6 healthful foods that probably you're eating too much? A healthy diet should be balanced and excesses, you know, are to be avoided in order to avoid serious damage to the health of the organism. Whether it's an omnivorous diet, vegetarian or vegan is indeed important to learn from the food that you consume the right nutrients, without exceeding: if, in fact, a particular food boasts of remarkable beneficial properties, does not mean that it is necessary to consume excessive quantities. Even when it comes to health foods, therefore, be careful and find the right balance. But what are these foods that often are consumed with exaggeration? Here's a list to keep in mind.
1. Avocado
The avocado benefits are, by now, well known: this precious fruit is, in fact, be able to help heart health, hair, skin and much, much more. Each fruit contains only 322 calories and 29 grams of fat: you can, therefore, consume a third of avocado as a snack.
This fruit is very good to be consumed in many different ways, as it is rich in nutrients, such as lauric acid, potassium and fiber. The coconut, however, must be consumed with caution: shakes to obtain scales and consummate a couple of teaspoons a day.
3.Chia seeds
Chia seeds are a food not to be missed: in fact, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants and protein. They can not, therefore, missing from a healthy diet. But what is the right amount? You can consume a spoon to add to salads, yogurt or smoothies.
4. Banana
A fruit very healthy, but which do not abuse in the doses is the banana: Bananas are, in fact, rich - among many things - potassium, minerals, iron, fiber, vitamins and significant energy properties, so they are suitable for exercising individuals, but also to lower blood pressure and against heartburn and depression. We should eat no more than a couple a week to avoid food allergies due to allergenic proteins. Moreover, it is a fruit to avoid for those suffering from diabetes, obesity and gastroduodenal ulcer.
How about a fresh and tasty milkshakes? You can drink it at breakfast and prepare it at home. An advice? Weigh carefully whether eat thereof, at one time, all that you are inserting it in the blender. A prescription? You can blend a cup of soy milk, rice, almonds or whatever you like along with a fruit and add, then, of mint or cinnamon.
Finally, here's the quinoa, the numerous nutritional properties: this suit is, in fact, rich in protein and fiber. Half a cup of quinoa contains about 110 calories so, even if it is a health food at best, try not to overdo it in the quantities and consume sparingly. Enjoy your meal!
Friday, July 29, 2016
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