How to replace sugar? We see the alternatives and tips for healthier eating. Many are the side effects linked to white sugar refining. The latter causes the gut gas production, abdominal distension, abnormal bacterial flora, with the manifestation of specific disorders, constipation, diarrhea and colitis. The sugar also acts on the nervous system and on the metabolism, providing pacing spikes and relapses, with consequent situations of irritability and desire to ingestion of another sugar, producing real forms of dependence. All this does is affect the production of hormones, causing a general weakening and damaging the immune system. Let's find out how to fix it.
What to eat
And 'possible to detox from sugar in a short time, following a few basic rules. The best way to stop the dependence on white sugar is to give an immediate stop to all products containing it, while also preventing liquid sugar, contained mainly in fruit juices and sparkling drinks. It 'good to remember that proteins help to re balance the levels of sugar and insulin in the blood, so we can include in our diet eggs, fish, chicken, nuts or seeds. We do not neglect the carbohydrates found in many vegetables, especially the green ones and those rich in starch, such as potatoes, squash or beets. We always keep on hand for snacks and a bit 'of dried fruits, for "emergencies".
Keep away stress
We try to release stress, because it is cortisol, the stress hormone, to cause health effects, including increased appetite, making us feel the desire to ingest the sugars. Also let's focus on sleep, sleeping regularly and resting well, because when we sleep little our body requires the consumption of foods that can give an energy carrier, just like those containing sugar.
Maple syrup
Maple syrup is made by boiling maple sap from sugar maple and black. Can be used as a natural sweetener, it purifies the body and possesses a high content of vitamins. It is not suitable for diabetics.
Agave syrup
The agave syrup is the result obtained from the root juice of the agave plant, which is concentrated to obtain a syrup. It plays mineralizing action, because it contains plenty of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Its low glycemic index makes it useful for those who want to lose weight.
Stevia is a plant native to South America and has a much higher sweetening power than sugar. We may use the fresh leaves, but also the powder obtained by grinding the dehydrated leaves. A fresh leaf or half a teaspoon of powder correspond to a teaspoon of sugar.
Dates are excellent to be used as sweeteners in smoothies and baked goods, including desserts. They contain an abundance of minerals, such as potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, and are rich in vitamin B.
Molasses is a natural sweetener that, through a fermentation process, is extracted from fruits, vegetables or grains such as rice, barley and corn. And 'rich in B vitamins and minerals. And 'more digestible and nutritious than the refined sugar.
Mashed bananas
The mashed bananas can replace refined sugar in the preparation of desserts. This fruit is very sweet, so if we use it in cakes and pies, you do not need to add other ingredients to give more flavor. As an alternative to bananas, we can use chopped prunes, especially to prepare the biscuits.
raw cane sugar
It 'a grainy, brown sugar, which is much more easily dissolved than that of cane that often we usually use. After the harvest is solidified into pats and has an aftertaste similar to that left by the licorice, which does not always make it suitable to the preparation of cakes or sweeten coffee.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
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