whole wheat flour: what are its properties, how to use it and why is it preferable? Many health-theories that insist on the importance of feeding with products and recipes derived from whole wheat flour. There are many types, as this type of flour can be used in the kitchen also for pizza and for sweets. Among the best known are those of whole grain oats, spelled, buckwheat and corn. Whole wheat flour has the advantage of keeping intact the nutrients present in the germ, because the grain in its production, is used in its entirety. Moreover, unlike the 00, fully it retains the bran and is much higher in fiber.
Use whole wheat flour is to discover a more natural and healthy product. E 'was found that habitually and exclusively consume the wheat flour 00, the most widely used at home and in industry, it is not safe for health, because, since it is low in fiber, makes the easily digestible starches. The consequences include increases in blood glucose and insulin, and, with time, you run a higher risk of developing metabolic diseases and getting to obesity and cardiovascular disease, with a significant increase also of the risk of tumors. That is not so with whole wheat flour, which is very high in fiber and, from the nutritional point of view, is a very complete food.
The corn flour, in particular, does not contain gluten and is very filling, even if poor in proteins and vitamins of group B. It contains a good percentage of mineral salts, such as iron, phosphorus and potassium, and helps to keep under control the levels of cholesterol in the blood. The whole rice flour is easily digestible and for this reason is indicated especially in weaning of infants.
That rye contains in abundance minerals and fibers, able to regularize the intestinal bacterial flora. Wholemeal spelled provides the body with a good supply of magnesium, which is useful to stimulate the muscular system and regulate nervous. Wholemeal oat has many nutritional properties and is able to make protein and "good" fats. The kamut wheat flour contains selenium and has antioxidant properties.
how to use it
Many are the uses of whole wheat flour. They vary depending on the type used. Just think, for example, to wholemeal amaranth, which is not produced from a cereal, but from a flowering plant. This flour is used in cooking for sweet and savory preparations, also mixed with barley flour. The wholemeal flour in cooking oats is generally used mixed with other flours and is employed for the realization of dishes Elevated satiating power.
That spelled lends itself well to the preparation of pasta, bread and cakes, and that of buckwheat, also gluten-free, can be used alone as fresh pasta and is the basis of traditional dishes of our country, such as polenta. Mixed with other flours, it can also be used to make cakes and pies. The kamut flour is suitable for all dishes, both sweet and savory, it is highly digestible shows.
Wholemeal maize is commonly used to prepare the polenta, but it can also be used for sweets, especially for those suffering from celiac disease, because it is gluten-free. It is particularly suitable for bread making. Whole wheat flour of barley is great for preparing bread and fresh pasta and that of rice is mainly used to thicken sauces and creams. With pumpernickel flour is to make black bread.
Because it is preferable
Many are the benefits that can be derived from the consumption of whole foods, including precisely also the flour. The benefits, compared to refined flour, can be found mainly in the large intake of dietary fiber. It increases the sense of satiety, so it is ideal for a weight loss program, facilitates intestinal transit and is a great remedy for constipation.
Dietary fiber reduces the absorption of fat and cholesterol and prevents the formation of cancer. The whole wheat flour is preferred because it is rich in vitamin E and B vitamins and contains key essential fatty acids to our health. Whole foods have a glycemic index and a generally lower calorie content.
But it is not just fiber, because the whole grain flours make the body even carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that promote good metabolism, are able to protect the cardiovascular system, including reducing the risk of stroke , will lessen the risk of incurring in diabetes and overweight and are capable of defending the body against inflammation. Whole grains contain numerous compounds and micronutrients, which reduce the risk of body inflammations and diseases that may arise, including its cardiovascular and those intestinal diseases.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
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