Saturday, July 30, 2016

Tricks for Eat Out Without Getting Fat

You are looking for some tricks to eat at the restaurant without getting fat? Several studies have shown that there are small things you can do to maintain your ideal weight, even when you are out for lunch or dinner: stay in shape and lose weight, in fact, is possible without giving up some pleasant exits in the company their family and their friends. Here are some simple and valuable advice to dine out without getting fat by choosing from the menu of healthy foods.

1. Eat with health-conscious friends

Often, a restaurant meal can get to contain more than 1,100 calories. There are, however, of the tricks to facilitate the diet: one of them is to eat in a health-conscious friends. Because? Some studies show that people who eat in the company tends to order the same type of food: go, then, to eat in the company of people who are attentive to the quality of the food they eat.

2. Eat in a romantic place

In addition to follow a proper diet, there are other factors that can help aim: to eat in a romantic place is one of them. Some researchers have found that, by candlelight and with a right soundtrack, you can consume at least 18% less food. In these cases, it tends, in fact, to eat more slowly and with more taste.

3. Sit at the table near the window

When you go to the restaurant, ask to sit at the table near the window, according to some studies it seems, in fact, that those who sit next to the healthiest foods orders window and fewer sweets, preferring salads and vegetables in general. The reason may lie in the fact of being more under the eyes and judgment of all.

4. Choose fruits and salad at the buffet

If you happen to go to a buffet, try to opt for fruit and salad first: there is, however, the vegetables and fruits to be eaten sparingly. Some researchers have found that the first food that is consumed at the buffet is usually the one that influences the rest of the meal: beginners, in fact, eating calorie bombs is more likely to consume not exactly health food.

5. Ask a tall glass

Go out to dinner? Then, ask to drink a tall glass: this is because it seems that we tend to drink more alcohol in small glasses and say it is a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, which states that the bartenders they pay 27% more alcohol in small glasses than high.

6. Sit away from the bar

Another effective trick seems to be to sit away from the bar: you know, in fact, you eat while you are distracted is counterproductive, because we tend to do it more and not only now, but throughout the day. In addition to this, those sitting near a bar drinking much more alcohol than those sitting nearby.

7. Counting calories

Finally, counting calories can help you eat less, but do not do it in the traditional way. As? Try to think about how many kilometers of running are required for every 100 calories consumed: this should, in fact, give you the right motivation to order healthy and avoid eating junk food in large quantities.

Best Foods for Your Heart

What are the foods that are good for your heart? That regular physical activity and a healthy diet are the key to good health - and a good prevention to diseases and various diseases - has long been known, but there are also foods that can help, in particular, circulation blood and heart health status. What? Here are some valuable and simple tips to follow when it comes to power to have a heart that is strong and healthy. 

Among the foods must for a healthy heart, there are the apples that help prevent the formation of clots in the blood and contain fiber and vitamins that are really good for your health. What, then, of their flavor? They are delicious and there are several varieties, perfect to be eaten as a snack.

2. Green leafy vegetables

From the shopping list you can not miss a healthful food such as green leafy vegetables: there are various types - such as spinach, for example - and are rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber, in addition to having a low content of calories. Green leafy vegetables are also helpful for memory, such as apples.

3. Olive oil

What, then, of olive oil? It reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. This valuable food can not miss the Mediterranean diet: use it in the kitchen or simply on wholemeal bread, adding balsamic vinegar and oregano.

4. Avocado

Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fat - like olive oil - and has vitamins and antioxidants that can protect the heart. do not be missing from your diet: the important thing is eating taking the right number of calories. In addition, the avocado has many nutritional and beneficial properties.

5. oat

The oat contains soluble fiber, able to reduce cholesterol and maintain healthy digestive system. Do not give up, therefore, oatmeal, maybe to be consumed for breakfast with a little 'sugar cane, strawberries and walnuts.

6. Soybeans 

Soy is rich in protein can prevent heart attacks: this precious food is, in fact, considered to be a perfect substitute for protein than red meat, as it contains no saturated fats of the latter.

7. Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and prevent the risk of heart disease. Green light tomato in many different ways, it's appropriate to say: you can consume the sliced tomatoes in sandwiches, in salads or as a sauce with pasta or on pizza, for example.


Most nuts contain monounsaturated fat, vitamin E and other substances that help maintain low cholesterol levels. Walnuts are also a good source of omega-3 plant-based fats.

9. Whole Grains

Finally, from the list can not miss the whole grains, which are able to provide vitamins, minerals and fiber that will help keep the heart healthy. How about, for example, a couple of slices of wholemeal bread to be seasoned with tomato, salad and a soy cutlet? These are other allies of the heart foods.

What to eat to prevent colon cancer

What to eat to prevent colon cancer? Scientific research has long shown that a diet based on plant and some other food would give the possibility to undertake a real fight against cancer. He has demonstrated a study of the American Cancer Society, the results of which were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Scholars have sought to better understand how a careful diet can influence the incidence of colorectal cancer and especially as some specific foods can make a difference. Let's see what foods it.

1. Fish

Most important is the role played by some type of fish, such as salmon and tuna, rich in omega 3 fatty acids These help relieve the inflammation in the gut, an element that could be at the base of the tumor formation .

2. Oats or bran

Both oat bran that are rich in dietary fiber. These are very important to facilitate the motility of the food through the digestive tract. In this way the body would remain less exposed to toxins that can be ingested through foods and this would facilitate the prevention of the tumor.

3. Olive oil

Also the olive oil contains a particular type of fatty acids, which are associated with a lower risk of colon cancer, because they can reduce the inflammation in the digestive tract.

4. Beans

Beans are rich in folate and vitamin B, which play a key role in repairing damaged DNA, that could stand right at the base of the tumor development. They are also high in fiber.


Turmeric, with many properties and the many benefits, contains a compound called curcumin, which can protect the gastrointestinal tract, preventing or slowing the growth of cancer of the colon and rectum.

6. Baked Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene in large amounts. This substance is able to decrease the risk of getting colon cancer. Particularly useful would be cooked tomatoes, such as those that are used to make the tomato sauce. It 'already been amply demonstrated by scientific studies like the tomato sauce reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Studies have shown that whole fruits and vegetables, then all the fruit in general, would be important for the prevention of tumors of the digestive system, because they keep the digestive system in motion, as they are rich in fiber and micronutrients have important in lowering cancer rates.

apple cider vinegar for weight loss

The apple cider vinegar for weight loss? The properties and the benefits are many, but, in particular, the issue of weight loss is a subject of discussion. The vinegar has an astringent, which helps to control the sense of hunger and at the same time manages to have many effects on the body because it improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of bladder stones and the urinary tract, cleanses the body of toxins and proves to be a powerful antioxidant, exercising its action against the activity of free radicals responsible for cell aging. We consider in more detail all the properties of apple vinegar.

The slimming properties

According to various studies that have been conducted on the ability of the vinegar diet of apples, it would be effective, because it plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar. If consumed with meals, can reduce the speed at which you release the glucose in the blood. All of this is so that it is released a minor amount of insulin.

Considering that insulin is a very potent hormone for the storage of fats, in this way is explained the slimming effect that could have the apple vinegar. Everything is about the generous amount of acetic acid which contains this ingredient. The acetic acid, according to what he has discovered the scientific research, could have an important role in inhibiting the activity of certain genes that promote fat accumulation.

If you take every once in a while 'of apple cider vinegar diluted in water, if you drink enough water during the day, you do moderate exercise and eat without bingeing, the slimming effects of apple vinegar should be obvious.

The properties and the benefits

The vinegar is able to strengthen the immune system, revealing a pesticide for excellence, and reducing certain infections, such as, for example, those that affect the throat.

It can improve digestion, because it helps to maintain healthy intestinal flora and helps to speed up metabolism. It plays surprising antioxidant action, because it has been shown that ranks among the most important anticancer foods.

The vinegar is a valuable ally for the care of long hair: it is able to make them shiny and stronger. For example you can combine with a shampoo with green apples and thus becomes a formidable ally against hair fall season. It also reveals a great dietary supplement, because, when taken in periods of high stress, it helps to get your fill of vitamins and minerals.


It 'very important to buy apple cider vinegar that comes from organic farming. The action of pesticides, with which can be treated apples used for the production of vinegar, could be detrimental for the organism. If you make a reckless use of apple vinegar, may occur respiratory problems, nausea, rashes and urticaria. Also it can erode tooth enamel.

Friday, July 29, 2016

6 foods that cause cancer who probably eat every day

What are some of the foods that cause cancer and that probably you eat every day? Cancer is a disease, unfortunately, the most popular worldwide. While there are areas outside of our control circumstances, you may, however, reduce the risk of occurrence and this, above all, by following a healthy diet: some foods should, in fact, avoided and not at all consumed on a daily basis, as they can significantly increase the chances of contracting cancer. What? Here are just some of the foods to avoid at all or, at least, of which limit your intake to reduce the chances of getting cancer.

1. Meat 

Meat is one of the foods from blacklist, especially the red one and the processed foodstuffs such as ham, bacon, sausages and so on are full of chemicals and preservatives which can cause cancer. Eat, then, every day or large amounts of red meat can grow cancer cells within the body, especially with regard to the colon cancer. This is demonstrated by several studies in the world. Moderate, therefore, consumption or delete it altogether.

2. Artificial Sweeteners

Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners are often used in products for those who want to lose weight or have to avoid sugar, perhaps because of conditions like diabetes: regular consumption of these products, however, can cause - strange as it may seem - weight gain. The truth is that artificial sweeteners make it much harder for the body regulate levels of blood sugar, in addition to often contain aspartame: chemical carcinogen to be avoided as much as possible.

3. Hydrogenated Oils

Foods containing hydrogenated oils, as many know, are to be avoided: these are, in fact, commonly used to store food for long periods of time but, when employed, tend to modify the structure and integrity of cell membranes inside body, leading to the development of diseases such as cancer.

4. Fries

French fries are hard to give up, but it should at least minimize the consumption: some of them contain, in fact, high levels of acrylamide; carcinogenic substance that is activated when foods are heated to high temperatures by heating or frying. The chips contain, then, artificial flavors, such as different types of preservatives and dyes. Several studies have found an increased risk of cancer: limited, therefore, the consumption of potato chips or find a healthier alternative for your snacks.

5. Alcohol and carbonated drinks

Alcohol and carbonated drinks can be just as dangerous, especially if you drink a lot more than you should, according to some American studies, alcohol would increase, in fact, the risk of breast cancer and not only that. Equally dangerous are carbonated beverages, because of the content of sugars, food chemical products, dyes and the like which contribute to acidify the body and to fuel the growth of cancer cells. Moderate consumption of alcohol and carbonated beverages and can, at least, reduce the risk of cancer, as well as other diseases such as heart failure and stroke.

6. flour and refined sugar

Both the flour that refined sugar should be avoided in favor of healthier alternatives, such as brown sugar or kamut flour, spelled, Manitoba and others. Refined sugar is known to rapidly increase the levels of insulin and can result in the emergence of cancer cells: this food is found in many products on the market, such as fruit juices, snacks, cookies and more. The refined white flour is a common ingredient, but also refined carbohydrates have often been linked to an increase in cancer. Opt, instead, for the alternatives and remember that proper nutrition helps to prevent cancer.

Foods to purify after the holidays

What foods to purify after the holidays? There are some foods and ingredients that are capable of purifying our body, especially if you are returning from lunches and dinners by the parties as this past Easter. Almost certainly, you will have eaten much, or at least more than usual and this could make you feel heavy. How to do, then? The trick is to consume healthy foods that help you to purify your body, in these post-binge days: among them, there are certainly fruits and vegetables, but also spices and more. Take a look!


To keep fit, what could be better than a healthy fresh fruit juice? That is orange or grapefruit does not matter because, in both cases, would assume that the vitamin C will help to purify the body. Drink it as soon as ready - in the morning or as a snack - so as not to disperse the therapeutic properties.


Excellent for the purification of the body are spinach, from the numerous nutritional properties: these are, in fact, rich in minerals, vitamins, calcium, iron and antioxidant properties, as well as purifying: boil or cook them steam for, then, toss with a wire of oil and lemon.


Fennel is rich in vitamin A, C and potassium and minerals: this vegetable is great for encouraging the abdominal deflation and that it helps get rid of excess fluids. You can consume fennel, cleaning few cloves to eat when you get hungry during the day.

brown rice

What, then, of brown rice? Unlike white rice - which is, unfortunately, full of carbohydrates and sugars - the integral is a valuable ally: contains fiber, selenium, magnesium and protein at will. To consume very much in these days to help the body.


Cauliflower is a vegetable from the many beneficial properties: for this reason, should be consumed several times a week. Cauliflower contains phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, folic acid and iron, as well as having antioxidant, antibacterial and antiseptic properties.


Among the spices perfect for helping the body detox is turmeric, rich in beneficial properties: This spice is, in fact, suits against infections and is a valuable ally in the elimination of toxins accumulated during binges of these days.

Goji berries

This week, do not forget to put in the shopping cart Goji Berries: These are, in fact, valuable allies for the body, as they are rich in iron, vitamins, beta-carotene and antioxidants.


Finally, do not forget to drink at least two liters of water a day: it is the water element that we can not do without, especially after binges of these days and when you need to clean the body of toxins.

7 myths about eggs


The myths about eggs deserve to be debunked, in order to proceed with a view to a healthy diet. On eggs it says a lot. Some are fat, heavy, can increase cholesterol, so their consumption should be limited. According to other opinions, however, the eggs can not miss in our daily diet, because it would represent an excellent source of protein. Want to know more? You want to be aware of what are the advantages and disadvantages of egg consumption? Follow our guide.

1. They are difficult to digest

For some eggs it is difficult to digest, but it is not necessarily always the case. Many times also depends on the cooking method or use of some special seasonings. Certainly they are heavier if we cook with butter and oil.

2. They increase cholesterol

And 'the whole thing that counts in the feed. It 'true that the eggs can be considered fatty foods and therefore those with cholesterol problems should be careful. However, if we eliminate from the diet other fatty foods, eggs can be eaten without incurring any particular health problems.

3. They increase the body weight

The eggs make you fat? Scientific research has extensively dealt with the issue, demonstrating that there is a close correlation between consumption of eggs and body weight gain.

4. Okay just one egg a week

Usually it is said that, in order to avoid any particular health problems, it would be advisable not to exceed the consumption of an egg a week. According to experts, however, this rule should not apply absolutely. In fact you can even eat more eggs, considering first and foremost individual needs.

5. They increase muscle

It is believed that the consumption of eggs, because of the high protein supply that provide, can be essential to increase the muscles. This is also a myth to dispel, because to have snappy muscles and larger must proceed with the workout.

6. They hurt liver

It is true that in themselves are bad for the liver eggs. Everything is going well in the cooking method. If we cook the eggs in the pan with oil and with the addition of other fats, we can make the work of this body more difficult.

7. They are rich in fat (bad)

The egg fats are mostly concentrated in the egg yolks, but can not be defined "bad" fats, rather they are beneficial, because they act like those foods that are good for the heart and the cardiovascular system.


Antibiotic: eggs can be eaten during therapy?

If you take an antibiotic, the eggs can be eaten during therapy? And 'a question we hear often do, because it is mainly based on the conviction that eggs are heavy for the liver. It is believed that the organ, already engaged in the reception of medications, can fatigue further. It is an unfounded belief, because in general there are no contraindications concerning the contemporary intake of antibiotics and foods such as eggs.

The very fact that the eggs are heavy for the liver is one of those false myths about eggs, you need to proceed to debunk diet more aware. If you are doing a cure with antibiotics, the only problem may be dictated by the class of sulfa drugs.

There are many types of sulfa drugs. They are usually used for the treatment of urinary tract infections or for systemic infections.

Some are also used in topical skin level. Some of these drugs are to rapid elimination, while others have very slow elimination.

Only if you take these medications, you may need to not consume eggs. In fact, some intestine egg components can bind to sulfa drugs, limiting their absorption and negatively influencing its activities.

For all other antibiotics, there is no problem with the simultaneous consumption of eggs, but we must be careful to allergies. Both eggs that antibiotics, in fact, according to experts, are of allergenic elements and, together, may increase the risk of provoking a reaction.

Debunking The Milk Myth

Some myths about milk to debunk deserve to be treated with the aim of arriving at an important food awareness. Only the latter is able to give us every chance to make good choices about our diets. It is often said that the milk in general is good, that is an excellent source of minerals, calcium, vitamins and is essential for bone health. But how much truth is there in all this? The next time you find yourself in the supermarket to buy milk, keep account of our suggestions. Perhaps you can discover the many elements that did not know.

1. It is good to all 

We are often repeat that milk is good for everyone. The statement can not be valid in general, because there are those who are allergic to cow's milk proteins. E 'was estimated, moreover, that 70% of the world population shows an intolerance to lactose.

2. useful for bones

It is said that the milk is vital to strengthen our bone-joint system. Recent scientific studies have shown that, with the consumption of milk, also increase the risk factors regarding osteoporosis and fractures. Excessive consumption of animal protein, in fact, the body can cause the so-called metabolic acidosis. The body then extracts the minerals from the bones, to exploit the alkalizing effect, and this definitely is not good to our skeletal system.

3. Fresh milk has greater nutritional value

It is not true that fresh milk is to be preferred to that long-life because it would have major nutritional values. The difference is in the taste.

4. It is not easy to digest

Some prefer to give up the milk, since they believe to be intolerant to it. It must not, however, exchange lactose intolerance with the difficulty of digestion. In the latter case, in fact, also a yogurt pot or a minimal amount of milk may not create problems.

5. very rich in calcium

Milk is rich in calcium, but that does not mean it's the only food to be preferred in case of deficiency of this mineral. Think about the fact that there are very important plant sources, such as sesame seeds, kale, flax seed and quinoa. Although these foods are rich in calcium.

6. very nutritious

It 's true that milk and in particular whey, with many properties and high nutritional value, are rich in vitamins and minerals. But there are other foods that are just as nutritious as milk or derivatives. Some plants, for example, are very effective: peanuts, wheat germ, dried beans and soy.

7. Does not contain antibiotics or hormones

It 'just a myth that the 100% natural milk. To cattle for milk production, just to intensify the obtained amount, they are often administered antibiotics and hormones.

8. Take away cardiovascular disease

Another myth to dispel is not true that the milk is able to protect against heart disease. The products made with it are able to provide to our saturated fat and cholesterol body, which can be right at the base of the diseases affecting the cardiovascular system.

Pesticides: how to eliminate them from fruits and vegetables

How to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables? For a healthy diet, it is important to follow a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables; foods with a thousand beneficial properties. Nowadays, however, even this kind of food can hide Hazards: pesticides are, in fact, unfortunately, widely used in the cultivation and are highly detrimental to the health of our body. If you do not opt for organic products - and, even then, it should still follow some small tricks - we have to have more care to clean vegetables and fruit. As? Here are some helpful tips to properly wash fruits and vegetables and remove, as well, the residues of harmful substances.

1. Water and salt

Water is the first ally for the thorough washing of food is of good hygiene, in fact, wash thoroughly with water - preferably with the addition of salt, from the many uses - fruits and vegetables before eating or cooking. The simple washing carried out with cold water helps to remove about 80% of pesticides. Alternatively, you can dip the food in boiling water.

2. Water and soda

The baking soda is great for your health to be added to the water to proceed with the washing of vegetables, removing dirt: you'll have to do is use a tablespoon of baking soda to a quart of water and allow to soak it all in 15 minutes approximately. In addition, you can create a compound - with a tablespoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of water - to rub, with the help of a toothbrush on foods to clean and disinfect.

3. Water and vinegar

Vinegar is a great ally in the house and it is also in this case: washed fruit and vegetables, immersing them - for about 30 minutes - in a bowl containing one part vinegar and two parts of water. Next, rub with a brush and rinse under cold water.

4. Water, baking soda and lemon 

 Another alternative? You can prepare a solution prepared with a tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of baking soda and a cup of water. You can mix the ingredients of the recipe yourself in a bowl, where immerse food to clean, scrub, rinse and dry.

5. Remove the peel

Finally, remember to always remove the peel when possible, especially if you are not sure of the provenance of the food. Obviously, for the preparation of recipes that include the peel of some fruit, proceed with the purchase of organic products and more secure, however, not neglecting the cleaning.

6 healthy foods you're probably eating too much

6 healthful foods that probably you're eating too much? A healthy diet should be balanced and excesses, you know, are to be avoided in order to avoid serious damage to the health of the organism. Whether it's an omnivorous diet, vegetarian or vegan is indeed important to learn from the food that you consume the right nutrients, without exceeding: if, in fact, a particular food boasts of remarkable beneficial properties, does not mean that it is necessary to consume excessive quantities. Even when it comes to health foods, therefore, be careful and find the right balance. But what are these foods that often are consumed with exaggeration? Here's a list to keep in mind.

1. Avocado 

The avocado benefits are, by now, well known: this precious fruit is, in fact, be able to help heart health, hair, skin and much, much more. Each fruit contains only 322 calories and 29 grams of fat: you can, therefore, consume a third of avocado as a snack.


This fruit is very good to be consumed in many different ways, as it is rich in nutrients, such as lauric acid, potassium and fiber. The coconut, however, must be consumed with caution: shakes to obtain scales and consummate a couple of teaspoons a day.

3.Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a food not to be missed: in fact, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants and protein. They can not, therefore, missing from a healthy diet. But what is the right amount? You can consume a spoon to add to salads, yogurt or smoothies.

4. Banana

A fruit very healthy, but which do not abuse in the doses is the banana: Bananas are, in fact, rich - among many things - potassium, minerals, iron, fiber, vitamins and significant energy properties, so they are suitable for exercising individuals, but also to lower blood pressure and against heartburn and depression. We should eat no more than a couple a week to avoid food allergies due to allergenic proteins. Moreover, it is a fruit to avoid for those suffering from diabetes, obesity and gastroduodenal ulcer.


How about a fresh and tasty milkshakes? You can drink it at breakfast and prepare it at home. An advice? Weigh carefully whether eat thereof, at one time, all that you are inserting it in the blender. A prescription? You can blend a cup of soy milk, rice, almonds or whatever you like along with a fruit and add, then, of mint or cinnamon.


Finally, here's the quinoa, the numerous nutritional properties: this suit is, in fact, rich in protein and fiber. Half a cup of quinoa contains about 110 calories so, even if it is a health food at best, try not to overdo it in the quantities and consume sparingly. Enjoy your meal!

3 foods to be eliminated from the pantry to lose weight more easily

Foods to be eliminated from the pantry to lose weight more easily? Are you curious to find out what? If you want to successfully lose weight, it is definitely advisable that you follow a healthy diet and physical activity that you do, but we must also work hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle and staying fit. Become aware of what should be eaten and what is not to be consumed the first step to begin to obtain good results on the health of their body. Here, then, are some helpful hints and simple tips to follow to lose weight more easily, eliminating 3 foods from the pantry at home.

1. Dairy products

To lose weight, it helps to eliminate from your diet dairy products: eliminate milk and its derivatives - are many foods that contain lactose, like cheese - helps, in fact, to have better digestion and lose weight faster and easily. About 70% of the world population suffer from lactose intolerance. The alternatives are many and healthiest: almond milk, rice, oats, soy, kamut and much, much more, including veg cheese.

2. Sugar

Sugar is addictive, but, once detoxified by this food, the body will begin to show the benefits of this choice. We have been indoctrinated by a food system that tip foods processed at will, forgetting what it means to eat healthy. Among the side effects of sugar, it is the bad effects on blood sugar - that is raised abruptly, creating pancreatic problems - feeling weak, negative effect on the pH of the body and insulin - whose increase is linked to the blood glucose and overweight due - in addition to the decrease of the B group vitamins and minerals such as magnesium. Abstinence sugar is easily overcome by consuming more fruits and drinking plenty of water and hot tea. Remember that a diet low in sugars prevents diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

3. Gluten

Finally, the gluten: this is, in fact, another of the absolutely food injurious to the body, that should be eliminated from the diet. There are many people in the world are intolerant to gluten, which also creates various gastrointestinal problems, and weight gain: this would contribute to the development of leptin resistance; hormone that has to do with sending signals of satiety to the brain, and that is compromised, causing a disproportionate rise of hunger. How to do, then? Pay attention to the labels of the foods you buy at the supermarket and what you eat out; opt, instead, for healthy, natural foods such as vegetables and fruits.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The foods to have a faster metabolism

What foods to have a faster metabolism? Sometimes, despite all efforts, you just can not lose weight. It may be the fault of your slow metabolism. It would take just a diet suited to awaken and to help you lose a few extra pounds. In general, all foods rich in antioxidants are ideal to achieve this goal, because abound of enzymes capable of increasing the production of energy by the body's cells. They act like real fat burner, turning food into energy. Let's see what are the foods that should always be present on our table.

1. Chili 

The chili, with many properties and many benefits, it acts on metabolism and blood circulation thanks to capsaicin, a compound that has a stimulating effect. The chili helps to reduce the feeling of hunger and allows us to be more satiated for long.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in vegetable fibers, bring the body to vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K. Very high also their antioxidant content. These vegetables detoxify and help eliminate toxins.


A study showed that some women who consumed three apples a day lost more weight faster than those who did not follow this custom.


The curry is very helpful to stimulate circulation and to awaken the food burning. We should never fail to flavor our foods with spices such as this, as well as cinnamon and black pepper.

5. Ginger

Ginger, from the many beneficial properties, activates the metabolism and can always be used in our dishes, even as food to be grated or to be mixed with a few drinks.

6. Oranges

Oranges are a blessing for our metabolism, because it accelerates fat burning and provide large reserves of vitamin C.


The grape has important properties that regulate the consumption of fat. Its peel, especially the black grapes, is rich in resveratrol, a substance that slows skin aging.


The strawberries are really good. Not only are they delicious, but they also reveal diuretic, refreshing and detoxifying.

9. Raspberries

Raspberries are among those colorful fruits that should be consumed every day. They have antioxidant properties, diuretic and can prevent urinary tract infections.

10. Green Tea

Green tea makes more efficient our metabolism and then is great to counteract the action of free radicals, which are responsible for cellular aging, both of the tissues of the body organs.

vegetable protein foods, vegetarian and more

Vegetable protein foods - and not just for vegetarians - are different: the belief that proteins derived only from animal by-products is, in fact, totally wrong and that, by now, well aware vegans and vegetarians who feel, too often, ask: "where do you get protein?". There are vegetables rich in protein and, by following a proper diet, you can make the same amount of protein of a diet containing foods of animal origin; necessary contribution to the body's daily requirement. Are you curious to know the list of the best plant sources of protein? Here's an interesting list to keep in mind.

1. Legumes 

The pulses represent one of the best plant sources for protein and are also rich in lysine; essential amino acid that stimulates the formation of antibodies and helps to fix calcium in the bones. Chick peas are, for example, exceptional: about 200 grams of boiled chickpeas contain, in fact, about 16 grams of protein. Then, there are lentils, beans, soy, beans and peas: beans contain up to 12 grams of protein for a 200-gram portion; the beans have about 27 grams of protein per 100 grams of dry product; while lentils 22.7 grams and 21.7 grams peas. Soybeans can be eaten just like peas and beans, but also in the form of milk and yogurt - a cup contains 7.3 grams of protein and 6.3 grams a jar - and like tofu and tempeh: the first is usually used as an alternative to cheese and contains 15.9 grams of protein per 125 grams - as well as iron and magnesium - as tempeh is obtained by fermentation of soybeans and contains well-23.2.

2. dried fruit 

The dried fruit is an important natural source of protein. The nuts can be consumed naturally, like cream, in yogurt and in a thousand different ways: they contain, in fact, 14.3 grams of protein. Then, there are the almonds that contain 22 grams of protein; hazelnuts 13.8 grams; pistachios 18.1 grams; 15 grams cashews and pine nuts well 31.9 grams per 100 grams of product. Also chestnuts and derivatives such as almond milk are not lacking from the list, for example. Not counting fruits like avocado, which contains up to 10 grams of protein.

3. Vegetables

Vegetables are another great way to get protein: in addition to being rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals, vegetables are in fact valuable protein also from the point of view. The broccoli contain, for example, 15 grams protein per 100 grams of product; artichokes 10.1 grams; spinach 6.3 grams; eggplant and peppers 3.8 grams 5.2 grams.

4. Cereals

From the list, they can not miss grains such as brown rice, oats, durum wheat and seitan; derived from wheat, high protein content and the numerous beneficial properties. In general, it is always good to prefer the intake of whole grains compared to the "classics."


Quinoa - from the many nutritional properties - contains essential amino acids for the body's health. This precious food is gluten-free, but rich in minerals - iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, among others - and fiber, in addition to having a high protein intake: one speaks, in fact, 14.1 grams protein per 100 grams of raw product.


some seeds also do not have to miss a balanced diet. Some names? The seeds of chia are rich in nutritional properties and amino acids useful in the formation of proteins, as well as antioxidants and fibers. There are, then, hemp seeds that are considered to be complete from the point of view of protein and contain about 6 grams of protein per 30 grams of product. To be reckoned with, even sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.


Finally, there is the spirulina. What? Alga rich in precious proteins and amino acids to the body. This type of seaweed boasts of anti-cancer properties and can be purchased in the form of a food supplement, in powder form or in dried form.

10 fruits to lose weight

Useful some fruits to lose weight. The fruits and vegetables are an essential point of reference for those who want to lose weight. They should always be present on our table, because it can be inserted well in a low-calorie diet. Some, more than others, are more suited to get rid of those extra pounds, which can be really annoying. Which fruit put in our power to lose weight? Let's find out together.

1. Avocado

The avocado not only speeds up your metabolism, but also is responsible for increasing the hormone testosterone, which accounted for the weight loss in both men and women.


Apples contain fiber and are great for weight loss, because they allow us to stay full longer and then, thanks to the sense of satiety, of which we may enjoy, we are driven to eat less.


Even in the pear there is a high fiber content, especially in the peel. Thanks to the fibers remain full longer. It 'the same mechanism that will determine when we eat apples.

4. Oranges

Eating oranges is essential, to cut a lot of calories from your diet. Also consume these fruits also gives the advantage of keeping the body hydrated especially.


The pomegranate is great to be able to not raise the level of hunger. Furthermore this fruit is rich in antioxidants, they can do so that the body of toxins depuri, avoiding the annoying puffiness.

6. Lemon

Lemon, from the many beneficial properties, it is a great detoxifying against liver. It would be essential to drink in the morning a glass of water and lemon juice to avoid build up of fat in the body.

7. Grapefruit

Among the tips to lose weight fast, we bear in mind also the important role of the grapefruit. This result provides very few calories. Moreover, because abundant in water, helps us feel full longer and therefore make us eat less.

8. Blueberries

Ideal to cleanse the body also blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants. Thanks to their action, not only fights cell aging, but the body gets rid of toxins that tend to gain weight.

9. Melon

Melon helps make us feel full for a long time. By eating a cup, we will have no need of other snacks to break the hunger.

6 substitute gluten-free white flour

There are substitutes gluten-free white flour? If yes, what are they? The answer is yes and no remains, then, that one wonders what they are. The white flour is a refined product and, as such, is a food that causes an increase in blood sugar and, therefore, insulin, as well as of deposited fats: this entails negative consequences for the organism, such as the increase weight, and the onset of certain diseases, such as diabetes. White flour is devoid of nutritional properties of whole wheat; properties that are lost in the refining process. Furthermore, because of the now becoming food allergies and intolerances - such as that to gluten - is good to avoid, in any case, to consume and to prefer rather wholemeal products, but not only. How to replace the white flour, respecting our health? Let's find out.

1. chickpea flour

The chickpea flour is a real treat and is usually used for cooking traditional Sicilian products such as fritters. This flour lends itself also to be used for the realization of vegan omelettes, as well as pizza and focaccia.

2.quinoa flour

The quinoa flour has many nutritional properties and is derived from seeds that act as grain, as well as being gluten-free: good, then, for those allergic and intolerant. The quinoa flour can be used for products with low baked as, for example, the flatbread.

3. Flour Amaranth

Even the amaranth flour derived from seeds that behave as wheat and also is gluten free and, therefore, perfect for allergy sufferers. This type of flour has very similar characteristics to that of quinoa and is also rich in protein and fiber.

4. Almond meal

The almond flour is suitable for the preparation of sweets and is, of course, obtained from the almonds which are minced. This type of flour is gluten-free, but very caloric and protein. Almonds are also perfect to make milk vegan almond.

5. hemp flour

The hemp flour has a smooth texture and is derived from the pressing of the seeds. This flour has many nutritional properties and is suitable for people intolerant to gluten.

6. Chestnut flour

Finally, the savory meal derived chestnuts, precisely, from this fruit. Chestnut flour is perfect for those who are intolerant to gluten and has a low fat content, but many carbohydrates and minerals. It can also be used for various purposes, including homemade pasta and desserts.

8 healthful foods with fewer calories

Curious about the healthy foods with fewer calories? Healthy foods low in calories are different: when you go to the supermarket there is, in fact, will be spoiled for choice! And it's not the usual ready-made products that are sold just for losing weight, but what Mother Nature offers us already and - too often - we forget, opting for questionable and harmful products for the body. A healthy diet must come first, out of respect for their own health and the environment around us and this does not mean sacrificing taste, as you tend to believe nowadays. We discover some of the nutritious foods and low in calories that will not disappoint.

1. Arugula 

The rocket is tasty and contains a large number of minerals and vitamins. You could, for example, use it for a salad to be served with fresh fruit, nuts, olive oil and garlic. Two cups of arugula contain only 10 calories.

2. Carrots

Carrots are very good and tasty food in a thousand different ways, even as snacks for snack: speaking of snacks, there are several with less than 100 calories. The carrots are recommended for those who have to lose weight and are rich in vitamin A and C, as well as being a good source of potassium and B vitamins A cup of sliced carrots contains about 50 calories.

3. Broccoli

What's more tasty broccoli? With a little olive oil and lemon juice, they are delicious. The broccoli contain different nutrients and are rich in antioxidants. All include a high content of fiber, iron, vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium and potassium. One cup of chopped broccoli has only 31 calories.

4. Spinach

What, then, Spinach? They can be served as a side dish or as a base for a salad. Spinach contains iron, calcium and various vitamins. One cup of raw spinach leaves contains 7 calories, while a cup of cooked spinach has 41.

5. Zucchini

Do not forget the zucchini that can also be served raw as an appetizer or snack. Alternatively, you can cook them with a little 'of olive oil. A cup chopped zucchini contains only 20 calories, in addition to lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are among the tastiest health foods absolute and lend themselves to many recipes. Tomatoes contain many minerals, fiber and vitamins A, C and B. A tomato has about 35 calories. You can add a few slices of tomato to sandwiches and salads.

7. Watermelon

Watermelons are delicious, fresh and sweet: this is to make them perfect for snacks and desserts, during the summer season. This fruit is rich in vitamin A and C, plus potassium and contain very few calories: a cup of watermelon has, in fact, only 46 calories.

8. Strawberries

Finally, strawberries: These are another of the perfect fruit to eat during the hot summer days. They are sweet, fresh and tasty and what makes them suitable to be eaten as healthy snacks. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber and potassium. A cup of strawberries contains 53 calories.

Foods that fight the aging brain

To keep the mind active against aging, we can choose some specific foods that are able to remain the young brain. There are in fact of the foods that are able to maintain reinvigorated the capacity of the memory and intellectual abilities. To do good in this sense we must not neglect to have in their diet of fresh fish at least once a week. The fish manages to slow down the 10% loss of memory. Very important are also the fruits of the forest, known for the protection they can give to the brain.


Especially cranberries and other red fruits abound in antioxidants, which are essential to protect the cerebral cortex.

Among the fruits to keep in mind there is also the avocado, which owns many monounsaturated fat, able to control the circulation of the blood, and are therefore very important to make our efficient manner.

Dried fruit

A crucial role is also played by dried fruit, which leads to our considerable body amounts of vitamin E and can protect the arteries.

Green vegetables

Feeding to follow to keep your mind in shape can not miss the green vegetables, such as spinach or broccoli, which have an important property: they act against premature loss of memory functions.

Foods that help your memory

Let us remember that the power supply has a great influence on memory. That is why the memory can be protected with the right foods.

5 common mistakes in power suitable for sports

There are some common mistakes in power dedicated to the sport, which could be avoided. Physical activity is essential to staying fit and to ensure a proper psychophysical well being. Doing sports, however, it is also important to eat properly. Some sports are inclined to underestimate what they eat before, during and after workouts. Doing it this way is likely that exercise does not lead to these health benefits that are sought by practicing it. Let's see what are these mistakes and how you can solve them.

1. Do not drink enough

Many athletes underestimate how much fluid they lose during the race and not drinking enough while doing exercise and after they have finished. The result is to suffer from dehydration which not only endangers their performances, but it can be dangerous for the state of health in general. It 's always good to make sure to stay hydrated by drinking before, during and after exercise.

2. Do not consume enough protein

What to eat for a healthy diet for the sport? Another common mistake that you can commit is to be paying insufficient attention to the protein consumed. These should constitute about 15% of the nutrients to eat every day. They are very important, because they provide energy and allow you to repair tissues that eventually may be damaged during training. The solution consists in relying on fish, lean meat, beans, wholegrain cereal, milk and low-fat cheese.

3. Do not eat right before a workout

Some sports do not want to eat before you complete a workout. In fact it would be enough to do a little light snack or meal an hour and a half or two hours before a race. All this is important to get the fuel to be spent during the physical activity.

4. Not having enough iron

Not being able to count on a sufficient amount of obtained it from iron, it incurs more easily in fatigue and decreased performance. To help prevent anemia, you should make sure your diet includes red meat, cereals, salmon, tuna. It 'important to include vitamin C, because it promotes the absorption of iron, so go-ahead to oranges, tomatoes, berries and broccoli.

5. Do not eat right after a workout

Even eat after a workout is important to recover the energy spent, even if you practice a sport for weight loss. Some research has shown that, by eating immediately after exercise, you can reduce muscle stiffness. The right solution is to balance good carbohydrates and proteins, or, if you do not want to eat a full meal, you can drink the liquid milk chocolate, which contains proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins of group B.

10 reasons why you are always hungry

Sometimes you have always hungry, always feel an irresistible urge to eat, as if your stomach was a bottomless pit. Apparently can not be a valid or obvious reason. So from what has caused this need to eat all the time? Hunger is a physiological need, which is influenced by many factors, including what we eat, the appetite hormones and emotional factors, such as stress. Excessive hunger can also be counterproductive, because it can affect with the consequences on our health. Here's what can push you to eat excessively.

1. Dehydration 

A slight dehydration is often disguised as a feeling of compulsive hunger. It may be that your body needs only fluid and brain occurs a confusion in the hypothalamus, the brain region that regulates both appetite that thirst. Prevention is the effective strategy, taking liquid and starting with a glass of water in the morning. If you're hungry and you have not drunk a lot, try drinking a glass of water and wait 20 minutes to see if your hunger disappears.

2. A restless sleep

Have a restless sleep, which makes you sleep little, may lead to increased levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. That's why, after not having slept well, the body turns desperate for a boost of energy, triggering craving for carbohydrates and sugar even if you are not really hungry.

3. Eating too many carbohydrates

Another reason why you always have hunger is the fact that abundant in carbohydrates. white flour, sugary foods, sweets, biscuits they increase the levels of blood sugar too quickly, and then let them fall soon after and then triggers a vicious circle, for which we tend to eat more and more. The solution could be to eat more fiber.


When you're stressed, the body produces several hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. High levels of these hormones carry the organic system thinking they were under attack and needed energy. For that your appetite increases.

5. Drinking too much alcohol

Too much alcohol drunk before dinner triggers a feeling of hunger, even if the stomach is full. A study on the subject showed that people were more likely to consume more caloric foods after drinking alcohol. Better to alternate alcohol to water.

6. The need for more protein

Eating more protein means hold off the hunger pangs. Proteins are promoting a feeling of fullness. Most are fine sources of foods that satiate a lot, such as eggs, lean meat and greek yogurt.

7. Do not eat enough fat

Also eat unsaturated fats can produce a feeling of satiety. When you are satisfied after a meal, you have less chance to eat again. That's why you should add to your diet oils, nuts and seeds.

8. Skipping meals

You should never skip a meal because everything you can come back to haunt you. The empty stomach for too long produces a high level of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. As a general rule, you should try not to let pass more than 4 or 5 hours between meals and the other. If you do not want to have breakfast, eat at least something in the morning, like a yogurt, an apple or a soy milk smoothie.

9. Being bombarded with images of food

Facebook or television commercials: being bombarded by too many pictures of food stimulates the ghrelin levels, triggering an involuntary physiological reaction, such as increased salivation and stomach contractions.

10. Medications

Some medications that you take regularly could increase your appetite level. They do this effect, for example, antidepressants and corticosteroids.

The foods to eat detoxifying and purifying diet

What are the foods to eat detoxifying and purifying diet for the body? The term "diet" often refers erroneously to an eating behavior intended only to weight loss in a given period of time and you do it wrong, because with this word, however, means the normal daily meals should It is characterized by healthy diet. Often, however, this does not happen and there gorges itself on not exactly health foods: it is there that a detoxifying and purifying diet can help the body eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation. To get the benefits is good to try this way of eating for about 7-14 days, or you could take the opportunity to completely change your habits and improve your health. We discover some of the foods to eat to get back in shape.

1. liquids 

The liquids are key to helping kidney and liver: green light, then, water, green tea, herbal teas and centrifuged vegetables to stay healthy, such as carrots, celery, cabbage, beets, cucumbers and more. Keep in mind that you may go through a period of tiredness and irritability; symptoms of detoxification and abstinence from substances that create, in effect, dependency: drink, so, lots of water and exercise habits. To avoid coffee, black tea, alcohol and milk, as well as most of the juices.

2. Vegetables and fruit

They are recommended nine servings of vegetables a day, including cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, radicchio, arugula, lettuce and squash. fruits also should not, of course, miss: try, however, to consume organic food and seasonal. Lemons, pears and apples are, for example, indicated for the cleaning of the liver; while they are to avoid tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes and peppers.

3. Cereals and bread

Excellent brown rice consumption, millet, quinoa and buckwheat, among others. Avoid completely white bread, as well as white flour, white rice and flour containing gluten, in general: the gluten will, in fact, re-introduced gradually and, if you will present digestive disorders, it could mean that you suffer from intolerance to this protein complex.

4. Protein

As for the protein, are fine lentils, peas, chick peas and beans, for example. The milk you can substitute rice milk, almond or hazelnut. To be avoided, however, the animal products and, temporarily, the soy - this being a common allergen and seitan.

5. Herbs and Spices

Finally, they are fine herbs and spices such as cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, star anise, ginger, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, sage, basil and chives. Ready to get back in shape?

10 ways to eat healthy even if you're always super busy

Here are some ways to eat healthy, that go beyond the daily grind. Busy professionals often find themselves unable to miss a single second of their day, even to eat. Yet our body needs energy, especially if we need to move at a fast pace. If you work all day and you can not even stop for lunch or for a snack, you may have difficulty concentrating and did not get good results in the work you are conducting. Keep in mind that a few simple changes to be taken every day can make a big difference, to improve your energy level, but also your overall health.

1. Do not skip breakfast 

Do not make mistakes at breakfast. Taken from in early morning meeting, the last thing you think about is their own breakfast. Yet this meal is very important to eliminate the risk of obesity, diabetes, and to feel in a good mood.

2. Prepare in advance

Organized by time and preparing meals and snacks for the day before you leave home in the morning. If in the morning you have little time, solve the problem preparing everything during the weekend and then placing the food in plastic containers for freezing.

3. Eat healthy snacks

You look around in your office and you realize you do not have to eat snacks, to alleviate hunger pangs, maybe mid-morning or in the afternoon. Please contact well to the vending machine, but be careful to buy healthy snacks, such as boxes of raisins or cereal bars.

4. Do not eat while you work

It happens to casually nibbling a salad while you are doing work projects and so you are not fully focused on the meal. It 's a mistake to avoid. Better to eat your own meal out of the office, benefiting from fresh air and savoring the food. This way you will eat more pleasantly and come back to the more rested desk.

5. They promote the socialization

socialization also has its benefits. Tries to meet colleagues for lunch as often as possible. You can meet members of your work team even off-site, to exchange your ideas.

6. Stay hydrated

Water has a key role for good health. Consider keeping the fresh well water, including through the placement of a small refrigerator in the office.

7. Choose healthy options at the restaurant

Do not settle only fast food. Many chain restaurants have some refreshment based on everything that is salutary to attract customers. Avoid French fries or onion rings, favors fruits, soups and salads.

8. Make family dinners

The evening meals are an important time for family reunions. Be sure to be home every night to share a meal with loved ones. And if you're single, a program of the dinners with friends.

9. Being reasonable amount

Make sure that they are included in your diet of nutritious foods, making it possible to do more with less calories ingested. Avoid sugars and also focused on super foods for the mind, the allies brain foods such as spinach, pumpkin seeds and avocado.

10.limit alcohol

Although it may be tempting to share a drink after work, you risk adding calories to your body. An occasional drink does not hurt, but it is important to moderate alcohol consumption.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What are the natural super foods to your health?

What are the natural super foods to your health? There are food, whose properties greatly improve the health of the organism. These products are, of course, completely natural and not subjected to industrial processes. As you can imagine, the advantages of a natural and healthy diet are considerable and can improve the quality of life. But what are these natural super foods? Let's find out.


If you are ready to adopt a new lifestyle and diet, your body can only profit. One of the super foods is the quinoa; herbaceous plant belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, which also includes spinach and beets. This food contains minerals - magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus - and fiber, as well as vegetable protein: quinoa boasts exceptional nutritional properties and contains all essential amino acids in a balanced way. Quinoa is also free of gluten.

2. Spinach

Spinach contains vitamins, antioxidants and very few calories. Eating fresh produce - in particular, fruits and vegetables - helps to maintain a healthy weight, feel better and boost your immune system as well as to fight diseases like cancer, heart attacks and diabetes. Spinach can not be missing from the list: have anti-cancer properties and are an incredible source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as protein.

3. blacks Beans

Among the vegetables do not forget, there are blacks beans: they are, in fact, rich in protein and are good in the battle against diabetes. These pulses are, then, rich in fiber and are indicated for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as able to prevent diseases such as colon cancer and breast cancer.

4. Blueberries

Go ahead, then, to fresh fruit like blueberries; super foods should not be overlooked, as they help against diabetes and many types of cancer. Blueberries are given to combat certain diseases linked to cognitive degeneration - strengthen the memory - and are rich in antioxidants, as well as having the ability to reduce the pressure on the blood vessels. The berries are also rich in polyphenols able to normalize insulin levels in the blood.

5. goji berries

Among the ingredients that should not be missing from the kitchen, even goji berries: this food is, in fact, full of the major macronutrients - fats, proteins and carbohydrates - and many minerals and vitamins. Goji berries have beneficial properties for the view, the immune system and memory, in addition to being a potent anti-cancer.

6. Cocoa Beans

The cocoa, just as the chocolate, contains flavonoids, able to improve blood pressure and improve, therefore, the health of the brain and heart. The cocoa beans contain very few calories, but they are rich in antioxidants and have the unmistakable taste of chocolate.

7.chia seeds

The seeds of chia are, however, very rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and, therefore, an important aid to the health of the heart and an excellent alternative to fish, from this point of view. The chia seeds also contain fiber and calcium.


Finally, nuts: nuts in general is part of super foods to remember and definitely to be included in the diet. Walnuts contain micro nutrients - including plant sterols, can lower cholesterol levels - antioxidants and minerals. The dried fruit is also indicated for the health of the cardiovascular system.

7 foods that bloat belly and stomach

What are the foods that most of all swell the belly and stomach? There are certain foods that can cause bloating after eating or at least during the entire day. In many wonder why the swollen belly: you know, in fact, that the abdomen is a part of the body that many dream flat and toned. The causes behind this unfortunate incident can be attributed to the meals we consume: the swelling can, in fact, result from a lunch or a dinner consumed too quickly; When you eat too much, or even if you eat healthy foods, but high in fiber can cause gas in the digestive tract. We find, therefore, 7 of the foods that can cause this uncomfortable feeling and how to remedy them.

1. Cruciferous vegetables 

Brussels sprouts and broccoli are some of cruciferous vegetables that may cause gas and bloating. These vegetables are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, so it is good to consume in each case, being part of a healthy diet. Aid is, without a doubt, steaming and start with the consumption of small portions to increase over time.

2. Legumes

Legumes - such as lentils and dried beans - are another of the incriminated foods: rich in fiber and nutritional properties, they can not be missing from a healthy diet. What to do, then? Consume small portions to make accustom your body with time, or help yourself with a digestive after eating.

3. Dairy products

Dairy products - milk, cheese and dairy products in general - can be a problem for those suffering from lactose intolerance and can not digest foods that contain it. The solution is to opt for the many alternative products, such as milk and vegan cheese.

4. Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks are a major cause of the swelling in the belly. How to deflate the belly? The best solution would be to avoid soft drinks and alcohol, so as to avoid unpleasant swelling.

5.Fatty foods

Fatty foods are another category that can jeopardize the health of our stomach: eat a meal high in fat may, in fact, cause bloating. In this case, there is not much to do, except to wait out the swelling and limit your portions.

6. Sweeteners

The sweeteners, in general, may be due to a swollen belly: sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol are some of the substances under fire, because they are not digested well and you can, for example, found in chewing gum and candies without sugar.

7. Whole grains

Finally, whole grains: these are another category of precious food for our body, as rich in nutrients and fiber. Even in this case, however, remember not to go overboard with the portions and accustom your body little at a time: the digestive system is, in fact, able to adapt to the excess fiber, leading to a decrease of the swelling over time .

Rapeseed oil is bad? Contraindications and where is

Rapeseed oil is bad? What contraindications does and where is it? Rapeseed oil is an edible vegetable oil derived, precisely, from the seeds of oil seed rape. In ancient times - around 1200 - this oil was used to light the streets in Europe and began his career in the food industry only half of the nineteenth century. Its effects on health are, right now, still contested and, today, are being discussed: in fact, several studies about highlighting the side effects caused by its consumption. The question arises, therefore, spontaneous: the rapeseed oil is bad? We find out more about, including contraindications and where you can find this controversial product.


The oil food use of rapeseed - unlike olive oil, from the many nutritional properties - has always been a hotly debated topic and this probably also because of his past in street lighting and also to its European use as "green" fuel in the 60s. Nevertheless, the rapeseed oil is considered edible by the mid-nineteenth century, while not agreed the results of studies conducted on the matter.

To be put on trial - as with regard also palm oil, from the many contraindications - are the erucic acid: this toxic lipid seems, saturated fatty acids and, especially, in fact, that has negative effects on growth , in addition to representing a dangerous risk factor for the cardiovascular tract health and for that of the liver. Some scholars have, however, been able to develop a type of rapeseed oil low in erucic acid content of: this new variety takes the name of "canola oil" but - also in this case - it is an oil refined considered of low level and, therefore, potentially harmful to health. Moreover, as if this were not enough, canola oil comes mainly from the much-discussed GMO productions, which are apparently also dangerously causing the death of bees.

Where is it

Although canola oil is a food subject to the restrictions, you should be careful to avoid consuming it without meaning: it can in fact be found in margarine, soups, various sweets, biscuits, pies, croissants, bread sticks, products frozen, canned fish and vegetables and, more generally, in fried foods, in packaged foods and by poor quality baked goods. Finally, eye to spending made in discount stores and at meals in bars, restaurants, pubs and the like, which could use it.

10 foods to lose weight without spending too much

What are the foods to lose weight, you can buy without spending too much? Sometimes you think that to lose weight, you should buy who knows what. Risk of jeopardizing your budget and not even lose those extra pounds that give nuisance. There are certain foods that are not very trendy, many of which do not speak, but that can be a reference point for those who want to lose weight. It is low in fat and calories, and products rich in nutrients. You just have to look for them at the supermarket, even in departments dedicated to convenience. Let's see what they are.

1. Lettuce 

Abound in fruits and vegetables is essential to lose weight fast and lose weight in no time. That's why in your refrigerator should never miss the lettuce, which has only 7 calories per serving. You can prepare the abundant salads, as well picking the proper hydration.

2. Grapefruit

The grapefruit should necessarily be added to your diet to lose weight. It provides few calories and is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, C and B6. You can also prepare a beautiful salad.

3. Radishes

The radishes are rich in fiber and have a low calorie content. You can consume when you need a snack. You can also add to salad.

4. Cauliflower

A portion of this plant provides only 25 calories. You can eat it raw and also lends itself well to being added to many recipes.


Chickpeas should never miss in your pantry. They can also be used to prepare soups and salads.

6. Chicken Soup

The chicken broth we can find it at the supermarket ready. It 'great for making soups and provides less than 5 calories per meal. The only caution: choose one prepared with olive oil.

7. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are good to eat and really represent the ideal for a snack, even at mid-afternoon. They should be eaten to break the hunger and introduce fewer calories.

8. Shrimp 

If you want to lose weight, it would also be good to be able to rely on lean proteins. Maybe you do not have time to cook the chicken breast or fresh fish. Then the solution is to keep a bag of frozen shrimp in the freezer.

9. Eggs

Not all tend to put their eggs among foods to lose weight. Some believe that there is fat, but you have to dispel some myths about eggs. For example, you might as well eat the white, avoiding the yolk. Eggs are also good for the salad.

10. Popcorn

The popcorn can be included in the diet. You have to do only a minimum of care not be fooled by those brands that advertise their products, saying that you can safely eat. You just need to choose those that are less rich in calories.

9 whole grains to be included in the diet

Whole grains, which should be included in the diet, are really healthy. They promote good bowel function and play an essential role in preventing cardiovascular diseases. These cereals strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. For all these reasons, whole grains should always be present in our diet. If we want to guarantee us a good source of fiber and micro nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, we must always remember to include whole grains in the daily diet. We find out more about them.


Amaranth is native to Peru. And 'rich in protein and various minerals. Technically it is not a cereal, as they are for example oats and barley, but would fall within the category of so-called pseudocereals.

2. Black Rice

Black rice is not as well known as white rice, but there are specialty stores that sell it. The pigment that gives it its dark color is rich in antioxidants.

3. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is known for the fact that it is gluten-free, so it can be eaten by people with celiac disease. It 'very tasty and is a high-fiber food, which contribute to intestinal health.


Since some people this cereal is included as among the vegetables, yet the corn can be part of the whole grains category. It 'very nutritious and rich in fiber.

5. porridge

And 'the richest in nutrients cereal. The porridge in particular have a very sweet taste, which suits the milk and yogurt even at breakfast. Its fibers help the evacuation of stool.

6. Rye

It 'very rich in fiber and to this can be adapted to be inserted in slimming diet. It can be consumed in the form of flakes or even as flour, from which you get bread from bitter taste.


The millet is rich in valuable minerals, such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Compared to rice also it contains more protein. It can be considered an excellent source of energy to be consumed mainly in the days full of commitments and tiring.

8. Kamut 

And 'rich in minerals, such as magnesium, zinc and selenium. It can be consumed in the form of grains, flakes, and from kamut is also obtained a flour, with which facts are different bakery products. Have you ever prepared salad kamut, great vegetarian recipe


Spelt has an abundance of magnesium. Its fibers are able to adjust the intestine, exerting an emollient.

10 foods to keep in the house

Foods to keep in the house: some can not really miss in our pantry. Beyond fashions, these foods we find them on the shelves of any supermarket. They are neither strangers nor unknown, but often underestimated. Even in power, there are some trends that are characterized as trendy, the quinoa to chia seeds, gluten-free recipes to the most expensive: do not forget that some simple food, very nutritious, they can make a difference. Beyond the super foods that have an exotic touch and really cost a small fortune, we discover what are those food items not to miss our diet.


Apples contain many vitamins and many minerals, especially vitamin C, B6 and potassium. They are also very rich in fiber. Those with the red skin are rich in quercetin, a chemical compound that has anti-inflammatory properties. Eating apples is to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and asthma.

2. Artichokes

The artichokes, as well as being low in calories, are rich in vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. They also contain many polyphenols, which are antioxidants and protect body cells from damage by free radicals.

3. Banana

Bananas are the perfect ingredient to use in fruit smoothies. They are rich in potassium, contain antioxidants and compounds that are similar to dopamine, a neurotransmitter very important for our brain.

4. Cabbage

The cabbage contains a lot of vitamin K, which is required for the clotting of blood. In addition this vegetable is rich in vitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins, calcium and vitamin C. It has a little higher in calories.

5. Carrots

From the consumption of carrots it is obtained plenty of vitamin A, which the body needs for the view and for cell differentiation. Carrots are an excellent source of fiber and contain antioxidants.

6. Celery

Celery is a great source of calcium, magnesium and potassium, and so it is really ideal for healthy bones, muscles and nerves. And 'perfect to be included in a weight loss diet or a healthy diet in general, because it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, of substances that have anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Onions

The onion, the many nutritional and beneficial properties, is rich in sulfur-containing compounds and flavonoids, very important to reduce inflammation. Using onions as a condiment we can reduce our sodium intake, reducing the amount of salt. Since, however, choose only fresh ones.

8. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, but are also an excellent source of potassium, folic acid and fiber. The orange juice is an excellent anti-inflammatory drink.

9. Strawberries

They are really tasty, rich in vitamin C, which the body needs to strengthen the immune system. They contain many compounds such as anthocyanins, quercetin and catechins, which may have anti-inflammatory effects.

10. Tomatoes

The tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Thanks to the compounds of which abound, such as, for example, lycopene, have anti-inflammatory properties. It 'been proven that tomato sauce reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.