Eat without drinking is good or bad? The speech is quite complex, because experts are divided on the subject. It 'clear that about 70% of the human body is composed of water and that hunger can often be a signal of thirst, which is not interpreted well. Surely, if we consider all these factors, drink during meals can be really essential. However, the choice of when to introduce water in our body is essential, because, according to others, the water ingested during meals may affect digestion, slowing it down and causing some problems. Not everyone agrees, according to others because it is precisely the intake of water while we eat that may stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Let us understand more.
Because it is good
In some ways to drink during meals it would also do well. There are false myths on the water that we have to overcome. Some experts, in fact, believe that water consumed helps the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating it and allowing the involuntary contraction and relaxation of the muscles that move food through the stomach. According to some research, drinking water helps to balance the weight. Not that face the water to lose weight, but it certainly has no calories and drink during lunch or dinner, it helps to fill the stomach, to feel a greater sense of satiety so you eat less.
And 'it tried that sometimes we think we get hungry, but in reality we only thirst. In addition to a study conducted by the American Chemical Society in Boston he has shown that those who drink two glasses of water immediately before eating has the ability to consume 75% and 90% less calories derived from food.
According to experts, the water consumed during meals would not increase water retention, but would stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and would balance the body's hydration levels. According to other scholars, with the introduction of water are moistened tissues of the body, the internal organs are protected, it lightens the load of the kidneys and liver, and would melt better the minerals and nutrients, making them accessible to the cells.
Also the water is important to combat constipation.
Because it hurts
The water should be avoided while you consume carbohydrates, because it may inhibit digestion. Especially this could happen when you drink eating potatoes, bread, rice and pasta. They are all foods that with the intake of water, "swell", and combine to make us feel more swollen. There would also be some downside in case of cold water or ice cubes to drink while you are eating.
It would be better to drink water at room temperature, because the cold water would raise the body ph, making digestion more difficult. Experts suggest that during the day you should drink water every half hour, especially in the summer, even if you feel the need to drink. Also they recommend that the evening would be a good habit to drink 2 or 3 glasses of water, waiting for 30 minutes before dinner.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
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