Vitamin B2: what is it? What are the benefits, the effects of the shortage and in which foods is? This vitamin of the B group, also called riboflavin, is inserted between the water-soluble vitamins, which can not be accumulated in the body, but must be taken on a regular basis through the daily nutrition. It proves crucial for many functions of metabolism, especially for those which relate to the tissues. Our daily requirement is calculated based on the energy intake. Particularly worth ratio of 0.6 mg of vitamin B2 per 1000 k cal.
What is
Vitamin B2 is involved in all the processes that affect the cell energy metabolism. The body uses it for skin functioning, nails and to have healthy hair. It intervenes in the vision control and guarantees its protection. In many cases, in fact, it plays a decisive role in the prevention and treatment of cataracts. It helps our body absorb properly and faster as iron and vitamin B6. The body uses it for the production of red blood cells, the antibodies, for cell respiration and for the growth processes.
The fundamental role of vitamin B2 is to help the body's cells to create energy through the process of metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For this riboflavin intervenes in a fundamental way to ensure the growth of the individual, tissue development and cell repair, also accelerating the healing of wounds. Riboflavin can work synergistically with the iron and reveals an excellent nutrient for the production of red blood cells in the blood, which are used by the body to transport oxygen throughout the body.
Vitamin B2 is involved in strengthening the immune system, enhancing antibodies, which primarily protect against infection. In addition to protecting the nervous system, it helps to maintain the skin's health and is often used to prevent and treat diseases that affect the skin, such as dermatitis, acne and eczema.
Its role is also important to maintain healthy vision and to protect the cornea.
Lack of vitamin B2 may cause in children stunted growth and a slowdown in the assimilation of nutrients in food. Typical symptoms of riboflavin deficiency are represented iron-deficiency anemia, from muscle weakness, by the rapid heartbeat problems and vision problems, including even conjunctivitis. Other problems, in case of shortage, can relate to the skin and mucous membranes, with cracks at the corners of his mouth, itching, especially on the nose, ears and scalp. Also in some subjects manifest burning eyes and excessive sensitivity to light.
An excess of vitamin B2 can have the effect of overdose the transformation of urine color in a bright yellow color. It 'a side effect that is found also in those who make use of an integrator, also in the form of tablets.
In which foods is
Vitamin B2 is present in milk and its derivatives, especially in cheese and yogurt. It also tracks down eggs, brewer's yeast, liver and beef offal, chicken, almonds and green vegetables. Our body does not store it, so that must be taken daily through food sources. In the body it is assimilated through the walls of the small intestine and then transported through the blood to the tissues.
May be sensitive to light and also prolonged cooking, with an excessive use of water, it may lead to its dispersion, especially when using foods of plant origin. We must be careful to consumption of alcohol, sugar and coffee in excessive amounts, as well as tobacco use, because this can reduce absorption.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
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