being used in cooking or to make sweets, are still used for their healing properties against various ailments.

Among the natural remedies is the best herbal tea with dried figs against:

  •     catarrh;
  •     temperature;
  •     cold;
  •     flu symptoms.

The process is very simple: you take two dried figs and cut in half, bring to boil with the lemon peel, when they are soft remove from heat, filter, add honey and drink. You drink twice a day.

Against pimples is suggested the mashed figs, you squeeze the pulp and apply it on the face, it is actually also a moisturizing and toning mask, protects from the elements and especially from the cold but not recommended for allergy sufferers.
Recipe mask for the face:

    using plain yogurt;
    two teaspoons of almond oil;
    three tablespoons of rice flour;
    the pulp of two figs.

Blend the figs and mix with the other ingredients, with the addition of honey to the skin off and aloe for impure skin. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Hand pack

    the pulp of two figs;
    two teaspoons of castor oil;
    4 tablespoons of oatmeal;
    2 drops of essential rose oil musk;
    lemon to taste.

Whisk the figs and mix with the other ingredients, applied for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water will see that fabulous hands!

Figs: contraindications and side effects

The issue of figs contraindications is a bit 'to argue: in themselves have no contraindications, but being very sugary diabetics and those with weight problems should take them with caution. According to sources the excess consumed figs accredited would cause headache and certainly dysentery. Also figs contain oxalates, and therefore, when consumed in excess can cause kidney stones or gall bladder, so it is advisable to sufferers to avoid the consumption departing.

It is also not recommended in case of surgery to the digestive tract and personally do not recommend the remedies made of fig milk that can be stinging and cause allergic reactions. 

Fennel: property, benefits, uses and contraindications

Because usually it is recommended to finish a meal with fennel? Because of its many beneficial properties for health, known since ancient times.

Yet not so much attracts: it is hard, a little 'woody and not particularly tasty, but in truth there are many recipes to make it pleasant and after knowing him for good will find out why it is important to eat more often fennel.
Fennel: general characteristics

Foeniculum vulgare is its botanical name (from Latin foenum = hay for the appearance of the leaves). It is a herbaceous plant, Apiaceae, which grows spontaneously, annual or biennial. Its stem can reach 80 cm, the leaves are thick and similar green hay, while the flowers are yellow umbels that bloom in summer. The fruits are inaccurately called seeds.

The edible part of the Fennel is the white part that develops at the base, but you can also use the fruits, flowers and buds.
fennel varieties

The varieties are two:

  •     wild
  •     horticultural

The second is the one that is grown for food consumption.

History and facts

Do you know why they say a fool someone?

The first cellar to taste a wine, offering slices of fennel, because it seems to have aromatic substances that can make even a good tasty cheap wine or who has almost become vinegar.

Since ancient times, fennel, is known as aromatic plant and its cultivation for the table will be started only in the '500. Later it is discovered its medicinal properties and only later began to cultivate it. It is assumed that it was even known to the Egyptians as a digestif, while in India it worked to aphrodisiacs filters and against snake bites. Few people know that however in the Middle Ages there was the belief that it could be a remedy against the bills.

Male or female? The male fennel is distinctive in that it is elongated while the female is round. The male is also less fibrous and meatier.

How do I know if a fennel is fresh or not? The white part bulbous must be compact, the fresh leaves and a bright color.

How to store it? Fennel is kept in the refrigerator in a perforated bag or you can freeze fast after boiling.

The fruits 'seeds' of fennel are harvested in late August or middle of September and should be dried in the fresh, not in the sun, then you shake the parasols of the flowers and gather the "seeds" in glass jars. The "beard" or the tender leaves may be felt both in spring and in autumn.

Fennel: properties and health benefits

The main property now everybody knows, helps digestion. But there is much more, let's start by nutritional values.

This plant contains:

  •     mineral salts (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium);
  •     vitamins (A, B, B6, B1, B2, B3, C, E and C);
  •     fibers;
  •     essential oils ;
  •     flavonoids
  •     phytoestrogens;
  •     amino acids
And here is what are the properties of fennel:

  •     galactagogue, which stimulates the milk supply in nursing mothers;
  •     digestive, fennel helps to digest but also eliminate the swollen belly due to gas accumulation;
  •     emmenagogue, it helps regulate the menstrual cycle due to phytoestrogens;
  •     prevent breast cancer;
  •     It improves liver function;
  •     antispasmodic, which eliminates painful spasms of the abdomen;
  •     It improves the function of the nervous system;
  •     inflammatory;
  •     purifying, helps the body get rid of toxins;
  •     diuretic, being rich in water promotes diuresis and combat water retention;
  •     carminative, prevents bloating;
  •     antiemetic;
  •     It reduces the problems associated with irritable bowel syndrome;
  •     Antiflatulent , since it inhibits the fermentation of food in the intestine;
  •     antioxidant, being rich in flavonoids fight the devastating effects of free radicals;
  •     immunostimulant, strengthens the immune system;
  •     It helps against the cough;
  •     It regulates blood pressure, prevents the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  •     anti-anemic, to prevent and to combat anemia as rich in iron and vitamin C;
  •     It protects the brain;
  •     preserve healthy vision;
  •     It reduces renal colic due to anethole;
  •     it helps to control the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  •     is an ally of the skin due to vitamin C and the antioxidant substances.

Fennel: all uses

In addition to being eaten raw in salads, or boiled and baked, fennel can be used as a natural remedy for various ailments.

The herbal tea is certainly the best known natural remedy made from fennel. But to use they can do?

You can drink for:

  •     promote diuresis;
  •     soothe inflammatory processes;
  •     deflate belly and stomach;
  •     digest;
  •     promote good rest and loosen stress;
  •     calm the spasms in case of colitis or painful cycle;
  •     counter headache;
  •     decrease or prevent flatulence;
  •     soothe coughs.

Recipe of herbal tea with fennel:

    1 teaspoon fennel seeds;
    1 jug of water;

Put to boil the fennel seeds in water for about ten minutes, strain and drink after meals or before going to bed.
the diuretic herbal tea recipe

    leaves of the lettuce waste;
    Orange peel;
    dandelion leaves or stalks of cherries;
    stems or leaves of fennel waste.

Put everything to boil for about twenty minutes, filter and drink after meals. Amounts to be agreed with your doctor.
Soothing herbal tea against cough

    stems and leaves of fennel

Boil for ten minutes, strain, add honey and drink. Amounts to be agreed with your doctor.

Raw fennel instead? It 'a great natural remedy for:

  •     counteract spikes in blood sugar or high cholesterol;
  •     lose weight, because it contains no calories;
  •     improve bowel;
  •     digest;
  •     soften and clean the mouth;
  •     promote milk supply;
  •     avoid bloating and flatulence after meals.

Fennel: contraindications and side effects

Fennel apparently seems to have no contraindications, it is actually not recommended in early life for essential oil via it contains. It may also involve, in sensitive individuals, hives at the mouth (who is allergic to apples for example should also avoid fennel).

, Do not take the herbal tea of ​​fennel seeds for long periods. Finally the dry extract of this plant can reduce the effect of antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin.

WARNING: This article has informative value, is therefore not considered a prescription. Consult your primary care physician before taking any natural remedy.

What do you think of all these properties of fennel? What other natural remedies to know the basis of fennel?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Chicory: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications


Chicory is one of those plants that yes, they are rich in beneficial properties for health, but that is not welcomed by all because of its bitter taste.

Cichorium intybus is the botanical name of the chicory, but it's hard to go back to its etymology:Intybus instead it comes from Latin and is one of the greek translation éntybon that stood for the escarole, very similar to chicory. It was the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus published Species Plantarum in 1753, to join the two terms, then translated as "chicory."

Yet this difficulty it sounds strange, because chicory has always been known, since prehistoric times, and it Abundant evidence in all ages are found.
Chicory: how to recognize and general characteristics

Chicory is a spontaneous and perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It reaches a maximum height of 1 m: the first year shows the basal rosette, the second year will lengthen the stem; the taproot is tapered, conical, dark in color; the branches are apart and covered with fine hairs; the basal leaves form the rosette, then we have the cauline leaves which extend progressively upwards alternately on the stem.

The leaves grow in autumn and grow in winter, dry up immediately after flowering. The flowers are light blue, gathered in heads and situated armpit of the leaves, they open in the morning and close in the afternoon. It blooms between July and October.

Chicory in history

The Egyptians believed that chicory was a sacred plant, as well as a panacea for all ills. If he finds mention in the Ebers Papyrus (about 1550 BC) and in the writings of Pliny, as well as doctors in the greek physician Galen treated.

In medieval times it was used instead as anaphrodisiac remedy (to quell the boiling spirits).

During the Napoleonic period, in France, chicory root was used as a coffee substitute, a custom that will remain until the Second World War. The remaining parts were intended for food or medicinal preparations.

Chicory: properties and health benefits

So this plant has always been known, not only at restaurants but also in medicine. Because? Because it is rich in beneficial properties.
Here are the properties of chicory:

  •     purifies the blood;
  •     It helps cleanse the body;
  •     is an ally of the liver, helps him, purifies and protects it;
  •     acts as a calming;
  •     It stimulates and protects the brain functions;
  •     It promotes intestinal motility;
  •     It is a natural remedy for hypotension;
  •     It helps regulate and reduce cholesterol;
  •     laxative properties;
  •     aids digestion;
  •     is an ally of the pancreas;
  •     Bitter-tonic properties;
  •     diuretic and detoxifying, for this is a valuable ally for the kidneys;
  •     antibiotic properties;
  •     It stimulates the appetite;
  •     relieves lung afflictions.

And 'also useful against: the biliary insufficiency, anemia, liver congestion, gastric atony, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, rheumatism, Arthritis, hepatitis, depression, migraine, fever and skin diseases.
Chicory: nutritional values ​​and calories

What contains chicory?

Quantity per 100 grams:
  •    Water 93 g
  •     Fat 0.3 g
  •     Saturated fat 0.1 g
  •     Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g
  •     Monounsaturated 0 g fat
  •     Cholesterol 0 mg
  •     Sodium 45 mg
  •     Potassium 420 mg
  •     Magnesium 30 mg
  •     Carbohydrates 4.7 g (4 g Dietary Fiber, Sugar 0.7 g)
  •     Protein 1.7 g
  •     Vitamin A 5 mg
  •     Vitamin C 24 mg
  •     Calcium 100 mg
  •     Iron 0.9 mg

100 g of chicory contain about 23 calories.
Chicory: all uses

Chicory can be eaten raw, cooked, or if they can get infusions. If you make a constant use of fresh leaves you can also get the health benefits described above.

The chicory tea is an excellent natural remedy:

  •     bad cholesterol
  •     high blood sugar
  •     water retention
  •     dyspepsia
  •     cough
  •     anxiety
  •     asthenia
  •     Kidney Stones

The infusion recipe chicory

Take a small bunch fresh chicory, chop and pour two tablespoons in boiling water, cover and let stand ten minutes. Strain and drink.
The decoction of chicory recipe

Shredding a dried root that must boil in a liter of water, then strain and drink.

Boiled leaves can be used as a compress against:

  •     wounds
  •     bruises
  •     acne
  •     dermatitis

Recipe whipping chicory in a pan:

  •     boiled chicory
  •     extra virgin olive oil to taste
  •     Salt to taste
  •     one or two anchovies in oil
  •     a clove of garlic, peeled

I love this recipe, usually at home boil large amounts of chicory which then freeze in small portions. Once it is thawed it should be well drained, in a pan begins to brown, in plenty of extra virgin olive oil, garlic and anchovies, lower the heat and pour the chicory. It goes in the pan so that it takes on flavor, adding a little salt and if it dries too another little oil.

You can add to macco beans, Sicilian recipe and of course we can make married soups as recipes of Campania.
There is another natural remedy made from this plant, or Chicory, one of Bach Flowers. It is recommended for those who must always have control of the situation, who is obsessive and possessive, which must always criticize and demand.

There is also the mother tincture chicory, ask herbalist information.
Chicory: contraindications and side effects

Avoid taking in case of known hypersensitivity to one or more components.

Chicory is recommended for those suffering from gastritis and ulcers.

Warning: If taken simultaneously to the drugs, can reduce the effect. It contains a minimum of arsenic dose is therefore not advisable to eat it often and for a long time.

People allergic to Composite should avoid taking it.

A inulin excess may cause: allergic reactions, flatulence, bloating, cramps, diarrhea.

Contact your doctor for advice and clarification on.

Castor oil: properties, benefits, uses and contraindications

From the seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis), you get castor oil become infamous during the Fascist era and is back in the limelight thanks to its properties and its benefits.

Strengthens, feeds, glossy ... these are just some of its valuable qualities, which we discuss below some information on the plant.
The castor oil origins

The castor plant originates from tropical Africa according to some sources, while others show originates from India where it is known as Palma Christi, definitely has spread throughout the tropical climate but also in temperate because they are the places where this plant finds its favorable habitat to develop. It is a herbaceous plant or arborescent, therefore, annual or perennial (depends on the place in which it grows and the climate in particular). Its height is 3 to 10 meters, the leaves are palmate and toothed, green or reddish.

The flowers grow in summer, in bunches: the male flowers are at the base and apex are willing female ones. The fruits are thorny, and when they are ripe open releasing the dark red seeds. The oil that is extracted has a straw color, is viscous and dense tastes and an unattractive odor.

The castor plant is a well-known since the time of the Egyptians, it is not known with certainty if the oil was used for medicinal purposes or simply as a condiment in the kitchen. Among the non-edible uses we know for sure that was used as a lubricant, this due to the fact that even at low temperatures never freezes but remains viscous.

It can be bought in pharmacies or herbal medicine.
The castor oil consistency

Although it is not definitely inviting, the castor oil has excellent properties given by the following characteristics.

What contains castor oil:

  •     myristic
  •     palmitic acid
  •     ricinoleic acid
  •     oleic acid
  •     linoleic acid
  •     α-linolenic acid
  •     stearic acid
  •     hydroxystearic acid 9,10
  •     arachidic acid
  •     gadoleico acid

Features at a glance:

  •     It is a good lubricant
  •     low flammability
  •     antioxidant
  •     not dry
  •     low melting point
  •     mainly used for the production of surfactants and emulsifiers

Castor oil: properties and benefits

The main properties of castor oil is its being laxative, by always using it in order to facilitate the evacuation of the bowel, so it is a good remedy against constipation.

It has indeed also of fungal infections is great for fighting bacterial skin infections and attacks.

And 'anti-inflammatory, so it is recommended to those suffering from arthritis.

It has emollient and is great against dry hair, weak lashes and dehydrated skin, not only is excellent for strengthening nails as it is rich in:

  •      elastin
  •      collagen

It stimulates the production of keratin and thus heals and strengthens.

A lesser known properties is that of strengthening the immune system.

Obviously we know that helps against colitis problems, but it is also an interesting remedy for corns of the feet because it softens them.

With all the beneficial components which could not but be an excellent antioxidant in cosmetics and in fact it also takes advantage just because of his properties.

It improves lymphatic circulation, yes, through the massage with this oil stimulates the lymphatic movement.

Castor oil: all uses

Discover how to use the life of every day, so in practical terms, the castor oil.

  •     Colitis? It takes a cloth soaked in castor oil and relies on the painful or you do the massage.
  •     Calli? Just soak the castor oil  a cotton and apply it on the corn until it is softened. To take firm cotton wool worn socks or stop it with a plaster.
  •     Arthritis? The oil is heated in a water bath (not hot lukewarm It must have) then add the cotton ball and massaging on the painful area. Then cover the area with a warm cloth and leave 30 minutes. If the area is inflamed this method is not applicable.
  •     weak eyelashes? If you have an empty mascara applicator at home, just clean it thoroughly and then pour in the castor oil, then apply it on their own lashes as the mascara. Alternatively dab the castor oil on the lashes with batting. Before making this wash and remove make-up her face carefully.
  •     Dark circles? Before going to bed massage some oil drop on the eye and in the morning go teaspoon iced!
  •     dry skin, dry, that scale? After showering a massage with castor oil, let it absorb and then apply a normal moisturizer.
  •     brittle nails? What we need is a pack of: castor oil, sweet almond oil and one drop of tea tree oil.
  •     Contractures? It massages on castor oil patch, helps to relax the muscles.
  •     Itching and dandruff? Before shampooing massage on the skin a few drops of castor oil.

Castor oil is also an excellent remedy:

  •     stye
  •     eczema
  •     herpes
  •     sunburn
  •     wounds
  •     dandruff
  •     insect bites

Castor oil: contraindications and side effects

CAUTION: it is time to talk about contraindications.

The seed of the castor can not be consumed as it is because it is POISONOUS. Contains ricin, if we assume the symptoms of poisoning are:

  •     diarrhea
  •     vomit
  •     convulsions
  •     embolism
  •     arrhythmia

Ingesting even a few seeds can be lethal.

Castor oil should not be consumed in large quantities: up to 1 teaspoon for the laxative effect. It may give rise to allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Do not ingest if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is also not recommended for use in people who suffer from:

  •     ulcers
  •     hemorrhoids
  •     prolapse
  •     Irritable bowel syndrome

PARSLEY: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

Most of us see the parsley as a condiment and stop. Maybe we can not think that is rich in beneficial properties for health, or that could be used as a natural remedy. Yet it is so. I myself use the infusion, but I'll explain later.

Let's start with a little 'of general notions.
Parsley: general characteristics

The curly parsley (the etymology is from the Greek petra meaning "stone" and esèlinon or "celery"), or parsley, belonging to the Apiaceae family is a biennial herbaceous plant that grows spontaneously in temperate climates, in fact, it does not grow well under cold temperatures. Its habitat is the Mediterranean, you can find them both in the woods meadows.

The stem of the plant starts from a very robust white taproot and stem branches off the triangular and jagged leaves. The flowers, gathered in an umbrella in groups of fifty, have five petals, white or purple-blue. Parsley is sown between March / April, grows rapidly until the second year, then blooms and dies.

parsley varieties:

  •     the curly parsley in curly leaf;
  •     The Italian Parsley flat and smooth leaf that would have a more intense flavor;

It 'always known in the kitchen as a spice, but also because of its contraindications, while the properties remain always in shadow. Yet it was not always so: in ancient times this plant was used not only against halitosis as well as a diuretic and as a remedy for toothache.

"You're like parsley" is a saying that comes from the fact that the parsley in ancient times appeared in so many dishes and grew spontaneously in the rocks, so it was everywhere.

This plant can be kept in the refrigerator with the stems immersed in water or you can chop and freeze.

Before moving on to the properties, here's some trivia:

  •     it is said that the parsley is an aphrodisiac;
  •     an ancient superstition if you want to love not cut parsley to avoid destroying your love;
  •     also it believed that with the help of this plant could avoid unwanted pregnancies;
Parsley: properties and health benefits

According to an ancient greek physician, raw parsley should be present at every meal, why?

Here's what contains this plant:

  •     Essential oils (apiol, apioside and Myristicin);
  •     mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, selenium, potassium, manganese, sulfur, copper);
  •     vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, C, E, K and J);
  •     amino acids;
  •     flavonoids;
  •     furanocoumarins.

And here is what are the properties of parsley:

  •     It stimulates the appetite;
  •     antianemic is as rich in vitamin C and iron;
  •     It helps to increase the immune system;
  •     aids digestion;
  •     It improves the functions of the thyroid gland;
  •     It improves the health of teeth and bones;
  •     hypotensive, as it regulates blood pressure and improves circulation;
  •     diuretic, in fact, helps against water retention and cellulite;
  •     laxative properties;
  •     It prevents tumors;
  •     It prevents degenerative diseases of the nervous system and brain;
  •     good ally against renal colic;
  •     relieves toothache, pain, bruising and itching from insect bites;
  •     It promotes the menstrual cycle and relieves pain;
  •     anti-inflammatory, it helps to relieve joint pain and inflammation of the respiratory system;
  •     It helps to reduce the loss of hair;
  •     It lightens the skin by eliminating the stains;
  •     antioxidant properties;
  •     It helps in case of mastitis;
  •     tonic;
  •     It helps combat diabetes;
  •     carminative properties as it helps to expel gas from the stomach and intestines, so it is very useful against a swollen belly.

Parsley: all uses

In addition to being used in cooking to add flavor to our dishes or for the preparation of many sauces, parsley can be used as a natural remedy for various ailments.

Natural remedies with raw parsley

  •     Rubbed on the mosquito bites relieves itching;
  •     Applied on neuralgia, bruises, bruises and sores it relieves pain;
  •     Consuming it in salad helps fight anemia, strengthens bones and teeth, cleans and helps the intestine;
  •     Chewing a few leaves is a good remedy for halitosis;
  •     Apply fresh pounded and pounded on her breasts relieves mastitis.

natural remedies with the cooked parsley

The decoction of this plant can be used to:

  •     lighten your face, and as a tonic;
  •     strengthen hair, and as a compress for hair;
  •     stimulate the cycle and alleviate pain;
  •     digestive;
  •     purification;
  •     stimulate urination and appetite;
  •     relieves inflammation.

pesto recipe with parsley

To fully appreciate the quality of raw parsley here is a quick pesto that goes well with the whole wheat pasta.


  •     a small bunch of parsley washed;
  •     two tablespoons of green olives;
  •     a small clove of garlic;
  •     a tablespoon of pine nuts;
  •     anchovy;
  •     extra virgin olive oil to taste;
  •     Salt and Pepper To Taste;
  •     two tablespoons of hot water.

Blend all the ingredients, if is too thick add another bucket of hot water. The oil is added after the puree, mix and pasta.
Recipe infusion of parsley

Take a tablespoon of chopped parsley and put it to boil for five minutes. If heat is used to filter and drink, it should be used for cold compresses or as a tonic for the face, wait for complete cooling, strain and use.

Parsley: contraindications and side effects

The food consumption of fresh parsley is considered safe, however we do not recommend excessive consumption in order to avoid unpleasant side effects.

CAUTION: parsley is highly discouraged in pregnancy (abortion because if excessively consumed) and in subjects suffering from kidney diseases.

Beware of parsley extracts, may cause dermatitis and allergic reactions.

Do not administer to children natural remedies made from parsley.

Parsley is poisonous to cats, birds and small animals in general, which in fact usually avoid eating them.

This article has no medical value but informative, before taking natural remedies with parsley seek advice from your family doctor.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

CARDAMOM: property, benefits, uses and contraindications


Who understands the properties and benefits of cardamom? It is an unjustly little-known spice. Maybe you happened to see some jar, in the supermarket shelves, but not to have strong feelings about.

What is this cardamom? Because it is good for health? What is so special? You're about to find out.

Cardamom: general characteristics

First and foremost let's talk 'in general of this spice.

Cardamom belonging to the family Zingiberaceae (the same as for instance ginger), comes from India and adjacent areas. There are several varieties:

  •     the Elettaria cardamomum (or green cardamom)  India and Malaysia, the taste is strong and is the most prized variety;
  •     the Elettaria repens (or cardamom Ceylon) from Sri Lanka;
  •     the Amomum subulatum (or Siam black cardamom), comes from China but has spread to Vietnam and Thailand, its flavor is more bitter and it is the cheapest variety.

It looks like a plant that can reach 20 meters in height, the leaves are purple and the fruit is a capsule-green or dark brown, which contains the seeds; They are taken by opening the capsule and can be used whole or ground. It 'better to buy the capsules whole rather than the seeds fumes because the essence quickly evaporates.

Here are some trivia about Cardamom:

  •     It is one of the ingredients of the curry;
  •     the Romans used it in the production of essences;
  •     in the East folk tradition it an aphrodisiac;
  •     It would be quoted in "The Thousand and One Nights";
  •     in India only women can pick it up;
  •     Kashmir brides bring cardamom seeds embedded in jewelry;
  •     you can use it to flavor, in addition to the dishes, even the , coffee and chocolate.

Cardamom: properties and health benefits

These small aromatic seeds have many unexpected quality and can be used to prepare natural remedies at home against various ailments.

Before listing the beneficial properties of cardamom, we discover what it contains:

  •     essential oils (cineole, borneol, terpinolene, geraniol, myrcene, sabinene, nerol, pinene, linalool, limonene, alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol, camphene);
  •     mineral salts (magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron);
  •     vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and C);
  •     starch.
  •     phytosterols.

Cardamom properties:

  •     antiseptic properties, due to cineole that cardamom is an excellent remedy against respiratory diseases;
  •     carminative properties , helps to digest but also absorb intestinal gas and that are formed in the stomach, so useful against the swollen belly, is also useful as a remedy for indigestion;
  •     stimulating and refreshing, it is compared to caffeine although it is much less strong;
  •     antispasmodic properties;
  •     anti-inflammatory, in particular it is used against diseases of the oral cavity and cystitis;
  •     aromatic properties as it is a good remedy for halitosis;
  •    slimming properties, cardamom facilitates the proper functioning of the metabolism, and helps you lose weight;
  •     antioxidant properties as it helps to counter the free radical damage;
  •     hypotensive, it helps to counteract high blood pressure;
  •     diuretic, very useful against water retention.
In summary, this spice is useful against:

     sore throat;
     inflammation of the eyelids;
     inflamed gums;
     water retention.

Cardamom: all uses

Cardamom can be used to flavor various dishes and flavor of the drinks, but you can also prepare teas and healing infusions.

If you suffer from flatulence and bloating it can be added to the foods that create discomfort, or drink the tea after a meal.

Chewing the seeds is an excellent remedy for nausea, bad breath and toothache.

The infusion is particularly recommended against stomach disorders, seasonal and respiratory system.

the anti-inflammatory herbal tea recipe

  •     half teaspoon of cardamom seeds;
  •     half a cinnamon stick.

Boil for 10 minutes and let sit for another 5 covered, strain and drink. This infusion is also useful against dysentery.
Against depression it is useful to drink a brew made with:

  •     3 teaspoons of dried leaves of lemon balm;
  •     1 teaspoon cardamom seeds.

Boil for five minutes, let stand covered for 5, filter and drink, preferably during the day. Avoid the evening.

The ground seeds can be added to the Lassi, a typical Indian drink made of yogurt, water and spices. It is a good remedy against the inflammation of the stomach and the intestine, bone and urinary tract. Drink between meals.

If you have an annoying and persistent hiccups, put them to boil the pods and then you drink the warm boiling water.

For external use it is indicated the essential oil of cardamom which helps prevent wrinkles, cure acne and some dermatitis. Before using consult your doctor, do not use pure but diluted in a natural mild oil (such as almonds).

CAUTION: I remind the reader that these are not medical prescriptions, natural remedies should be used with caution and only after doctor's approval. In case of side effects stop taking and consult your primary care physician.
Cardamom: contraindications and side effects

The cardamom consumption is not recommended in case of pregnancy and lactation, it is also contraindicated in case of ulcers, colitis, reflux, diverticula, stones, colitis and gastritis. Can result in interactions with antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, it is therefore not recommended intake of remedies made from this spice in contemporary drug therapies.

Excessive use of cardamom may result in some side effects: allergic reactions, abdominal pain, chest pain, difficulty breathing, hives, and gallbladder problems.

CORIANDER: properties, health benefits, uses and contraindications

Coriander, cardamom as we have already spoken, is not a spice from us particularly widespread is indeed rare to find it fresh, which is a shame, usually they are the fruits in glass jars.

Personally I've used, one in glass alas, in the kitchen but not as a natural remedy because I have never crossed my mind. And this is not good because the spices are excellent as natural medicines (used with due caution is obvious). So also the coriander over that as dressing should also be exploited for its beneficial properties. You know them?
Coriander: what do you know?

  •     It belongs to the family Apiaceae (so relative of fennel);
  •     its botanical name is coriander;
  •     it is also called Chinese parsley (the smell a lot like the bugs);
  •     but it does not originate in the East of the Mediterranean countries;
  •     those found at the supermarket in bottles are the fruits, seem peppercorns;
  •         confetti carnival are named this spice, in the Renaissance in fact it was the custom frosting coriander seeds in different colors, then replaced (do not know how) to paper disks;
  •     in the kitchen they use them to produce liquors but also to flavor rice and sausages and mash or to make us the curry (masala);
  •     in ancient times it was used as an aromatic and medicinal plant by the Egyptians, the Jews, the Greeks and the Romans. The Romans in particular used it against fever and headaches. 
Coriander: general characteristics

Coriander, very similar to parsley, has thin roots, the stem is about 50 cm high, branched at the top. It has toothed leaves, alternate and jagged. It blooms in summer and the flowers are white, meeting umbellifer form. Fructifies between June and July.

It can be grown in pots is sown throughout the year in fertile ground (away from the fennel, but near aniseed), germinates in about a week, when the plant grows it can harvest the leaves.

Use and conservation of leaves: they can be used fresh, dried or frozen.

Use and conservation of fruits: the fruits are dried and can be used whole or ground and should be stored away from light and moisture, and then in glass jars.
Coriander: properties and health benefits

So what are these famous virtues that we should keep in mind if we buy coriander?

  •     tones the nervous system;
  •     It stimulates digestion;
  •     It keeps active the brain activity;
  •     antispasmodic, useful against cramps and colitis;
  •     fatigue;
  •     antiseptic;
  •     carminative, which helps to expel gas abdominal, calm heartburn, and stimulates the appetite;
  •     It fosters creativity and concentration;
  •     analgesic, shown against headaches;
  •     diaphoretic;
  •     purifying, helps the body to excrete heavy metals through diuresis and perspiration, also stimulates the kidneys and protects them;
  •     relieve respiratory inflammation;
  •     mucolite, so it is an excellent remedy for cough;
  •     It helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  •     galactagogue, which stimulates the production of breast milk;
  •     anti-inflammatory, useful against arthritis;
  •     antidiarrheal, that is useful to combat diarrhea;
  •     care of the oral cavity diseases such as canker sores, for example, but is also useful against halitosis;
  •     strengthens the immune system;
  •     It is a useful remedy for conjunctivitis;
  •     antidiabetic;
  •     relieves the pain of menstrual cycle;
  •     stabilizes mood;
  •     antioxidant.

All these properties are due to the coriander content:

  •     essential oil (linalool and geraniol);
  •     chlorogenic acid, acetic acid, decyl acid, borneol, pinenes, and caffeic acid;
  •     tannins;
  •     flavonoids;
  •     vitamin (C, A, K, B1, B2, B3 and E);
  •     mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc, potassium and magnesium); 
Coriander: all uses

Coriander lends itself to many more uses than we can imagine. In the culinary field it is used in the preparation of some sausages, flavor to meat, fish and vegetables, but also smells like beer, cookies, candies and Panpepato; the seeds are used as a spice. Ground, coriander seeds are one of the ingredients of curry and garam masala. The leaves, in the East, are used instead of parsley.

But its uses go beyond the use in the kitchen. It has many useful properties for the body care and is also an excellent natural remedy for many ailments.
Recipe of herbal tea with coriander

  •      a teaspoon dried cilantro or chopped fresh leaves;
  •      hot water.

Allow to steep, covered, for 5 minutes. Strain and drink.

The hot herbal tea is effective against:

  •     migraine;
  •      spasms pain or cramps from menstruation;
  •     slow digestion;
  •     flatulence;
  •     liver and kidney fatigued;
  •     fatigue;
  •     promote metabolism of carbohydrates.

The warm herbal tea is effective against:

  •     conjunctivitis;
  •     affections of the oral cavity.

The essential oil is effective against:

  •     eczema;
  •     psoriasis;
  •     arthritis;
  •     muscle relaxant.

To take advantage of the best essential oil benefits they can pour a few drops in a foot bath made with hot water and salt, or in the bathtub or you can use to massage, it is important not to use it pure but dilute it in another vegetable oil.
To do foot baths:

  •     hot water;
  •    1 tablespoon of coriander grains;
  •     a cup of infusion of the leaves;
  •     bicarbonate.

We have already talked about the importance of foot baths, this is a new recipe: it is a purifying and relaxing foot bath, very good against influenza. Must try.
Coriander: contraindications and side effects

WARNING: The information in this article are informative, they are therefore not to be considered medical prescriptions. Contact your primary care physician before taking any natural remedy.

When consumed in excessive doses coriander causes:

  •     nervous disorders;
  •     kidney disorders.

Do not take in case of stones, ulcers or specific gastrointestinal diseases. If you are under treatment for dysentery avoid based coriander remedies. It can cause intolerances and allergies in hypersensitive individuals.

CAUTION: it interacts with drugs with neuro stimulating and anxiolytic drugs, enhancing the effects and with drugs that regulate the function of the stomach and intestines, increasing the effect.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

TARRAGON: Health Benefits,Uses, Side Effects-The Best One

Tarragon, botanical name tarragon, also known as tarragon, is an aromatic plant that is part of the Asteraceae family. On the origin of the name Artemisia there are various hypotheses as we shall see, while Dracunculus, which means "little dragon", was awarded to him because of the similarity of the bush with the animal.
Tarragon: description and general characteristics

It is a perennial aromatic plant, can reach one meter in height: its stems are branched; The lance-shaped leaves, shiny and of a dark green; said corymbs flowers are small and yellow, and bloom in summer.

It comes from Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia and South Siberia, is not widespread in Italy though thrives well in temperate climates. It spread from these places in the rest of the West as a result of the Crusades. The Greeks knew its medicinal properties and used it against the toothache, hiccups and to stimulate appetite. The Romans gave it the name Artemisia in honor of Diana Artemis, since women used it to regulate the menstrual cycle, but according to other sources the name comes from Artemisia, sister and wife of Mausolus, king of Caria and Halicarnassus in 300 BC botany expert. It spread later the property of healing not ascertained from animal bites by natural remedies products with this plant.

Variety of tarragon:

  •     Russian tarragon: produces fertile seeds blooms from July to October, the plant is more resistant and robust but the flavor less strong;
  •     French tarragon is superior because of the quality of the flavor and is distinguished by the darker the leaves, the plant has a much more fragile appearance.

How to grow tarragon

Cultivating tarragon requires some attention: it reproduces by clumps or cuttings (the seeds are infertile), the soil should be rich and sandy and must be placed in sunny locations in low altitude. It plants in spring and in the next one you can already remove branches and young leaves to prepare natural remedies (it can also be dried to preserve them longer, or chop them and freeze them) but first they open the flowers. It can be safely grown in pots.

The most common use is of course culinary, because it is slightly spicy aromatic herb (excellent replacement for salt) ideal for various dishes, to which I will mention at the bottom.
Tarragon: properties and health benefits

What the ancients knew and that over time has been forgotten is that the tarragon, like many other spices and herbs, has beneficial properties for the body, since it is not only useful in the kitchen but you also derive the natural remedies.

Here is what are the properties of tarragon:

  •     digestive properties, is derived from the flowers a great brew to be consumed after heavy meals;
  •     analgesic, in particular is a good remedy for toothache;
  •     purifying, as it stimulates urine output;
  •     stimulating, promotes appetite (seems to be indicated in therapies against anorexia and bulimia, ask your doctor for advice) also it stimulates the activity of the kidneys and liver and bile production by preventing gallstones;
  •     It reduces the sensitivity of the taste buds and is therefore ideal for taking bitter medicine (WARNING: this is not a prescription before taking the tarragon simultaneously in drug consult your doctor);
  •     antiseptic, useful against sore throats and diseases of the oral cavity;
  •     carminative, aids digestion and elimination of gases is particularly recommended as a natural remedy for gastritis;
  •     aromatic, very useful against halitosis;
  •     tonic;
  •     relaxing, drinking the tea before bed promotes a night's rest;
  •     antispasmodic, good for relieving spasms, swelling and pain of menstrual cycle;
  •     antioxidant properties;
  •     antibacterial and antifungal essential oil;

  •     antidiabetic properties;
  •     mildly laxative properties.

Here is what are the active ingredients of tarragon:

  •     mineral salts (calcium, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium;
  •     vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and C
  •     estragole, cineol, nerol, limonene and ocimene;
  •     tannin;
  •     flavonoids;
  •     bitter;
  •     terpene and cumare;
  •     folate, pyridoxine, niacin and riboflavin.

Tarragon: all uses

As already said, this plant is used in the kitchen to flavor fish, eggs and other dishes, but also as a natural remedy to treat various disorders.

Among uses in the culinary field, tarragon goes well with:

  •     potatoes
  •     beans
  •     tomatoes
  •     asparagus
  •     onions
  •     meat
  •     fish
  •     eggs
  •     seafood
  •     vegetables
  •     cheeses

It 'very used to flavor butter, sauces (Bernese tartar or tarragon) and vinegar.

With flowers and leaves can be prepared infusions.
of herbal tea recipe tarragon

    15 grams of dried leaves (or flowers or 3 sprigs);
    hot water.

Soak the leaves, cover and wait 15 minutes. Strain and drink.
Recipe vinegar with tarragon

    white vinegar;
    100 grams of twigs picked before flowering.

Put everything in a glass bottle and let stand for 2 months in a dark place. Use with caution in small quantities.
butter recipe with tarragon

    2 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon;
    100 grams of butter.

Cream the butter with crushing fork until it's nice and soft, just mix at a time with the tarragon. Refrigerate and then serve to the table hot and fresh crusty bread.

Tarragon: contraindications and side effects

CAUTION, read the following carefully:

  •      The tarragon should not be taken simultaneously clotting drugs;
  •      You can use it as a support in therapies against only upon medical consultation anorexia and bulimia;
  •      You can take in contemporary drug therapies only on medical advice;
  •      Do not abuse of natural remedies made from this plant;
  •      Do not take during pregnancy;
  •      Do not use pure essential oil can lead to irritation;
  •      Not recommended for those allergic to plants of the Asteraceae family.

TURMERIC : Health benefits and side effects-Healthiest Foods on the World

It 'easy to distinguish turmeric, due to its intense color and its distinctive aroma. Used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is a spice rich in beneficial properties for health. About some of the properties of turmeric and which brings benefits to our health.
Turmeric: description and general characteristics

Turmeric longa, of the Zingiberaceae family (the same family of ginger and cardamom), also called Kurkum "saffron pigs" or "saffron of the poor" is a perennial wild plant that can reach one meter in height. It stands out because of the large leaves, the big yellow flowers and of course the cylindrical root, branched and orange.

The root is precisely the part that contains the beneficial properties and is harvested in autumn. It can be purchased fresh or dried and ground.

But what is the origin of turmeric? It is assumed that this spice comes from China since Marco Polo mentions it in his writings (XIII century), it still knows that arises both in Asia and in India and Malaysia. However, it is assumed that the first to discover it had been the Greeks who rely on it in a medical book, Paracelsus also counseled to combat liver problems.

What you may not know: turmeric is considered a lucky charm and Indian brides will wear a small piece on the wedding day to the neck. This spice is also the main ingredient of curry (masala), a typical blend of Indian spices, but is then seen as a colorant.

There are several species of turmeric, at least eighty, but the most known and used is the Curcuma longa or domestic.

Turmeric: calories and nutritional values

Quantity per 100 grams:

  •      354 calories
  •      Fat 10 g
  •      Saturated fat 3.1 g
  •      Polyunsaturated fatty acids 2.2 g
  •      1.7 g monounsaturated fat
  •      Cholesterol 0 mg
  •      Sodium 38 mg
  •      Potassium 2,525 mg
  •      65 g carbohydrates
  •      dietary fiber 21 g
  •      Sugar 3.2 g
  •      Protein 8 g
  •      Vitamin C 25.9 mg
  •      Calcium 183 mg
  •      Iron 41.4 mg
  •      Vitamin B6 1.8 mg
  •      Magnesium 193 mg 
The properties and benefits of turmeric

We see first of what are the active ingredients of turmeric:

  •      camphor;
  •      cinerolone;
  •      turmerone;
  •      flavonoids;
  •      curcumin;
  •      starch;
  •      fibers;
  •      C vitamin;
  •      polyphenols.

With regard to the beneficial properties of turmeric, they were first discovered by Ayurvedic medicine.

Among its beneficial properties include:

  •     Anti-inflammatory: namely, this spice is able to reduce the inflammatory mechanisms in the body especially those involving the joints;
  •     purifying action: one of its benefits lies precisely in helping the body to expel toxins;
  •     Choleretic: increases the production of bile and at the same time in favor the passage to the duodenum;
  •     Antioxidant: it helps fight cellular oxidation and the development of free radicals;
  •     Antitumor: thanks to curcumin that blocks the progression of cancer cells, in particular prevents the colon, mouth, lungs, liver, skin, kidney, breast and leukemia;
  •     Healing: fresh rhizome can be applied to wounds, rashes and insect bites;
  •     glycemic stabilizer: This spice is recommended in cases of diabetes, because it is a hypoglycemic food;
  •     Digestive: promotes the proper functioning of the stomach and, therefore, is also digestive;
  •     Neuroprotective: turmeric is capable of hindering neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, for example;
  •     Immunostimulant: curcumin would be able to fight Crohn's disease and autoimmune diseases, as well as to stimulate the immune response;
  •     Sebum-regulating and soothing: it is ideal to treat various dermatological conditions, from acne, psoriasis to fungal infection;
  •     antibacterial;
  •     Antihistamine;
  •     cardiovascular protector: promotes smooth flow of blood, improves circulation, helps regulate cholesterol and protects against heart attacks;
  •     carminative and antispasmodic properties: is very useful in case of flatulence and to regularize the intestinal functions.

We summarize the benefits you derive from the consumption of turmeric:

  •     anti-inflammatory
  •     neuroprotective
  •     antioxidant
  •     immunostimulatory
  •     digestive
  •     antibacterial
  •     antihistamine
  •     antitumor
  •     purifying
  •     choleretic
  •     cholagogic
  •     cardioprotective
  •     Carminative and antispasmodic

Natural remedies with turmeric

In herbal medicine are different preparations of turmeric to use according to the problem found, according to the dosage suggested by the physician. Alternatively you can prepare the natural home remedies, provided you carefully read the contraindications described below.

Very often the choice falls on pills and supplements in various forms, but there are also herbal teas and essential oil. The infusion can be obtained either with the fresh rhizome that with the powder; it would be good to drink a cup before meals.

The ideal is to use turmeric as a spice, so make it a gastronomic purposes or perhaps to prepare Indian-inspired drinks like for example lassi. You can use it of course to prepare the masala, curry and other spicy dishes for cooking meat or vegetables, one example is the lentil soup with spices called "Dahl". This spice can also be used in the preparation of rice and omelettes.
How to prepare the oil with turmeric

Mix 5 teaspoons turmeric powder per 100 cc of olive oil, let it stand for 7 days in a dark glass jar, finally filtered. Use as a seasoning or rubbing and massage for cellulite, joint pain, muscle pain and dermatitis.
How to Prepare an ayurvedic drink

This drink, also called golden milk, is prepared by mixing with turmeric, water, milk, vegetable also wanting, and honey. It is a great invigorating drink, digestive and anti-inflammatory.

How to prepare the tea with turmeric

Pour 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder in a pot of boiling water, add a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice with a pinch of black pepper. Because black pepper? It improves the absorption of the beneficial properties of turmeric. Excellent remedy for colds.

With the fresh root: boil 5 grams of fresh root along with water for 3-4 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand for 10 minutes without removing the lid. After this time, strain the infusion, sweeten with a hint of honey and drink.

Centrifuged to base of turmeric

  •     Centrifuged energy and rich in vitamins: get yourself 1 apple, 1 orange, 2 carrots, 5 grams to 15 grams of fresh ginger and fresh turmeric. Place in the juicer carrots, apple, ginger and turmeric and extract the juice. Squeeze the orange and strain the juice. Combine everything, add the tip of a teaspoon pepper, turn and serve.
  •     Centrifuged detox: get hold of a small pineapple, 15-20 grams of fresh root of turmeric, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil, the tip of a teaspoon pepper. Peel the pineapple and turmeric root and extract the juice. Add the other ingredients, mix well and serve.

Smoothies made with turmeric

  •     energizing smoothie: get yourself 250 ml of coconut milk, 100 grams of pineapple, 1 banana, 10 grams of coconut (1 tablespoon), 2 grams of turmeric powder, 2 grams of cinnamon, ginger 2 grams, 5 grams of oil chia seeds. Whisk together until the mixture is smooth. Serve the smoothie without filtering, fasting and before meals.
  •     Smoothie detox: get yourself 5 grams of turmeric powder, 1 bunch romaine lettuce, 2 or 3 carrots, 1 lemon zest, 100 ml of water. Whisk all the blender until you have a smooth smoothie. Drink it just did fasted three times a week.
Turmeric: useful tips

  •      Buying Tips: if you buy fresh root is good to buy it in small quantities because it dries quickly losing its beneficial properties.
  •      Recommended storage: fresh rhizome should refrigerate while the powder keeps well in a glass jar in a dark place away from sunlight and moisture. 
Turmeric: contraindications and side effects

In general, turmeric presents no particular contraindications. If taken in excessive doses may cause some side effects, such as nausea or heartburn.

  •      You should not use turmeric if you are also allergic to only one of the active ingredients.
  •      If taken to excess can cause: ulcers, diarrhea, nausea, bloating and calculations.
     Not recommended for use in people with Haemophilia disorders, calculations and pregnant women.

What do you think of the properties of turmeric? They're using this spice? If so, let us know that you use it and your recipes