If you like the classic, with henna can not go wrong
If you are a traditionalist, who loves the classic colors, with henna can not go wrong. But you have to choose the one "pure", without picramate added, that only leaves powder Lawsonia. Henna strengthens the hair leaving a thin protective film that protects it from the elements. The best results you get them when you prepare the mixture the day before: we need hot water, a teaspoon of vinegar to fix the color and a bit 'of yogurt if you want to make it creamier. The applied over the entire length of the hair and leave posing from thirty minutes to three hours. After shampooing, you'll see that difference.
brown hair with henna and indigo
The Indigo powder contains the beautiful blue color pigments. Not everyone, however, love the hair this color. At issue it can very easily overcome by mixing 90 g of Indigo with 10 g of Henna to obtain a dark brown. Unlike the latter, however, the Indigo has a grainy texture which does not permit perfect adherence to the hair. To overcome this, you can first apply the henna, and after about ten minutes, add the Indigo. But be careful: on some types of hair color takes longer to stabilize, so do not worry if at first will take on a slightly "greenish".
Rubia, if you like the deep red
If you love very red hair, you have to try the roots of Rubia tinctoria , which gives a bright red. By some known as Garance powder, it can be combined with red sorrel and an infusion of red fruits in order to obtain a color tending to mahogany.
If you want the walnut brown
Unlike other powders that are considered from actual dyeing plants, the walnut mostly brightens a dull brown color. It's great for oily hair and can be mixed with other colors. Try it mixed with cocoa and coconut oil or yogurt to avoid damaging your hair in the summer and make them soft and voluminous.
Chamomile and rhubarb to lighten hair
With these herbs will not become our hair blonde if the first was brown. But surely it will be more clear and bright, if the base was already the blond color. To enhance the effect you can also add the turmeric powder, lemon and neutral henna. The stain skin turmeric is good then roll out the color with gloves. In contrast, it strengthens hair and prevents dandruff.