What are some of the foods that cause cancer and that probably you eat every day? Cancer is a disease, unfortunately, the most popular worldwide. While there are areas outside of our control circumstances, you may, however, reduce the risk of occurrence and this, above all, by following a healthy diet: some foods should, in fact, avoided and not at all consumed on a daily basis, as they can significantly increase the chances of contracting cancer. What? Here are just some of the foods to avoid at all or, at least, of which limit your intake to reduce the chances of getting cancer.
1. Meat
Meat is one of the foods from blacklist, especially the red one and the processed foodstuffs such as ham, bacon, sausages and so on are full of chemicals and preservatives which can cause cancer. Eat, then, every day or large amounts of red meat can grow cancer cells within the body, especially with regard to the colon cancer. This is demonstrated by several studies in the world. Moderate, therefore, consumption or delete it altogether.
2. Artificial Sweeteners
Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners are often used in products for those who want to lose weight or have to avoid sugar, perhaps because of conditions like diabetes: regular consumption of these products, however, can cause - strange as it may seem - weight gain. The truth is that artificial sweeteners make it much harder for the body regulate levels of blood sugar, in addition to often contain aspartame: chemical carcinogen to be avoided as much as possible.
3. Hydrogenated Oils
Foods containing hydrogenated oils, as many know, are to be avoided: these are, in fact, commonly used to store food for long periods of time but, when employed, tend to modify the structure and integrity of cell membranes inside body, leading to the development of diseases such as cancer.
4. Fries
French fries are hard to give up, but it should at least minimize the consumption: some of them contain, in fact, high levels of acrylamide; carcinogenic substance that is activated when foods are heated to high temperatures by heating or frying. The chips contain, then, artificial flavors, such as different types of preservatives and dyes. Several studies have found an increased risk of cancer: limited, therefore, the consumption of potato chips or find a healthier alternative for your snacks.
5. Alcohol and carbonated drinks
Alcohol and carbonated drinks can be just as dangerous, especially if you drink a lot more than you should, according to some American studies, alcohol would increase, in fact, the risk of breast cancer and not only that. Equally dangerous are carbonated beverages, because of the content of sugars, food chemical products, dyes and the like which contribute to acidify the body and to fuel the growth of cancer cells. Moderate consumption of alcohol and carbonated beverages and can, at least, reduce the risk of cancer, as well as other diseases such as heart failure and stroke.
6. flour and refined sugar
Both the flour that refined sugar should be avoided in favor of healthier alternatives, such as brown sugar or kamut flour, spelled, Manitoba and others. Refined sugar is known to rapidly increase the levels of insulin and can result in the emergence of cancer cells: this food is found in many products on the market, such as fruit juices, snacks, cookies and more. The refined white flour is a common ingredient, but also refined carbohydrates have often been linked to an increase in cancer. Opt, instead, for the alternatives and remember that proper nutrition helps to prevent cancer.
Friday, July 29, 2016
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